Getting a Loan with Interest Compounding Monthly

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  • This is a 2unit math question I had over 10 years ago. I expect there to be n * (n+1) * (n+2) formula somewhere in there.
    Maybe if we see what you have worked out we can help?

  • Just compound it 240 times at the monthly rate.

  • Of course you have issues calculating, you didnt even tell us the loan amount!!!

    If you have a financial calculator, like a Texas BA2 or just use an online financial calculator.

    PV= -Loan Amount
    I = 9.1/12
    N (total months) = 240
    FV = 0
    Calc PMT

    Compounding simply means interest on interest.

  • Google compounding interest formula. Use the one that says A = P(1+r/n)to the power of nt. Follow instructions. This is the correct formula, however I can't explain how to use it in a post - what might also help is a working example. Google should be able to provide.

  • excel has the formulas to calculate the interest and principal payments

  • You use the PV annuity formula and you solve for "P", the repayment per period. You will need to divide 9.1% by 12 for the monthly rate "r" and the "n" will be 20 years * 12 months. Obviously the PV is whatever the loan you get is.…

    Your answer should be $7339.96 per month.

    If you use the compound formula you don't take into account the amortization of the loan which is why your number would be massive (and wrong).

  • +2

    Isn't this the stuff you learn in a bachelors degree?

    • This is a question in my MBA study, finance assignment!

      doing post grad study and asking what compound is. I did this for business maths in year 10.

      • +2

        OP will struggle through MBA. Loan calc is like basic ABC for finance and he calls it "difficult situation". He hasn't even had a sniff of the real stuff yet like equity value calc, derivatives, the stats stuff, option pricing, etc. OP be prepared to cry at some point.

  • 810,000=PV of all payments, use the formulas
    interest per month is 9.1%/12
    no. of payments is 20 * 12
    So, 810,000*(9.1%/12)/(1-(1+9.1%/12)^-240)=7339.9555 or $7339.96 per month.

  • +1

    Is this what passes for a MBA level graduate research skill in Australia now? Asking ozbargain?! (looks everywhere for laughter emoji!)

    What was the undergrad study in?

  • ANZ Calculate Repayments

    Estimate monthly payment: $7340

  • Where was OzBargain when I was at Uni?

    The hours / days / weeks / months I wasted on text books, sample papers, statistical formula handbooks and even Alta Vista….could have been saved on this forum.


  • +2

    Just put on the assignment that you didn't go through with the loan so don't need to know the repayments

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