Saw it advertised on Facebook
Plan starts from $58.95 for unlimited NBN (12/1)
No setup fees
Month to month
Free modem
Saw it advertised on Facebook
Plan starts from $58.95 for unlimited NBN (12/1)
No setup fees
Month to month
Free modem
Whilst that's true, show me a 4G unlimited plan for $58.95.
How is 12/1 considered fibre? The slowest plan my grandparents in New Zealand are on is 100/20…
$1 cheaper than MyRepublic 100/40. Yeah, nah.
yeah ditto
Why yeah when other deal is cheaper
Reading some of the reviews online 12 Mb download is a whole lot faster than what you get with MyRepublic :)
any issues with setup or installation times with these guys??
I steer clear from it's only a bitch feast for anything and everything.
Read the Whirlpool thread instead.
It's a mixed bag. Read and make your own judgement/decision. Don't just take comments from one person.
I got connected a week after sign up (within there estimated 20 timeframe)
While a week is still very long for NBN my connection has been solid for like 7 months now.
You on FTTP? If so what tier, and do you hit "max" speeds?
@Axelstrife: oh nice! Might have to mark the switch then, I've hung out on belong 100/40 which I achieve pretty much identical results, but pay $90 per month. Had been really interested in my republic, but as I stated only read those bad reviews.
Looks like this telco is only offering 12/1 and 25/5 plans. Not ideal for those wanting higher speed plans. No setup fee and month to month contract is also good.
If you've got FTTN, then that might be the highest speed you can get..
Depends on how far away the Node is. Its still up to 100mb for a FTTN connection. It should be up to the ISP to esure you pick the right speed plan for you connection.
In my case I could get a little over 25mb but couldn't justify spending extra on a faster plan just to get the extra speed on a FTTN connection.
Fixed wireless on the other hand is capped at 25/5
12/1 don't do it. It's only about half the speed of my ADSL2 connection.
And 6x what I got on ADSL2. It comes down to what your line is like, for some people 12/1 is an improvement. I'm on FTTN now and can get 50Mb max but would have loved 12/1 before.
Don't even bother! bendigobanktelco is rubbish! I contacted them long time ago when the deal was available. i was told the nbn was not available at my premises at the time i requested the nbn service but iinet, tpg and other isp could offer me nbn service at my premises at the same time. the sales representative told me to wait for another week for their technician to finialize the nbn service in my area. after a week of waiting and communication, he told me the nbn was finally available at my premises. at the same time, i found on their webiste the free setup, free modem, no contract deal was gone. the guy said i had to follow the new fee, $74.90 per month for 25/5M speed, and $96 for modem. I was like w..t…f. I have been told and communicated with them for at lease 3 whole blood weeks, and due to their technical issue, they could not provide me the nbn at the time, finally when available, they said i had to pay more money instead of the origin deal. what is the point of me contacting them for three weeks,hopeless,forget it, just waste everyone's effort.
12/1 Mbps is slower than 4G