Admittedly only 1080p in a 4K world, but seems like a market beating price for a laser projector.…
How long until there's a 50% off coupon from Banggood?
Admittedly only 1080p in a 4K world, but seems like a market beating price for a laser projector.…
How long until there's a 50% off coupon from Banggood?
But that's why we've got you as opening batsman.
Awesome price, and if it performs well may gain a foothold in the marketplace. It won't replace a television (projectors need dark rooms to render black), but the price is very appealing.
Wonder what it's like for gaming?
At the release they were showing an FPS game on a PS4, so probably quite good.
I need to know if it can be setup away form the wall, or does it need to be 50cms away for it too work? Can i mount it to ceiling?
You'd have to think you could ceiling mount it then rotate the image 180 degrees
They have some Info at Gearbest, but still waiting should be a Interesting device
I wonder if the menu is in English
Xiaomi seems to produce a lot of great products, but I am not sure why there is not even a physical shop selling their products in Australia.
Now listed on GB website $2798. Import duty applies here please note.
AU$2543.95 with Pre-Sale code XMLPP. (+ GST of course)…
Would be nice to have one but not for that price…
Lets wait and see if it falls below $2000AUD during 2018 :)
Or Hey,
if Gearbest makes a special promo sales price of $2018AUD then I'll buy one lol
Fair price given GST AND local warranty and delivery.
They're only showing the price in China. If someone decides to stock it they're going to be charging you much more.