This was posted 7 years 8 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation AU 'Big In Japan' Store Sale


Massive PlayStation store sale on Japanese oriented games with over 300 titles discounted. Mostly RPG, JRPG and action titles, series on special include:

  • Final Fantasy
  • Resident Evil
  • Sword Art Online
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Tales Of Series
  • Dark Souls
  • Persona (first time DLC items are on sale for Persona 5)

Examples: Final Fantasy XV $69.95 $39.95, Dark Souls III $69.95 $30.95

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closed Comments

  • +1

    p5 is still cheaper via us psn ( 79 aud) on ps4. Ps3 version is cheaper here and a steal at $50 :)

    • will this price drop further in the end of this year?

      • +6

        It'll drop by $16.03 on November 19th.

        • Finally the insider speaks out

        • +1

          @allegiance86: Another insider will speak out in 18 days, 11 hours, 57 minutes and 36 seconds.

  • +14

    Yakuza 0 is $34.30 with PS+. Great price.

  • +2

    Not much of a discount on P5 unfortunately :(

    • +1

      Game just won't budge in price!

      • Didn't it only just get its western release a couple of months ago?

    • has it on special for $68 right now. Cheapest I've see it. I ordered a copy before. They are based in UK though, so usually takes 7-8 days to arrive.

      • At this point I'm just going to get digital copy. It's only 15$ more than Oz, I'll get it instantly and won't have to worry about lugging a disc around or risk scratches. I figure the pay off is worth it.

        The other games I want are a few months away; Ni no kuni 2 and Elex. Was thinking about getting DQ Heroes 2 for 40, but will skip it abd put that towards Persona 5.

        • Yeah that's fair enough. I will always prefer physical myself. I buy a lot off Oz, they're player points system is really good. With special offers you get 7.5% back. I get $5.10 back for persona 5, and I had a $10 voucher so it only cost me $53. I've been watching copies sell for $80-$90 on eBay, crazy.

          I've heard of Ni no kuni but don't know anything about it. I haven't played many jrpg's except for final fantasy 7 through 10. I'll keep an eye out for it. I've never played any persona game before either, but really looking forward to it from what I've seen and read about it.

          I just watched a video of elex, it looks really cool. Kinda a mix of many games I love. Published by thq Nordic too, I love darksiders series. I'll definitely check it out.

          I bought steins gate 0 (sounds kinda cool from what I read) and also bought the sexy brutale (also sounds interesting) and yakuza 0. You played any of those?

        • @Shaun Prawn:

          I've actually wanted to get into the Yakuza series as what I've watched seems very impressive. Reminds me of the Tekken games that included an Adventure mode - 33$ on PSN is tempting.

          I think Steins Gate is an anime, right? And aren't those games text-based story driven?

        • @Jaos:

          Yeah I couldn't resist $33 for yakuza. I've never played any of the series but most reviews for it were really good so wanted to give it a go. Yeah steins gate is anime (I've never watched it but) and it is text based. I had a read up on it and thought it sounded cool, so wanted to try it. I really gotta stop adding to my backlog though, just got way too many games I've never played. It's hard to pick what to play next cause I wanna get through some older games and get them out of the way. Can't resist a good sale.

  • +1

    OMG PS4 has Star Ocean 3!

    Sword Art Online is good too.

  • +2

    If anyone is looking for Final Fantasy XV it's $36 @ EBgames (Kings tale edition)

    • A King's Tale is free on the PS Store.

  • A bit a meh sale to me. The wife was happy though she loved JRPGs

  • I got all excited and was hoping to find Nier on the list. Pretty dissappointed tbh

  • Ff15 was 20 bux not long ago

    • +6

      I think that was a price error that they honoured

  • +3

    I was hoping for DOA Xtreme 3, but alas it wasn't listed :-(

  • FF type zero $26.95 is that worth it?

    Also DLC don't seem to be on sale for Persona 5

    Agree PS3 Persona 5 is worth $50

    • +1

      FF type zero $26.95 is that worth it?

      Cheaper for a physical copy, $19 at EB Games for a brand new copy.

      It's kinda boring though, wouldn't really recommend it.

    • Would not recommend FF type zero. Got it on release at target and never finished it coz i found it to be too boring. Thats just my opinion though

      • +2

        Can vouch on it being a shit game, won't sugarcoat it and don't mind the downvotes.

        Worst purchase I've ever made at full price, can't even refund it because I bought it from psn.

      • Thanks all

  • Thanks, picked up Okami HD for $5.95. Not sure if thats a bargain as such as i dont know how low it gets, but I am very pleased with the price.

    • +3

      That's the lowest price it's ever been. Check out you can see the history of price drops for any game, there is a little graph showing the changes in price. Pretty handy site, I use it to get notifications for discounts. Just gotta set which region and platform you want.

  • Any Vita games?

    • +1

      Lots of them!

      • +3

        Just not at E3 😂😂😂

      • Don't see any vita games on sale

  • Does anyone else have the issue with the Playstation site that you need to clear all your cookies for it to work? As I had to do that last time and its very annoying as it wipes out everything else I leave logged in.

    • Maybe turn off your VPN first..

    • Yes I have to do that all the time. Using chrome on win10. No VPN.

    • Try incognito mode

  • I think there has been better Big in Japan sales before this one? Feels a bit underwhelming in the price department but that could just be me.

  • Someone can confirm if Persona 5 DLCs really are on discount? I can't see them

    • +1

      There is only 4 that are discounted. Persona 4 costume, persona 3 costume, Orpheus set and Izanagi set.

      • Excellent thanks!

  • I was hoping for final fantasy xiv the complete edition to be on special but I guess I'd be asking for too much since it just came out.
    I bought it last week for PC, finally enjoying it after a year break, gfx card breaks down, and hoping the PS4 pro version would suffice in the meantime.
    Don't wanna half ass on the new graphics card just to buy another one again afterwards, currently waiting for evga's response in regards to my out of warranty RMA.

    Im also waiting on that new St George/Bank of Melbourne card to arrive too for that bonus 10% cashback on PSN purchases, hope it'd arrive before this expires, gotta milk every dollar.

  • Does anyone know if this is the cheapest RE7 has been? I haven't found a better price anywhere so I'm considering a buy

    • +2

      It was $54.95 on psn store in May. Cheapest I've seen it was Harvey Norman a few weeks back for $40, plus $5.95 shipping (website said no stock in any stores for pick up). Check out to check price history of sales on psn, there is a little graph showing the price change over time for each game, very handy website. Just set your region and platform. Also check out to check retail comparisons. They also have a graph for price history of games. I pretty much buy all my physical games from they are pretty much always the cheapest. Unfortunately resident evil is out of stock at the moment. It was like $50 recently.

      • Thanks man! Been dying to get this game for ages but it looks like I won't get it any cheaper than around ~$50. :/ Should probs just buy it while I have the chance.

        • No worries. Yeah I was the same, it's held its price pretty well. I hesitated on getting it from Harvey Norman cause I was kinda hoping it's price was going to finally drop everywhere else. I ended up buying off ebay for $44. I should get it tomorrow hopefully.

  • More Examples :
    Street Fighter 5 - 24.95
    Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - 47.95

  • Just went on with the mobile and bang…. resident evil for the vita…. thanks.

  • I think this is a gem for any RE fan.!/en-au/games/resident-evil-s…

    $17.95 for PS3
    Resident Evilâ„¢ 1,
    Resident Evilâ„¢ 2,
    Resident Evilâ„¢ 3,
    Resident Evilâ„¢ 4,
    Resident Evilâ„¢ 5 Gold Edition,
    Resident Evilâ„¢ 6,
    Resident Evilâ„¢ Code Veronica X,
    Resident Evilâ„¢: The Umbrella Chronicles,
    Resident Evilâ„¢: The Darkside Chronicles and
    Resident Evilâ„¢: Operation Raccoon City.

    Note: If you love gun games The umbrella and Darkside Chronicles are the HD version ported from the wii.

    Total File size 42.4GB quite decent size

    • Are RE 1,2,3 & Code all PS1 games and 4 being PS2?

      Also is 1 the directors cut or not? It does say Resident Evil 1 but then if you scroll down it says Directors Cut so not sure what version it is

      • I think so PSX upscaled since its
        RESIDENT EVIL 2, and
        Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

        and not the remastered ones, as there is usually bundled with zero.

        but it says HD 720p so i don't mind if its PSX upscale, will only know later as I need to install first on my ps3.

        Since its 42.4 GB / 10 4gb each game I would say they are fairly big for each size as the original psx is only 700mb lolz.

        Not sure how my pioneer 4k upscaler amp and 4k tv will out the resolution, but I think it should be ok as my PS4, upscaled PS2 games still look quite sharp. Just have to suffer the bad acting for RE 1 @_@.

        Bravo S.T.A.R.S
        Chris…."don't go!"
        Brad….."What is this?"
        Wesker…"stop it don't open that door"

        • Let us know if it's the Directors Cut and if they are PS1 games and why soo big files when you can

        • @Twisty:

          Confirmed PSX 1-3

          RESIDENT EVIL 2, and 761mb
          Resident Evil 3: Nemesis 361mb
          Resident Evilâ„¢ 4, 3.3gb
          Resident Evilâ„¢ 5 Gold Edition, 7.4gb
          Resident Evilâ„¢ 6, 9.8gb
          Resident Evilâ„¢ Code Veronica X, 4.6gb
          Resident Evilâ„¢: The Umbrella Chronicles, 5.3gb
          Resident Evilâ„¢: The Darkside Chronicles and 6.5gb
          Resident Evilâ„¢: Operation Raccoon City. 4.2gb

        • @luffyex2010:

          Thanking you!!!

  • Now just to wait for christmas for the RE PS4 super sale

    RE 0-7
    RE REvelations 1 & 2


  • digging it cause i wanted to get SFV Deluxe anyway and its dropped $30 or so. Gonna pick up a bunch of cheap fighters too like Guilty Gear Xrd-Revelator and MvsC:3

    • Blazblue better be in that bunch too ;)

  • Aw Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 not really discounted

  • Valkyria Chronicles remastered looks good for those never got it on ps3

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