Need Insurance Advice for My New Car

Hi everyone!

I just bought the Honda Civic Hatch Back 2017, my first brand new car purchased.

I had 2 cars before, both without insurance, even though I got into an accident, I wasn't at fault but wish I had one.

With this new car, I would like to get a probably insurance. So far the I have been advised to go with RACV (vic) since Im 23 (turn 25 in Dec 2018)

Any suggestion would be appreciated.


  • +1

    Being your first Insurance, and a brand new car, it's not going to be pretty.

    Get multiple quotes. Choose the cheapest.
    Higher excess = lower premium.
    Read the PDS.
    Hire car cover can be handy, as can windscreen cover.

    Good luck!

    • Guy at work had replaced 3 windscreens in two years. Because he made 3 claims they refused to insure him the next year. Then with the next insurance company they didn't want to because he had been refused insurance before. He sorted it out but said it was a huge pain in the ass.

  • +1

    just get the at fault party to pay for hire car. Simples.

    Not knowing where to get new insurance for your car at 23 is worrying. Simples.

    • Yep, if you are not at fault go to

  • Strongly recommend hire car cover. My daughter's 4 month old Hyundai i30 took 11 weeks to get repaired - waiting on parts, which is quite common.

    • Im sorry I didnt get the "hire car cover" part, mine and your daughter's are not rental cars right?

      I came from oversea so I dont really understand that term.

      • There is no need to pay for a hire vehicle option. Just make sure the other party is at fault so that you may hire a vehicle at their expense.

        • Thanks, I understand now. In case of accident happens, you have a car to use because of "hire car cover" option.

  • +1

    Just make sure the other party is at fault

    Easier said than done!

  • I use Coles insurance and a happy with it.

    • +1

      Do they still price beat by 10%? I was quoted over $1000 when I applied with them, but got them to price beat bingle which was $600, so got it for $550.

      • I'm not sure because I just wait for mine to expire and become a new member. I make sure I pop in a flybuys membership number for extra discount when buying insurance online. I paid $374 for annual comprehensive insurance and standard excess of $550.

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