V8 Absolute is selling $699.99 at Costco at the moment. Price valid until 02/07/2017.
Not the cheapest in history but if you absolutely need to buy it right now, it may worthwhile to consider.
V8 Absolute is selling $699.99 at Costco at the moment. Price valid until 02/07/2017.
Not the cheapest in history but if you absolutely need to buy it right now, it may worthwhile to consider.
Not bad but it was like $636 in these ebay sales we've been having.
if you absolutely need to buy it right now
Absolutely need to buy it right now, buy the V8 absolute. Absolutely.
Why would i need to upgrade my V6 animal to this? is it like 300%+ more power/battery? And what advantages would you say this has over saaaayyy… A toaster?
It sucks and blows like a pro. On the other hand, toaster…