This was posted 7 years 9 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

$5 off McDonald's mymacca's Reward App ($10 Minimum Spend)


There was a coupon on my maccas mobile ordering app with a "$5 my maccas reward" good until 29/6. On mobile, will post screenshot if required later

*From comments it appears that the offer is available for most, but some users aren't receiving it. Marked as targeted. Re-check the app as the offer may appear in the future.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I scored this too.

    Minimum $10 spend on mine though, expires 29th June.

    Regardless, good find OP, cheers.

    • i shall add the min spend to the post. thanks! seems like someone already fixed the title. ty

  • I got one as well. Cheers OP.

  • yep, one on mine too… 5 hamburgers coming right up!

  • +3

    Offer entitles user to $5 off with a minimum spend of $10. Parent/carer must be present for child under 14 to redeem. Available at participating restaurants only. Redeem the offer when ordering in the app. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer must be used in a single transaction. Not redeembable via McDelivery®. Offer may be revoked for any reason in McDonald's ultimate discretion.

  • yes i have it too! min spend is $10 so still a decent deal! thanks for letting me know!!

  • I have one too :) minimum spend $10

  • confirmed

  • +2

    buy 2x golden meal, im meeting my bulk up goal!

    • +1

      Is Golden Meal still active? Couldn't find it earlier this week

      • +3

        it's 6 piece of mcnugget
        Edit: i got them earlier this week, i have just looked in the app now, it's gone :((

        • I get emails from maccas and they mentioned specifically that the 'golden item' lasted until 22/6/17. Guess ill be waiting for the next email.

    • +1

      No more nuggets golden meal, they took it off like 3 days ago!

  • +1

    I have not got one but another family member does. May only be for people who have used the app before? I already had an account.

    • i have just used the app earlier this week, i still got the 5 voucher. =))

      • My sister has used the app to order our meals before - she got the voucher.
        I have an account with Mcdonalds as well but never used the app. - No voucher.

  • Sorry but what's with the "McD screenshot" logo thing??

  • +5

    10 Pcs Hamburgers here I come.. :)

    • +1

      Unless you are buying for multiple people, just buy a normal meal and whatever you want to take it over $10.

  • +1


  • Received that too. Not made any order on the app before.

  • +1

    Also got it! Can finally try the chicken big mac without paying almost $13 for a meal!

  • I hope the stores have more staff on tonight for the flood of ozbargainers.

  • Do they still have that chicken big mac available?

    • +1

      You can always make it yourself if they don't have it. It's just a big mac with the meat replaced with chicken patties. They will make it for you anytime, or you can modify your normal big mac through self-serve.

  • Yes!! I got this as well

  • Where about is the offer located in app?

    • +1

      I'd send you a screenshot but the app blocks screenshots, when you open the app it's on the main page down the bottom, next to the buy 5 get 1 free coffee offer.

      From comments it might only be available to those with the app already installed, if you only see the coffee offer then that's probably why.

      • I installed the app and registered, but only see the coffee offer, so perhaps it's only for existing users.

        • +1

          Yeah 95% sure that is the case at this stage. See if the offer comes through to you after some time.

        • +2

          I had the account from idk when. App was already installed, so I just signed in now but don't see the offer. Only loyal card offer is available

        • +1


          Thanks for that, looks like it might be a targeted offer. Another user below who uses the app also didn't get it. Hopefully it comes at a later date.

        • +1

          @hamza23: Dreadful app. Keeps crashing. I installed it a few days ago. It kept crashing. Just saw this deal so I tried again. Crashed again several times. Typed "McDonalds" into google play, saw it there, clicked, open - it worked.

          Logged in. No offers. (See other users screenshot below \/.)

          Those that are not seeing anything… Make sure you're logged in. Then find a way to hard-close the app, then reopen it (so it's not open in memory.) I did that and now can see the coffee offer. e.g. I closed it using another app, "360 Security" - using it's "Repair Battery Life" function. (From memory, I think you can also manually close apps by clicking your settings cog, then apps, then find the app name, and press it and turn it off there somehow. Just turning the phone off and on again might not work - often doesn't with mine - it leaves apps open from the previous session.)

          I tried hard-closing and reopening it multiple few times. Still only the coffee offer.

          BTW… There's a yellow button at the bottom when you first open the app. Click it. Select "Enable all". Then click "Save" at the top. That might have something to do with it.

        • +1

          @GregMonarch: What a dreadful app. Don't programmers check them before releasing on the public? It crashes continually. And if you don't leave the app open in memory forever, you have to remember login name and password when you want to open it again. After entering those, clicking the app's button to sign in doesn't work - you have to click the return key on your phone virtual keyboard!

      • +1

        Am able to take screenshot in IOS version.
        If the app block screenshot, use other phone to take photo of your phone :)

  • +1

    Things that make you go mmmmm, calories.

  • My app has stopped working. Sigh

    • +3

      Take it to Centrelink

      • -2

        to many annoying collingwood fans at centrelink ya know

    • Same here - your login screen broken too?

      • can't even get to the login screen
        got stuck at searching for my local store
        that's even after reinstalling it once
        gave up and deleted it

  • Do the offers just appear at the bottom of the home screen?

  • Damn, that could have come in handy yesterday, Paid $10 for a small quarter pounder meal!

    • +1

      Yeah, Paid 11.30 for a large QP last night, Lest we forget the days of a cheap unhealthy meal when we are too lazy to cook.

  • You actually have a working app? Mine doesn't display text properly and takes an eon to load, impossible to use

    • Mine was lagging too.

    • Reinstalling the app (ios) helps for a few orders, until it starts screwing up again. YMMV

  • Just installed this app to check it out. Now I can attribute OzBargain to making me poor and fat.

  • +2

    :( I've been smashing up this app, all the golden meals, $3 cheeseburger meals, $2.50 chick cheese meals…

    and no $5 voucher :(

    I guess they know I'm already loyal…. haha

  • Only one time use?

  • +2

    Such a buggy app. Took at least ten goes to get my order through and then it crashed after payment…luckily they email the order no to you.

  • Got the offer to only be confronted with a message saying the offer doesn't work at the store I go to. Great.

  • Already had the app installed and used twice for golden meals.. i didnt have the offers section on, just turned it on now and can see the coffee 5 for 1 deal but not this one.. gahh.. hopefully it comes through at some point

  • I can't seem to see menu to place order.


    Do i need app update?

  • Never ordered via the app before but I have the offer sitting there. Only problem is the menu only shows me nuggets and shakes only. Anyone else having this issue?

    • LOL. Maybe you installed the North Korean version. Try what I posted above (hard-close the app).

  • I do not have the offer, have used the app before. I wasn't registered to receive offers though… (yellow banner at the bottom).. So i have now registered for offers to hopefully not miss out next time!

  • is this one time only? not great unless can be repeated like the golden meals. just checked my app and i got it too. For reference, I've had the app on my phone (begrudgingly) since the big mac golden meal days.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, was on the home screen in the "my rewards" section at the bottom.

    To be honest, i usually ignore all that shit, so many thanks.

  • +1

    I was hoping for another golden meal to appear but looked through most if not all and nothing :(.

  • -2

    Why doesn't OzBargin's just stop allowing Macca's App deals to be posted since the App doesn't work for most people.

    • -1

      Works on iphone lols

      • You should read the other threads on App offers iOS is also buggy.

        • -1

          works for my iphone 🤗

        • -1

          @supnigs super skids:

          Good for you, seems other people are having major issues.

          Just because it works for you, doesn't mean there is an issue with the App outright.

          Maybe you should use the App more than once a month.

          Unless you live under a rock, the App is buggy.

        • +1


          When the 3 for 3 and golden meals were up i used it couple times a week. Never had an issue with the app. On ios.

        • @Rochie:

          When… There has been an update since then.

        • @Tom2222:
          Golden meal only ended few days ago..

        • +1


          It ended early, leaving people without a Golden Meal even though they said it would expire on a date.

  • it says unreleased?? the early access programme is currently full. space may open up later

    • +3

      That's the wrong app, use the links via the website:


  • you would have to pay me to use their app its so terrible!!!!!
    oh wait they are :D away we go (if it doesnt crash, lag and show all menu items.

  • +1

    I deleted the app. It was so baddd.

    • +8

      agree, app is useless, incorrect prices display, orders wont go through, menu won't load. The offer effectively cannot be redeemed

      2.1 on Google Play, overwhelmingly negative reviews

  • +5

    Sh!ttest app ever

    • +1

      I've seen far worse. But considering this is nationwide McDonalds… you'd think they'd test it on more than the 2 homeless guys sleeping in the local park before release. The button to login doesn't even work (android anyway). And sometimes when I close it, next time it requires login details entered again. So if you forget them you can't place an order. (I know you can sign up again, but not everyone uses email on their phone.)

      Forget that… trying to remember - a password to buy FOOD!? What were they thinking?

      • They should have just outsourced it like KFC did with NCR.

        Sometimes it's not worth the effort to do things in house and outsource it to people who do this type of work.

        At least they saw that with McDelivery, KFC too, basically turning car ride share services into delivery people. Don't know if people will be happy about getting in a car smelling like Macca's/KFC from their last delivery.

        I suspect there will be some backlash about the smell issues.

        You could have done this before various companies offered home delivery, I use to do it via Taxi's years ago, pay for the food, delivered and pay the Taxi driver. Sometimes even just pay the driver for both food/taxi on arrival as they knew me.

  • +1

    Just redownloaded the app.

    No offers this time and NO GOLDEN MEAL!!!

    Time for a #MCBOYCOTT!!! (TM)

  • I know I'd been supportive of the app previously, but it finally bugged out on me today. I reset my location to the one near my work place and the pricing messed up. It retained the pricing for the meal I wanted to order, but my bag was empty. Continued even after deleting the order and starting over. So gave up in the end and just ordered over the counter.

  • +3

    Showed the code in the app in drive thru. Received $5 off but code was not scanned. Could use again.

  • Saw a lot of negative review of their app so I downloaded but never used… Well it's a good move for them, so I was motivated to use it and added my credit card detail, for the sake of $5!

    P.S. going to get the despicable me happy meal!

    • -3

      Use a Visa Gift Card if your are going to use a buggy App, else say goodbye to your credit card.

      • I tried that and the app didn't like it.

        • Lots of people use Visa Gift Cards for the Maccas app, maybe you don't have the correct GIFT card.

        • @Tom2222: Have you gotten the Only1Visa to work?

        • +1


          I've used Load2Go from Austpost as well as the 7-Eleven Visa Gift cards without an issue.

  • -6

    I reckon the problem is with the users and not the app. Yeh, it's not perfect but it has never failed me.

    • Now we know who stole the app author's phone, since his is the only one it seems to work on, lol.

  • -2

    All these negative app experiences? Use it in iOS regularly, never have issues and love it..

  • +2

    Just got the $5 off by showing the app but they didn't scan anything. Win!

    … That was after the app made it all the way to 'check in' then 'failed to find my location' or said the item was out of stock (when it wasn't).

  • Not showing for me and Ive used the app plenty of times. I only just signed up for offers though

  • +2

    This app is such a piece of crap. Spent all their money on the UI and skimmed on making it function well.

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