This was posted 7 years 8 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[STEAM] 3 Trading Cards Per Day (FREE)


From /r/steam

Q: What are these Summer Sale cards and how can I obtain them?

A: Sale cards are trading cards that you can only get during a Steam Sale, in this case: the Steam Summer Sale. These cards expire and can no longer be used once the Summer Sale is over.

You get one for each badge you craft during the sale. They are untradable/unmarketable for 7 days if the trading cards used to make the badge that gave you a sale card are untradable/unmarketable.

You can also obtain them from buying $10 USD worth of games and/or from completing Discovery Queues. Cards from these examples are instantly tradable.

Keep in mind that your account must be at least level 5 in order to get card drops from completing Discovery Queues and that at the store resets daily at 10:00am Pacific Time (3AM AEST).

Enjoy the free money! :)

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closed Comments

  • You get 3 per day.

    If you’re Steam Level 5 and above, you’ll get a Steam Summer Sale trading card once you view all the items in your daily Steam Discovery Queue. You can continue and go through your Discovery Queue two more times each day to get a maximum of three card drops each day. (If you reach Steam Level 5 before the end of the sale, you’ll be granted the cards you earned by exploring your Steam Discovery Queue during the sale)

    • +2

      It's odd, my steam level is 44 and I can only get 2.

      • View your discovery queue 3 times

        • +1

          Yup I've done it 5 times all up and still only 2 cards.

        • You only need to view your queue twice, for day 1 at least.

          Edit: Just read your post above. I got only 2 too. And checked the Steam page again and it does say you can get 3 cards a day. Server overload?

        • @MiniMoo: I'm not too sure as well, I do know you do get an extra sticker for viewing your friend's activities page and one more for "reviewing your profile" (haven't worked that one out yet).

        • +3

          @watty: The stickers are obtained by performing tasks listed under the sticker book. The tasks most likely change each day.

        • @watty:
          "Click the edit your preferences" - That's the quest you're talking about

    • +2

      That's odd. I'm lvl 31 and I get this message

      • Hit start another queue.

      • I had the same thing. I tried starting another queue and I got my third card.

    • Thanks updated :)

  • Anyone else get 13 cards?

    • I got 10 cards on my first queue then nothing else haha.

  • I think there's a bug. you're only meant to get 2 cards, but somehow it lets you get 3…making the remaining cards negative:

    "You've completed your queue and have unlocked 3 event trading cards!
    You can get -1 more cards today by continuing to browse your Discovery Queue."

    doesn't appear to let you get more than 3 though.

    • Bugs for sure. I got 12 cards from my first queue. 1 from the second queue. None from the 3rd.

      Bought some crappy bundle for 27c and it gave me 73 cards :D

      Edit: My sticker book is also broken. The save button doesn't work for the 2nd page.

      • That's like $7 worth of cards. That's a nice bug to have

    • Def buggy. I checked my queue again and it said I've received 3 cards with -1 more, but I've received only 2 cards. Started another queue and got my 3rd card. Still says 3 received and -1 card to get.

  • I only got 2 cards… :S

  • Viewed my queue 3 times and got 3 cards.

  • For some reason I've opened all 3 sticker packs and only have a total of 4 stickers.

    EDIT: I'm an idiot, didn't realise there was a scroll bar to view more Sticker Pages.

  • +1

    Remember that completing badges during the event will also give extra event cards. This is why I save up complete sets just for these events. Consequently I already have doubles for trade. If anyone wants to trade if you search for "Hi Jack!" you should find me, I am not sure if we have to be friends to trade but we can try at least.

  • +2
    • +1

      ^It's an autoscript so you don't have to click through the queue yourself.

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