Hey I'm looking for someone to refer me to the site to get the $18 voucher.
You should get around $10 from the referral when I make my purchase.
Mod: Use automated referral system for referrals.
Hey I'm looking for someone to refer me to the site to get the $18 voucher.
You should get around $10 from the referral when I make my purchase.
Mod: Use automated referral system for referrals.
Send me your email address and I can refer you :)
sent PM
Is the referral link the same every time you refer a friend? Just want to add these into the system but as I've never placed an order it won't let me generate the link.
Let me know if you still need a referral!
cant PM you. Can you enable it.
You should be able to now!
Still looking for a referrer
Hey! Ill send you a pm :)
Need your email to send the invite to.
Is the referral link the same for each person you email?
It is not. There's no generic referral link. There's two parts to the referral link, one is the wiggle acc number (Im guessing) and an invite ID.
You need to put in an email in, when they click it and signup, you can see the email you sent it to change from "link sent" to "awaiting first order"
Can I get a referral too? Please :-)
Your email?
For those with Wiggle accounts and referrals, please add them to the automated referral system. As the link generated appears to be different for each person emailed, we have enabled the referral as PM only. So someone will PM you and then you can exchange details within the PM.
Could someone confirm if the $18 off is on your first purchase or after your first purchase?
No its not
ok you're referred. goodluck