Entered about 500 Comps. and Nothing Yet

So.. I'm new to comping. Gone a little crazy and entered between 400 and 500 comps.

So who here has won stuff?

My husband thinks I'm bonkers…


  • +3

    You are not the only one My Dear Friend………:(

    • same, but hey you enter enough you might get 1 at least, thats what im trying anyway

  • did you cross your fingers and toes when you clicked submit?

  • +1

    I blame Trump.

  • +1

    I've posted 450+ competitions here and entered in many more than that and have won nothing.

  • Gotta be in it, to win it.

  • +1

    Won a trip to Las Vegas via Smooth FM thanks to OzBargain comps page. (It was a 25 words comp.)

    Also won a night in Pullman Grand Quay Sydney Harbour with Breakfast Lunch & Dinner, but that was not via OB.

  • -1


    As well as winning nothing you will now be manipulated into spending more money than you would have if you hadn't entered the competition whilst having no knowledge of the manipulation. That was the whole point of the competitions!

    • +5

      What? I've entered heaps of competitions with a few wins and not a single cent spent.

  • You're aware that competitions / giveaways are often used solely as a means of padding out a company's marketing mailing lists?

  • +4

    I haven't won anything either, but my second email address is absolutely overflowing!

  • Anything that doesn't require skill to enter eg. 25 words or less - you probably have a higher chance of finding a $100 note on the floor.

  • Thanks everyone ;)

    I guess its blind luck. Just glad I opened up all the 'second accounts'… I don't think I've ever received so many emails. I am also getting over all the bloody phone calls. Started off being so polite.. now I think I've mastered the hang up on while they speaking technique.

    Good luck everyone. x

  • +11

    THE IRONY lol

    I JUST WON… my first every competition!!!!!!!

    I just won a box of Paleo Bars!! I screamed and gave my kids a fright..hee hee..

    But I won.

    feeling hopeful and happy

  • Thanks so much.. :)


  • +4

    oh my word.. I've just woken up to another prize. A despicable me 3 prize pack and movie tickets. Its not a million bucks but my kids are currently doing the cha cha round the dining room table. lol

    Now I just need a cash one ;)

    • +1

      well done, but i think we are all hoping on a cash one

  • +1

    Congrats! It's all about perserverence and waiting for that payoff :)

  • are you a house wife ?
    if not, have you done the time value effort calculation - the two prizes that you have won do they surpass your self calculated productivity value ? could the time exerted in entering 500 comps be better utilised to have higher return on investment of self time ?

  • +1

    No, I'm a photographer, so I do it between edits. or when I'm watching tv. I guess it beats sitting on facebook or social media lol. I thought I would give it a bash and if nothing comes of it within the next month or so, then I tried.. ;)

  • I won more on the newspaper / skill type ones.

    Perhaps on the time used you might do online surveys.

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