Perhaps someone can give me some advice. After several frustrating calls and online chats with Telstra support, to find out why my prepaid service was not activated, I was told that I left my activation request too late. The sim expired on 11/06/17 and I activated the service 10/06/17 at 9:45pm. Apparently the true expiry date is the time it takes Telstra to activate the service 4-24hours so theoretically I should have activated the service before midnight on 10/06/17 to avoid the problem. Is this correct?
What Is The Latest You Can Activate a Telstra Prepaid Sim?

Yes expiry date 11/06/17. This has been confirmed by Telstra but apparently it goes on the time it takes them to activate service not on when you put request in. This is a part copy of my online chat. Mayuri at 12:06, Jun 26:
I would like to inform you that you placed the order for the activation on 10/06/2017Mayuri at 12:06, Jun 26:
and for the activation time frame i s 24 hours.Mayuri at 12:07, Jun 26:
You have placed the order just before 2 hours only. That's why it is expired.richard at 12:07, Jun 26:
did I not say that. And actually the activation time stated on the website is up to four hours.
Mayuri at 12:08, Jun 26:
The activation time is 4 hours to 24 hours.Mayuri at 12:08, Jun 26:
time frame*richard at 12:09, Jun 26:
why does that make a difference the point is I activated the service before the expiry date.
richard at 12:10, Jun 26
Most prepaid sims have an expiry date on the back of the packaging. This will be extended once activated.
Advice: if you bought that sim recently, go back to the store and try get a replacement. If not, buy another $2 sim.It was not a $2 sim it was one of their $49 modems with sim included. I purchased some time ago and do not have receipt but thanks for the advice.
You could try your chance at going to a Telstra Store and asking for a replacement. They may be able to help you out.
Send me a private message. I may be able to help you out.
Have sent pm hopefully it goes through.
Apparently the true expiry date is the time it takes Telstra to activate the service
No, there's no way this would hold up in court. You can't be expected to know how long it will take to activate the service. Otherwise it would be open to abuse… they could tell you it takes a week to activate.
Telstra should be able to fix this for you pretty easily, because otherwise it's an issue for Consumer Affairs or the Ombudsman and they should do whatever it takes to avoid that.
I would give them a call, or chat again, because they are not giving you the right advice.
You'd think they'd just send you a new fricking SIM, how hard is it for these people? Outsourcing everything has left staff no discretion to actively resolve unhappy customers simply and cheaply, just robots with cut and paste answers and no resolutions.
- This is a copy of my latest conversation where I am given conflicting information. In the second block he apologises for giving incorrect information after I told him that this was not the info I previously received.
A pleasant day to you. You have reached the prepaid team.
richard: hello
Vaibhao: Please allow me few minutes to read the above conversation.
Vaibhao: If I have understood correctly you want to activate new SIM. Is that correct?
richard: yes but not immediately if you could just answer the question I raised above that would be fine thanks.
Vaibhao: Yes, you can placed a SIM activation at midnight before your SIM expiry date.
Vaibhao: Please let me check for you.
Vaibhao: I apologies for wrong information by my end Richard, you have to placed SIM activation request before 4 hours of expiry.
richard: where does it say that in the terms of service.
richard: can you please provide your name and employee number please for later reference.
Vaibhao: Sure, My name is Vaibhao, Employee number is D855329.
richard: I have taken a screenshot of the conversation but can you tell me how to save a copy of this chat please.
Vaibhao: Can I placed a SIM activation request for you?
Vaibhao: Yes, you can save our conversation by clicking "+" sign at bottom.That's not your problem, that is Telstras problem.
You put in the activation request before expiry, as per the conditions on the packet, how long it takes for them to twiddle their thumbs is out of your control.Surely a billion dollar company who has activated millions of sim cards would have come across this situation before and should realise customer service/experience is paramount. You would think they should have already taken steps to prevent this from happening again. But no, they throw it back at you. This is unacceptable.
Merged from Telstra pre paid activation vague response from Telstra complaints.
This is an update on previous issue related to a Telstra sim activation problem posted a couple of weeks ago. Copy of original post in conclusion. I have had some dialogue with the Telstra complaints minions. I was told to return the SIM card to place of purchase to which I responded by telling them that it was purchased so long ago that I am unable to remember where I purchased and no longer have receipt. The statement following is there response which I received today. Can any one decipher this for me please.
" Thanks for your reply.
If that is the case, you can visit any telstra shop purchase prepaid sim card then provide receipt copy and we will waive it off."
Below is a copy of my original ozbargain post explaining what my original problem is.
" Perhaps someone can give me some advice. After several frustrating calls and online chats with Telstra support, to find out why my prepaid service was not activated, I was told that I left my activation request too late. The sim expired on 11/06/17 and I activated the service 10/06/17 at 9:45pm. Apparently the true expiry date is the time it takes Telstra to activate the service 4-24hours so theoretically I should have activated the service before midnight on 10/06/17 to avoid the problem. Is this correct?".
Translation: we won't replace the SIM unless you can prove you bought it. Seems reasonable to me.
Not sure how you got that translation but guess its as good as any.
Another offtopic nonsensical post by the one and only Diji1
Seriously, did you even read the thread before commenting?
Translation: Go into Telstra shop. Buy a new SIM. Show new receipt. We will then write it off somehow.
I really think your best bet is to talk to someone in person. You'll get much further than dealing with chats and overseas "help". Chats take forever and generally achieve nothing. And plebs on the phone usually have no power to exercise discretion or authorise anything that might cost.
This is actually a response from the Telstra complaints team not via. the online chat portal. There may be some benefit in making a call but I do like having the benefit of an email trail should I choose to take it further. The email and chat responses fromTelstra are also good for a laugh and highlight what a circus their customer support can be.
The only information I could find after a short Google session is that activated sims will expire six (6) months after your credit expiry date. I can't find information about expiry dates pre-activation.
Out of interest, how long did you have this SIM card? Is the expiry date noted on the starter pack?