Hi Community,
I've got a story to tell:
I've had a skype account with credit for a very long time. A few months ago I signed up to an outlook.com email address for a trip to Asia in case gmail isn't accessible. And I linked my skype account to the outlook address thinking it would make life easier. I know, I was born yesterday.
I also had set up recovery phone number when I was in Asia as I was moving around. Now I'm back, guess what, I enter my password, it takes me to an account recovery page and wants me to give a code sent to my temporary number that I no longer have access to. I had followed the alternative recovery route by answering 300 questions twice, none succeeded.
The irony is I'm still logged in on my phone, so I could prove to anyone who wants to listen, that I am the legit user.
I had 2 chat sessions with M$ support, they only just redirect me back to the recovery pages, or I could change the settings on the computer where I set the recovery phone number at first place.
So here I am, looking for options. Given that I still have $20 in my account, I should be able to do some kind of ACCC trick as part of the consumer guarantee? Surely being able to get into my account efficiently is a guarantee any service providers have to fulfil? I wasn't gonna do anything of this sort, until the agents refused to give me contact info to their supervisor by saying they didn't want to 'further frustrate' me with their supervisors.
What do you think?
No harm trying! Good luck.