Bose QC35 Headphones, Are They Good to Make Voice Calls?


Any info if making calls via Bose QC35 the quality of the MIC is good to converse while on the go?


  • I use them for phone calls while I'm in the airport quite a bit. The only complaint I would have is that the other person can hear quite a bit of the background noise. Otherwise, very clear.

    • have u experience where the other person has forced you to move the call from Headphones to the cell phone, due to call quality?

      • No. Quality is good

  • Can confirm, never had a complaint about quality. Used them in public/trains etc without issue

  • Thanks guys, gives me confidence to buy it today evening from apple store in Sydney CBD.

    • +1

      You can save a good amount of money by buying them on eBay instead using the current 15% off coupon code. Apple charges $499. The first listing I can see on eBay is for genuine Australian stock at $439. Using the 15% off code this brings them to $373. Other eBay sellers may be cheaper. This is the one I was looking at:

      • Thanks Mate! on the price.
        Your research will help me.

        Hey any idea tl when the 15% disc code is valid?

        • Not sure. According to this post it could end anytime, even sometime today:

          If you want them, just order them now so you get them sooner and don't miss out. Saves you 25% over the rubbish Apple price and still comes with a genuine Bose warranty.

        • I agree mate

  • +2

    They're quite good. The only complaint I have is that the noise cancellation is a double-edged sword - on the one hand, it makes it easy to hear what everyone else is saying, but I find that I tend to talk quite loud when using it. It's an odd feeling because you can't really "hear yourself" the way you usually can when you talk on the phone or using a regular non-NC headset.

    • i usually pop off one of one side just to gauge how loud im speaking

      • Yep, I usually do the same unless I'm somewhere loud.

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