Does anyone know how to put a password on external portable hard drive in case I ever lose it?
Does anyone know how to put a password on external portable hard drive in case I ever lose it?
write the password on the drive
Download Veracrypt (free open source program).
Use the wizard to make an encrypted "container" file on the USB stick and copy Veracrypt onto the USB stick outside the container. You can use "hidden" option if you wish, this means you use an easy to remember password like 123456 then you use a real, secure password meaning you can hand out the easy password if anyone wants it like law enforcement and they cannot say you refused to give password.
When you want to use the USB stick insert, run Veracrypt and mount the container. You will need administrator rights to mount container (you see UAC dialog box etc).
Why would law enforcement be asking you for passwords? What sorta shit do you put on your external drives o.O
lol sorry guys Im not good at all this IT stuff. Is it possible to put password on without encrypting?
No. What would be the point? And how would it ask for a password?
What problem do you have with encrypting it?
No need for a password, just put your porn in a folder that the Mrs will never look in like "Soccer Videos".
I keep the really good stuff under "Arsenal"….. ;-)
Encrypt your files inside files. She'll just see pictures of butterflies and won't know any better.
you're not even trying.