Has Anyone Used Ecostar Double Glazing

Investigating installing double glazed windows in my unit. I have 6 largish windows plus small laundry and bathroom windows.

I strongly suspect that the cost will be prohibitive for me as I am retired on part pension and bit of super, but I could use some savings if the price was right.

Energy bills are skyrocketing with the cold weather, and as I get older, I like my central heating, though I use it sparingly.

I also suspect the current aluminium framed windows will need replacing at some point.

I have sun blinds on the exterior windows which help keep the place a bit cooler in summer, and I installed evaporative cooling last year which makes a big difference, though again, I use it sparingly.

I know heavy curtains etc, would be cheaper, but I don't want to block out light and sun during the day, but I am losing heat through the glass currently during the day. Don't want tinting, as I need and want the light.

Has anyone used Ecostar. They advertise in the RACV magazine, and use PVC windows as in the UK. Wondering if they might be cheaper than wood, etc. Some of my friends in the UK have PVC double glazed windows and they look good, and are very effective.


  • Double glazing is useless unless you keep it shut.
    And unit requires ventilation, else mould will grows.

    Does your balcony receives plenty of sun over the day?
    If so, better to stick some solar panels there with a Tesla powerwall 2 to power your central heating/cooling day & night.
    Probably still cheaper than refitting all windows & balcony doors with double glazed.

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