Makes me think actual numbers sold shown are gimmicky.If the seller has not made a blatant mistake this is a damn ripoff!…
Makes me think actual numbers sold shown are gimmicky.If the seller has not made a blatant mistake this is a damn ripoff!
Are They for Real - Is This where 7 People Actually Paid AU $2,034.00
sorry, but can you read? all seven was sold for under $30 ea.…
Well you learn everyday.!
In the olden days eBay didn't have the 'out of stock' option, so the problem was your listing would be cancelled, and the new listing (when you got more stock) wouldn't show up in searches plus not look as good - "0 sold" etc.
So the "set it to an absurdly high price to keep the listing active while ensuring no-one tries to buy one" strategy was invented, and that's what you are seeing here.
They probably sold the only 7 they had, then changed the price rather than edit to out of stock.