Was going to post this saturday as i think it deserves its own post.My Favourite.
Full Catalogue Here Thanks Forumninja
Was going to post this saturday as i think it deserves its own post.My Favourite.
Full Catalogue Here Thanks Forumninja
This is far better
Mayver's have the dark roasted version, which in my opinion is AWESOME
Is the such thing as an oven roasted almond butter spread? That would be TITS!
There is always the DIY option…
Tried it with peanuts once - turned out pretty good :) Takes some time and patience, but very easy to do, just be careful not to burn your blender…
Agreed, have been making my own PB since I've ran out of my Mayver's stock and I refuse to buy any for more than half price…😝😝 for those of you lucky enough to own a Thermomix, it's actually really easy, happy to share how I do it if you want…
But yeah, agree with ya, while this PB is good, Mayver's Dark Roast is the bomb..
@Quiexo: hey mate, I'm keen to know. I go through tonnes of PB. Mum has a Thermomix..so could be winning
No worries buddy, happy to help…be wary, IMHO it is only worth your time and effort when there isn't a half-price sale on, especially with Mayver's..
1. 400g roasted unsalted peanut, makes about 1 380g jar (get it from your local dry-goods grocer, such as Kakulas Sisters in Perth, usually around $5/kg).
2. Salt to taste
1. You can skip this step if you want, but I usually like to roast the peanuts further (I like mine darker), for around 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees (roast it for longer if you want it darker). Toss it around once around the 6 minutes mark.
2. Throw the nuts into the Thermomix bowl (I do it straightaway whilst they are still hot), and blitz in a FORWARD direction at speed 4 for about 8 seconds. Scrape down, repeat process until you get the nuts to the size you want, especially if you like 'em crunchy like me.
3. Once you're happy with the size of the nuts, put it in REVERSE mode (VERY important to stop it for blitzing the nuts further, unless you want your PB smooth), and churn at speed 3 for about 45 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl, and repeat the process until you get the consistency you like. It may not look like much is happening initially, but after the third or fourth churn, you will notice that things start to change, with the oils from the peanuts slowly being extracted from it.
4. Once is looks like it's nearly there, add your salt (about half a teaspoon or so), churn it a couple more times, and VOILA, you have home made natural peanut butter! Probably the most difficult part for me from here is stopping myself from eating it straight from the bowl whilst transferring the peanut butter into the jar…:)
Good luck with it!
NB: Wifey is laughing as I'm typing this as she never thought that she would see the day that I would be sharing a Thermomix recipe..:)
@Quiexo: Awesome, thanks for that. Will get my wife onto it as our Thermi is currently a very expensive kitchen ornament lol.
How long does this store for btw? Assuming in the pantry is fine too?
No worries mate…no idea how long it will store, as I only make 1 jar at a time, and it's gone before the week is out…should really be making more per batch, now I really think about it..:)
@KLoNe Yes there is I have a jar of it and its amazing. Don't now where its from though but I can give you the name on Monday.
@KLoNe: Ceres Organics Almond Butter. Google seems to suggest it is an NZ product. It was given to me as a gift, so I've got no idea where it was bought from.
@sv123: Amazing!
As a thank you, I recommend you find a jar of 'Darryl's Fresh Roasted Peanut Butter', just found out the other day. Australian product and tastes 10/10.
@KLoNe: I have had 'Darryl's peanut butter before and it is probably the best thing ive ever tasted! I cant remember where I bought it from though? Another I've tried was chilli peanut butter and this quite nice too. The Ceres Organics Almond Butter is a NZ product but the label at the back says made with 100% Australian Almonds - just thought Id add that in. If you find a store that sells it please let me know. CHeers
@sv123: On the lookout! To find Darryl's, check out their website, they have local stockists on their page.
Mayver's & Pic's are definitely head-&-shoulders above all others! Flavours are different though. If you love the Mayver's, definitely try the Pic's. I usually alternate between the two. Some people get all Ford vs Holden or Android vs Apple about it - but why restrict yourself, enjoy them both!! :-)
The main thing is that they're different. Good to try new things.
You mean like 1/2 on each side of a slice of toast..
My go to is Mayvers too although this is my second pick it's also really good
Do they have 'pretty good' and 'about average' versions for cheaper?
No, you have to get Pic's Pretty Crappy.
Damn…I have to wait for 5 days!
Best peanut butter !!! Love it
Honest question, how is this better than Kraft PB?
Yeah, generic PB is often oily/runny and smells/tastes like window-putty, but Kraft seems pretty fine to me!
No sugar in this peanut butter. Almost 100% peanuts with a small % of salt I think. No additives and bad stuff.
Tastes great too.
What about Kraft's 100% peanuts spread?
That isn't on special ;)
I eat both….I just go for which is cheaper at the time. I find that the oils in Kraft 100% peanut spread tends to separate more…but a good mix fixes that up.
I go for the non-blended ones too, whatever is cheapest. Many more options have come out. Some brands are high-oleic (much healthier IMO). The ones with salt taste so much better. Only need salt-free if you eat loads of it.
I don't think its Australian peanuts which is why I avoided it personally.
Thanks! Do you have to keep it in the fridge?
Na just chuck it in the pantry
nope - edit - as above.
Keeping the natural ones in the fridge is sometimes a bad move as it tends to make it hard to mix the oil on top in properly & then by the time you get to the bottom of the jar the oils all gone and it is a bit too dry. I've started keeping it in the cupboard and it works a treat to keep it a good consistency for the whole jar.
It's funny we have to pay more for less essentially.
Please explain
@nocure: You pay more for less ingredients. The more natural peanut butter has 2 ingredients with no "No additives and bad stuff" yet costs more.
Edit: I guess there's no less quantity, you just get more peanut butter and less filler which I suppose would justify the increased price and I'll just shut up now.
Xenophobia is the fear and hatred of strangers
Are you sure, I thought Xenophobia was the fear and hatred of Nick Xenophon?
@Andweeb: I am under the impression that other PBs sell the peanut oil and replace it with cheaper oils that also have the benefit of acting as an emulsifier. This makes the product cheaper, in a sense.
When my baby spread me
I didn't spread so good
I didn't have the peanut taste that peanut butter should
I usually have Kraft's regular peanut butter (so I guess I'm biased towards it?), but have gone through a couple jars of Pic's and one jar of Kraft's own 100% peanuts variant (not even salted) in the last couple months or so.
I didn't dislike Pic's, but personally wouldn't go for it if the prices of each were comparable. The texture was so-so: generally a bit too thick to spread as easily as I'd like but not so much that it was genuinely troublesome. In-mouth texture was about what I expected given how it spread, and I didn't have much preference one way or the other. Taste-wise I didn't find it particularly superior. A little less oily I guess? A bit sharper or more earth-y perhaps (compare with Kraft 100% peanuts below). But I would subjectively consider it a sidegrade, not an upgrade. Both jars of Pic's demonstrated the same consistency/texture/taste for me, so I'm assuming that what I got was normal for Pic's.
Kraft's 100% peanuts (unsalted) peanut butter was interesting, because I found it had a much better consistency than Pic's and was broadly comparable to regular Kraft peanut butter for spreadability. Taste wise it was.. just Kraft peanut butter with no added oil and no added salt. Nothing else seemed different. If there was a salted version of this (Kraft doesn't seem to make one?), I'd probably be keen if it was priced the same. Alternatively I could salt it myself and then mix it all up, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of an easy-to-use spread lol.
(worth pointing out that it's hard to tell based on one jar if this consistency is normal for the product)
how is this better than Kraft PB?
So contrary to the opinion of others, I didn't find it to be "better", just different. Maybe you'll like it more, maybe you'll be like me and not really care, or maybe you'll like it less. I guess the best way to find out is to give it a shot.
Thanks for the info! TIL a lot about PB!
Kraft's regular is pretty bad for you as it has Trans fats to stop the oils from separating.
It's less than 0.1g per 100g. It'd obviously be beneficial health-wise if there was none, but at that amount there are much more important factors to worry about with regards to my health than that.
I can appreciate your concern, but (directly from the FDA site) they are not banning trans fats. They are banning adding partially hydrogenated oils to processed foods. [1][2][3]
PHOs are trans-fat dense. <0.1g per 100g, while again not ideal, is not trans-fat dense. In both Canada and the US, this could legally be listed as nil[4][5]. There even exists the possibility that Pic's actually does contain trans fat, since Australia does not necessarily require trans fats to be labeled, so long as the manufacturer avoids specific claims.[6] I'm not attempting to imply that Pic's peanut butter does or does not contain trans fats, but I can find no official claim that it contains none.
The Heart Foundation recommends keeping trans fat intake to less than 1% of total energy. The average Australian already meets this goal.[7] The World Health Organisation mirrors this 1% recommendation, stating:
the risk of developing NCDs [noncommunicable diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer] is lowered by reducing saturated fats to less than 10% of total energy intake, and trans fats to less than 1% of total energy intake, and replacing both with unsaturated fats [8]
The Nutrition Source, staffed by qualified professionals[9], alludes to low amounts of trans fat intake being of low concern when discussing trans fat and the FDA PHO ban:
As noted above, trans fats do naturally occur in dairy foods and meat from ruminant animals, but trans fats from these sources do not make up as significant a part of the American diet, so they are not as much of a public health concern.[10]
I implore you to be diligent when discussing topics like this, because small errors have the potential to cause great harm when other discussion participants do not fact check you. The best evidence we have suggests that small intakes of trans fats are bad, but other dietary factors such as sodium intake (controversial), sugar/processed carbohydrates (universally agreed upon), and even saturated fat more broadly (near-universally agreed upon) are all likely to be far more detrimental to human health than very limited quantities of trans fats, and therefore of greater concern.
@MHLoppy: Exactly, partially hyrdrogenated oils, which are trans fats. Obviously they won't be banning naturally occuring. Where is my "small error"? that is causing "great harm". The Harvard link/study is stating that naturally occuring is not of a health convern, but my issue is with the added as such in Kraft peanut butters.
In this Dutch population, higher SFA intake was not associated with higher IHD risks. The lower IHD risk observed did not depend on the substituting macronutrient but appeared to be driven mainly by the sums of butyric through capric acid, the sum of pentadecylic and margaric acid, myristic acid, and SFAs from dairy sources. source
Also on Saturated fats:
In controlled dietary intervention studies, increased saturated fat intake has a clear link with increased serum cholesterol levels (1)(2).
Meta analyses of free-living dietary change and cross-sectional observation, however, show no correlation is found between saturated fat and cholesterol (3)(4)(5). Why? Because they're flawed methods of research and even deemed 'inappropriate' by Harvard researchers (6).
The dietary intervention studies took place in metabolic wards where subjects had no choice but to eat what the researchers told them to and that alone is far more credible than simply asking someone nicely to change their diet in the name of science.
Of cause there are hundreds of other things to look out for when dealing with heath, but just because something else is bad, doesn't negate the harm which trans fats can do. I just find it stupid for someone to buy any product which has added partially hydrogenated oils when it doesn't need it… just so you dont have to stir up the peanut butter.
I feel like our discussion has run its course for now, but I appreciate you taking the time to talk. I'll keep your discussion points in mind in the future and I do hope you'll do the same with what I've brought up.
I did want to leave a copy of an email conversation I had with Pic's though: http://puu.sh/wuHaB/27cb706059.png
So if you're trying to avoid trans fat wherever possible, please bear in mind your favorite peanut butter is not actually trans fat free either, and actually contains a label-equivalent amount.
Take care!
great price so yes to bargain status - tried it once and thought it wasn't salty enough?? (which is probably a good thing…)
Might have to try it out, here's a peanut butter shootout for those who care. :)
Thanks for the link :)
Sanitarium natural all the way - 100% peanuts nothing else!
It's really good, so good I even bought it at NON 50% off price (OK it was 25% off i think)
That is a true testament to the taste, as an ozbargainer.
I am sometimes found spooning this out of the jar, which I would never do for sanitarium, kraft or coles organic
I think they use QLD peanuts so if I can eat local produce for the same price or a bit more i'm in
The best peanut butter. Pic the man behind it all is a legend!
It's not Mayver's, but it's pretty next best.
Yep, Mayvers for $4 at woolies this week. Better deal!
i bought this, from seeing a bargain on here a few months ago.
was i unlucky, or is this a very oily peanut butter, always residue at the top of the jar…
Have you ever had 100% natural PB's without additives? They almost always have a oily layer on the top…matter of fact, I've found that Pic's is the least oiliest of all these natural PB's. Either just mix it up when you use it, or better yet, store it upside down, helps it have a better consistency…
You've got to mix it up a bit with your knife before you dig in… (which is a sign of an excellent peanut butter!)
thanks for the answers.
I've had Kraft for years and absolutely love it, I don't change too often when I'm on something good.
Real peanut butter needs to have a separation of the oils. The peanut butters which don't, use emulsifiers, trans fats and palm oil to keep it from separating.
I need to stock a few jars. Once you try it, you literally can't go back.
Is this made from high-oleic/monounsaturated peanuts?
Remember to remove the labels when you're done for Pic's secret message
Thank. time to stock up again.
Still have some left from the last half price deal on this. It is really good, especially on celery. Make sure you get the crunchy and not the smooth.
Ewwww, peanut butter on celery?
Don't knock till ya try it
Try it on sliced apple!
Hell yes!
As a kid I used to make it into a boat and then eat it.
Celery as the hull, filled with peanut butter. Carrot as the mast and sultanas as the people.
If only I was cool enough to pretend to be a sea monster when I ate it.
You all make me sick.
I read a good story about this stuff a few months back. Sounds like the kind of business I'd like to support!
That's awesome, I had no idea.
What a great story. Will buy a jar this week and give it a go
How does this compare to Skippy? We bought a massive jar from Costco and we're almost done with it, so I'm keen to try a new PB!
If you're talking about normal skippy, pics is much nicer and healthier. Normal peanut butters with trans fats to stop separation of the oils are terrible for you, as your body cannot process them and are being banned by the FDA in 2018. Stick to 100% peanut, peanut butters or only peanuts and salt.
I have been eating a tablespoon KRAFT Peanut butter a day for the past 2 years and normally buy 10 tubs when it's half price. I have 1 week of peanut butter remaining so perfect time for me.
What is the nominal best before date for these since they are more organic/natural than KRAFT?
I have been eating a tablespoon KRAFT Peanut butter a day for the past 2 years
ummm… why?
Ummm… why not?
just seems like a strange habit to do every day for the last 730 days
I've done the same but with Mayvers. Exercise a lot and have a fast metabolism, a tbsp of PB in my brekky is the only way I to get by!
I like to rub a spoonful each day on my chest and call myself names, especially the crunchy one.
Because it's got the healthy fats and makes me feel semi full. I have a meal at 12:30pm (lunch) then another at 4pm. The 4pm meal contains 4 egg whites, some broccoli/green beans, an orange and tblspn peanut butter. Why do I have a meal at 4pm? Because I finish work at 5pm and get home 7pm (yes 2hr commute). The peanut butter stops me from feeling hungry up until 7pm when I have another meal (dinner).
Time to stock up, I'm gonna be making some peanut butter protein balls! 😁
Healthy fats? Kraft has hyrdrogenated oils (trans fats) which are terrible, and are banned from 2018 by the FDA.
This peanut butter is nothing special.. Well the only thing special about it is the story about how is was created.. Thats why i baught it.. And its just average .. All the other natural peanutbutters in coles and wollies are just as good or better..
Enough with the hipster hype!
I bet you've never tasted it…
Ha! No foolies. .. Im eating it reluctantly right now..
Guilt free peanut butter, cant really beat that my friend
If it's anything like guilt-free sex then it must be great.
Might try this - my go to is Mayver's