This was posted 14 years 5 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

ISatori ISA-Test - Maximum Strength Testosterone Stimulator - $29.95 + $9.95 ($39.90 delivered)


This is a strange one for me to be posting seeing as how I never take supplements (heck, I don't even work out), but I've been told about this deal and yes, it does seem to be the world's cheapest price.
Anyone that may find this useful might one to check it out. Unfortunately I can't say too much about it. Can anyone help out? :)

Sidenote - Checked out the Facebook for this place. They seem to post deals there on occasion, so that also might be worth looking at.

Enjoy! (I guess…)

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closed Comments

  • Isn't this like viagra? Makes your horny and pissed off

    • No.

    • ROFLLMAO!!!!!

      U sir just made my day lol!

  • +2

    Note that the website says that the product is short dated - Oct 2010

    • good spot

    • +1

      i take it that means expiry date? mm i wonder if thats best before or use by .. lol

  • -1

    taking a testerone stimulator is a terrible idea. If this is actually real, using a product like this long term would cause negative inhibitory feedback effects to the Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis…

    • apparently because its a stimulator and not an actual hormone, the 'rebound' effect is negligible - though, as with all things, sounds fine in theory, but there's no way to tell how your body will react to something artificial - I know of people who put far worse substances into their body :P

  • might be ok to reduce those unsightly man boobs…..

  • so it makes your body produce more testosterone? well, if that's the case, just have more sex, sex increases your hormone levels!
    ps there's at least one negative side effect they don't tell you, that is, more testosterone=more DHT hormone=bald head! so you're gonna be ripped, violent, horny as hell but also bald, which the ladies won't like-catch 22!

    • Vin Diesel? Just make sure you work out… women love bald muscular guys, especially ones with tattooes. I'm the total opposite of that. :(

      • Chewy? is that you?


        • hahahahha

  • Pfft, like most "supplements", all this will do is help your wallet shed those unsightly extra pounds! Oh, I forgot to mention the brightly coloured urine & questionable placebo effect! :p

    Eat right + exercise smart + good sleep = all you need to do! :)

    • Way to be uninformed man! Some of us have naturally low testosterone levels and need fortnightly injections just to get to "normal" levels. "Eat right + exercise smart + good sleep" just won't cut it.

      • "fortnightly injections of testosterone"- is that what they call man-love in NZ?

      • Fortnightly injections of what? Actual hormone replacement therapy (testosterone) I presume; which is a far cry from a supplement! :/

        Use your head mate, of course for some people that have a genuine pathology nothing but some sort of pharmacalogical intervention is gonna work, but that's NOT the majority of the population!

        Products like this are aimed at chumps who wanna "get big & ripped", who want a shortcut, but thankfully are just smart or cheap enough to steer clear of anabolic steroids!

        Let me reiterate…we are talking about a SUPPLEMENT; NOT A PHARMACEUTICAL; these things can ONLY EVER OFFER NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT! You might wanna read the packaging, it will tell you precisely that!!!

        As I have said; and it is backed by science; there is NOTHING that a SUPPLEMENT can provide that cannot be achieved through proper diet, nutrition, exercise & rest! FACT!!!

        • Lol. So you think I thought that this was a PHARMACEUTICAL drug? If you ever need regular injections of Sustanon, you too may wish that there was a more natural way to boost testosterone levels. Why do you assume that only people wanting to increase muscle and strength would be interested in this?

          "As I have said; and it is backed by science; there is NOTHING that a SUPPLEMENT can provide that cannot be achieved through proper diet, nutrition, exercise & rest! FACT!!!"

          And want if you cannot do some of the above? Again, you assume that only heathly people are interested in this supplement.

          Also, I would love to know what your qualifications are ScrewBalls. You seem to not know a lot for someone who thinks they know a lot.


          • @kiwipride: Well, post me a link to a single reputable scientific study that confirms this type of product will increase testosterone levels in clinical trials of any population; with either normal or impaired endocrine function; if you're so sure of it! ;)

            Getting nasty doesn't help your case, it just makes you look petty and foolish! :p

            • @StewBalls: Nasty? What?

              • @kiwipride: Also, I would love to know what your qualifications are ScrewBalls. You seem to not know a lot for someone who thinks they know a lot.

                What, so you call that a heartfelt commendation, do you???

                All I've given you is commonsense, health science that is easily verifiable with a few seconds on google if you don't know how to reference scientific journal articles or studies! All you've done is tell me what I don't know, citing only the most asinine arguments that frankly I wouldn't even bother addressing! I'm not in the habit of disclosing my academic quals or relevant work experience to anonymous people in public forums; are you?

                What I will say, however, is that I frequently work with profoundly disabled; sometimes palliative, populations! Some of these folks or desperate family members are occasionally duped by snake oil merchants selling all kinds of alternative medicine that NEVER works! I walked out of a quite well paid marketing job on the spot once because the company decided to shift focus to flogging what they & I knew was a false hope for cancer patients!

                I've also spent enough time as a PT to have seen pretty much every fad concoction come & go; regardless of how much pseudo-science the hawkers throw at you, it's nonsense…if the stuff really worked it'd be on the therapeutic goods list, end of story! Honestly, if this worked you yourself would have given up the shots of Sus, & just go with this or an equivalent if it was so damn good! Right?

                HOWEVER; YES, the folks I mentioned can maintain adequate nutrition even with severe dysphagia or GORD; YES, they can get some quantifiable exercise, be it physio or hydrotherapy; and YES, they ensure they get adequate sleep when they can AND THE ENTIRE MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEALTH TEAM all agree they are better for it!!!

                Whilst I do feel some degree of empathy for your condition, when I hear you whining about a simple fortnightly shot of Sustanon, compared to what some of the poor bastards I see go through; that sickens me! HTFU mate!

      • Insufficient sleep is proven to be the most prevalent cause of loss of male potency.
        remember, every hour before 12 is worth two

        • Male potency is not the only side effect of low Testosterone levels dude. Think outside of your donger for a bit.

        • Yep, there's actually a strong correlation between sleep deprivation & quite a few somatic & functional disorders! ;)

  • Sold Out! Damn.

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