Who to get to do it? - electrician or cabinet-maker?
New Installation of Replacement Range Hood

Last edited 25/06/2017 - 10:28
Have done it myself twice. Basically just a bunch of screws and the connection to the exhaust tubing. As per above, mine just plugs into the mains.
if its the overhead cabinet type then usually a GPO in the cabinet above it DIYable. Some people get stuck if there is no hole big enough to get the plug through, you'll either need to cut a hole or cut the wires and rejoin with a replacement plug from bunnings.
if its a canopy type sometimes these are hardwired depending on the electrician who installed it.
Depends on what you have in place at the moment. If it is replacing an existing unit then you could probably do it yourself. You would only need an electrician if there isnt a power point that you can plug the fan into.
Depending on your situation, a handyman could do it for you if elec wasn't an issue. I installed mine and it was a huge pain in the ass to install.
From Memory it was a service tech would come out to do it for me when our apartment one died
usually there is a 240v GPO somewhere for it to directly plug into
So if thats the case you could install it yourself as its usually just a standard 240v 3 pin plug on the end