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LG Optimus GT540 for $229 Outright Vodafone Soft Locked Unlocks for Free

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This isnt found anywhere on their website, but across all vodafone stores the LG optimus is available pink or black for $229, got mine today with a 2gb SD card already installed, go to any voda store and ask for it, cheapest handset to test android territory, good resolution and cpu but resistive screen, its soft locked to vodafone but unlocks for free over their website.

ohh and 2.1 update coming next week


EDIT: other users also confirmed over WP http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1511566 i can only confirm for voda as i asked 3 store and they denied.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      have you even used resistive screen? i have and its fine minus the pinch zoom in and out, this is entry android phone and its UNLOCKED for free, did you even read, im using it on tpg plan right now. And good luck with support from China, might as well link a 100$ ANDROID capable phone with spec anywhere near this.

        • +2

          Some of your points have some merit, but I would't agree with all of them; you're entitled to your opinion & fair comment; however, I'm not seeing a valid reason for a neg on this bargain IMHO! ;)

        • +1

          im using tpg data plan, which is on 3, everything loads as fast as i need them to be lag free due to integrated DSP, and umm yeah i think you can play music on those 150$ china androids.

          • -6

            @Balls: I'm sorry, but how would any form of signal processing make your device lag free? I've done 'Signal Processing 2' and I can assure you that the integrated DSP does nothing but cancelling of different noises.

            The $150 chinese androids are more than enough for what most users want. They're an order of magnitude cheaper, have 1 year warranty (similar to this device) and are capacitive. If you're after "that little bit more", for example a power user, you'd probably up and buy a Legend or a Desire with the snapdragon processor.

            Don't bring cognitive dissonance into this, I'm saying this is a bad deal because there are other, more competitive bargains out there.

            • @Gecko: why not submit a deal for one of these phones.
              sharing is caring no?

              also im pretty sure signal processing is more than just cancelling noises.
              there are many different types of signals not just sound.
              i'm not sure what sort of dsp's are used in phones but im guessing it needs
              one to prevent high latency with signal conversions or something?

            • +5

              @Gecko: the cpu on optimus is a very recent qualcomm ms7227 at 600mhz, including a 300mhz DSP, akin to integrated gpu and will assist in any graphical applications, including 3d, faster than the more expensive wildfire ms7225 at 528mhz, if youre familiar with the android pads with rockchip cpu which has DSP its the same concept and the reason why it can play HD video, try any earlier android phone without dsp and it WILL lag, dont bring arguments when you havent done proper research, peace out.

        • Are there any Chinese Android Phones that support anything other than GSM bands? Ie any that support 3G/ Next G. All the ones i have seen are GSM only so where are the ones that will work on Telstra NextG at 850Mhz?

  • If the unlock is free, then this is heaps better than the one from optus that they are selling at allphones outright for $279.

  • Tried this phone at the Vodafone store in townsville today and the touch was way too hit and miss to text people… and tried to go to websites like facebook and the screen wouldn't let me browse very well and the screen was too small to do anything. ended up going for one of the other phones there that looked much nicer

    • read my reply to Gecko below about voting etc Voke revoked.

      But you would already know that since you know Gecko……. which isn't a nice game to play….. Guess this over moderating game does give some interesting insights

      • -1

        Hi ozpete, only now did I see brodies post - even though I do know him in real life, I did not coerce him in any way to post this.

        Vote revoked? That's stupid.

  • +1

    well if you must have android this is probably the cheapest new phone you can get.
    i feel the negs are unwarranted. do you disagree that $229 is cheap?

  • +1

    Not liking a feature is NOT a reason to neg.

      • +2

        "OzBargain is turning into a terrible website - it’s getting spammed with subpar deals"

        Can't argue with you there. just sayin i seen far more stupid 'bargains' than this

      • Gecko - comments about the website are fine, BUT if you really have these issues why not raise them in the forums instead of hijacking a thread?????

        And then if you are really that interested in turning this "hellhole" into something else you might also want to study how this HH operates


        FROM doing a little research you might see that commenting on a post and raising issues about the product ARE VALID

        BUT voting here works differently. Its NOT a valid point for a negative!

        BUT like every other drongo here - inc those who voted for this deal, and agreed with you, not about the product, but about the site, you want the site to adapt to your way of thinking.

        Subpar deals?? Yes as we become more successful we will get more of these and we are changing things if you Bloody well read the forums!!! But it takes time - we DO consult and do discuss but funny that also takes time!!! If you look around and read you will see that there is some changes coming up based on feedback by others in the appropriate place.

        We DO delete most SPAM, again we are not here 24 hours, so some does get thru, and marginal spam/deals get benefit of doubt sometimes!!! You wont even see a trace of most of these.

        We dont make the deals. One persons deal is another's spam. But in my next prayer to the deal god, I'll make a personal appeal for more that suit you. (LOL)

        So once more….

        Make comments all you like about a product which in your case you raise some very VALID points about the limitations of this phone, which is very helpful for a potential buyer.

        NEG a deal based on the guidelines. BTW vote revoked only on this point!!!

        Most of the issues others have with you are not necessarily about the product concerns, its because you have used the voting system incorrectly.

        Comment about the site in the FORUMS - effect change in the appropriate way where others can see and comment rather than it being buried in a thread.

        AND talking about buried. All your fine product comments get buried when a deal gets a threshold of negative votes. So people then cant see what you said because they cant see the thread. Again if you read what negative votes are about you would understand this.

        As for all the OTHER dummies here, they think we mods are out to get them, because they assume when we remove a negative vote we are either pro the product, or anti them. Like the local constabulary we don't get the revenue for policing the laws… So go to the forums and effect change, but also understand what needs changing and WHY.

      • +1

        if this is the average price for the phone and is not a bargain…..pls link

        other phones that do the same thing are of no concern to the person who wants this phone

  • +1

    dont think the phone will be 170 in a few weeks, Gecko
    i got this phone and I think its pretty good for it's price, touch screen is good enough, maybe its not accurate for some of those with gigantic fingers, but for me its fine.. oh the free unlocking is bullshit i think, i cant unlock it. yes i did follow the instruction on the package ..

  • People interested in this phone may want to know that for an extra 119 you'd also get 12 months of "29 cap" on either Three or Vodafone, since you can get this phone on a 12 month subscription. Not sure if you can then unlock it, though. True, touchscreen is not the best. But it's manageable.

    • There are a huge number of reasons why buying a phone on a "cap" is not everyone's cup of earl grey; not the least being that a lot of folks are just looking for a replacement phone for an existing contract! Hence the free unlock here is a boon! ;)

  • I would rather go on a plan and receive more value with this phone….

  • i got this phone on a plan and it's good, not perfect(what is??) 240x480 screen with 3d chip, wifi, gps, bluetooth 2.1, gsensor, good battery life etc, and before you bag the screen maybe you should TRY it first? too many people think "resistive screen, must be no good", it comes with a plastic screen cover, remove that and it might improve even more, but texting is fast for me, and come end of this month, this will probably be the cheapest android2.1 phone around, those other dealextreme/focalprice phones can't compare quality wise with this, and try getting customer support with HK phones!

  • Good price but I would probably prefer to pay a bit more for something else.

    Here's a decent review IMO.. the message I got was make sure you test out the screen and is happy with it before you buy:

    • -1

      Christ some people get so defensive about their phones. Someones downvoted this guy for posting a completely legit review?

      This entire website's community is ruined. Thanks for the review kelea, confirmed what I was suspicious about. The moment LG put out a capacitive cheap android phone, I will be voting positive.

      • +1

        The problem is, downvotes are anonymous now; so there's no accountability; thus an equal amount of thought used!

        The moment LG put out a capacitive cheap android phone, I will be voting positive.

        Fair point, but it may not be $229 unlocked though! ;)

        The simple fact is, ATM you can't get this phone; unlocked; this cheap, even off ebay! This is a decent deal for a walk-in B&M store with whatever subjective time & support advantages that entails. That's important to some! ;)

  • -1

    resistive screens are great! I've had a play around with this phone and its pretty good for an entry level phone especially if you want to a touchscreen phone but don't need a new contract or the extra hardware features on more expensive smartphones.

    • If you think resistive is great, I suggest you try a phone with a capacitive screen. Resistive is ok with a stylus, crap with using your fingers.

      • +1

        Resistive has a much better accuracy at tapping at the right spot with a sharper instrument (usually finger nails) than the flesh of a fat finger. The whole "Capacitance is better than resistive" argument is false since its nothing more than marketing by Apple. You only need to accidentally contact another part of your skin and it will register wrongly with a touch. Resistive will need a certain level of pressure before it registers as a proper tap than a misplaced bit of skin.

  • Translated Russian review of optimus running 2.1:


  • "Suggested competitors devices do not have such a successful mix of technology and functionality - choose LG Optimus, you get the maximum for their money" that says it all! and keep in mind the russkis pay more for this phone-9000 rubles is around AU$310!

  • The newer LG Optimus One is a much better phone so I think it's probably why they are trying to get rid this phone. Still very cheap for this one — $229 and you get access to all the apps in the Market (unlike many China-made knock offs).

  • +2

    Good find Balls..!!!
    I wish you could have found it earlier… LOL coz I signed up for a $600 contract for a new phone yesterday and this one would have suited my needs for much less. I have had an LG phone before and was very impressed.

    To those knockers that like to compare bargains posted with other items costing 3 and 4 times more please go get a life.

    For $229 with it's features with an Australian warranty from a bricks and mortar store this deal earns the "bargain" tag, no argument.

  • Not as good as the crazy johns half price prepaid deal a few weeks ago.. I got my optimus for $124 delivered!! Unlocked in an instant, now my new backup phone ;)

    • Am looking out for a cheap Android phone for developing / playing around with and this looks to be best deal so far. Any other recommendations ?

      Saw the Crazy Johns deal but didn't see any Androids on the list. Then read the posts about LG Optimus being offered as replacement…

  • Went into vodafone shop today and girl confirmed for me that they can unlock it for free in store. Hmmm tempted. Good find Balls!

  • I've got one, nice phone for this price. I had to go to a few stores as it seems like their system will see it as post-paid with the pre-paid price, at the end one "smart" guy managed to do it. I tried to unlock it but it does not work, followed their procedure. I'm using vodafone anyway but still..

  • This is an awesome phone , and you get access to the famous android market place
    overall performance is not a great as a higher end phones, but u can always use the task killer to make the phone run a bit smoother, but my only concern with this phone or even any smart phones is the battery life
    but ya apart from that , its a nice phone to use and cant wait for the android 2.1 update for it , and i am sure there would be a performance boost / battery life boots with the new kernal :D

    • Yeah I heard 2.1 is coming for this phone.

  • Went into Vodafone shop in Westfield H'ville to enquire about it. Guy scanned it, price came up as $190. Bought it on the spot. Android tinkering commencing soon…

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