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Fairfax media has kindly set out how to get to the airport in Sydney for $3.38.
Make the most of it while it lasts.
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Fairfax media has kindly set out how to get to the airport in Sydney for $3.38.
Make the most of it while it lasts.
BTW, my post is in part to encourage Transport NSW to get their act together and deal with this loophole, esp given the cost of creating OPAL cards.
Sorry - the taxpayer in me is in direct conflict with the OB in me.
Late to the party, but I used to work on the Opal team. I didn't see the numbers, but was told the amount lost on this 'loophole' in history was considered less than a rounding error on the monthly revenue to the department, and the cost of installing TOTMs (the ticket machines) inside the airport gates can be large, plus maintenance and all that. When the article came out everyone in TfNSW was very much 'yeah we knew that, that's the most common loophole, there are quite a few more than that', but felt there were bigger things to address (eg Opals on private ferries, now a thing). But then the Transport Minister and the media got onto it ;) Anyway, still works, used it yesterday :D
Point is - as a taxpayer don't worry too much!
Ha! Just noticed this.
Tried to do a shed-load of transfers on buses a few weeks ago (within an hour of tap-off) and turns out there's some kind of 4-hour limit. Still don't understand why. I was going really well too…
im supporting lower fees of transportation - always.
yes im aware about paying tax.
they are public service - dont complain of not making profit. if you want profit then sell mobile phones like banggood!
better put tax $ for this kind of public services than baby bonuses or medicare benefits etc.
To be fair the Airport Line is privately owned - the extra $15 you're paying is going directly to those station operators rather than the rest of the public transport system.
I've taken advantage of the 'get off at Mascot' hack, but this is much more convenient!
Not true - 85% of the sales revenue goes to the NSW government.
Nice to know. Thanks.
Airport trains are the biggest rip off.
Was cheaper for us to catch a taxi in Sydney than getting the train from the airport which is saying something haha
This can certainly be true depending on how many people you have, but note that depending on where you are and when it is the train can be much faster, given Sydney traffic, which is cheaper if you might miss a plane.
just saw this, thanks smh! will be travelling to airport soon :)
SMH, giving you 2014's news today.
Yep, and there's a recent post where this was discussed - not sure where that is now - but it's the first time i've seen it in the mainstream press so thought i'd share…
While the article says that the government has ignored the Audit Office on this for at least two years, I wonder if they'll change their minds once they get Ozbargained hard?
It's $2.36 if you travel in off-peak; $3.38 is the peak rate
For anyone too lazy to click on the article:
$3.38 is during peak i.e. 7-9 a.m. and 4-6:30 p.m.
The news article ruined it for everyone. Now they will work to plug the hole.
Yes! I was happily doing this for years… :(
Is this only to the airport? I assume you need the full amount on your card to enter from the airport
Correct; I bring my registered Opal card for the trip home from the airport
We walk to Mascot and take the train from there haha.
Why don't you take a 400 bus for Bondi junction to mascot?
yea only 10c more lol.
Because regardless of where you are, it's usually faster to take the train to Mascot, then either walk or take the 400 bus to the airport.
@tajid: Oh yeah. Sorry - but i did once read a SMH article that recommended getting a bus to Bondi Junction, then getting the 400 bus to the airport. Given the 400 passes near Mascot that was crazy advice.
Can it be done in the other direction, going from the Domestic Airport to the CBD?
Apparently not. That's why we were discussing the option of taking the 400 bus from the airport to mascot.
So they've closed this loophole in Qld by charging $10 for a card ($5 for concession) so that you are always owed this money and can use your card even if you tap on with a small-ve balance. Previously before they closed the loop hole, those people travelling a long distance eg from the Gold Coast to Brisbane by train were having minimal $'s on the card and getting almost a free ride as they'd tapped off and be in the -ve and then throw away the unregistered card. They'll probably look to doing what Qld, Victoria and SA do - charging an amount for the card to recoup at least some of the $'s.
Yeah, agree. That's annoying tho. I just lost my Gocard on the Gold Coast. It had only $3 on it but because of the card value, I lost $13.
if your card was registered, then you can transfer the balance to a new card - worth registering for that reason alone…
Just wondering if this Opal card hack to Syd airport still works given recent Media publicity? Ta
I don't think so. They have an opal top up machine at gate before you exit and I saw people having to use it to exit. But I don't know if they didn't have minimum balance
Used it yesterday, still works.
Also interested to know if this hack is still working!
I'll find out on Friday…..But it was recently confirmed from another member that still works, when I aksed the question on another post
Anyone knows if this hack still works?
It still works. Have done it a couple of times now, most recently yesterday. Puts your card into the negative but you can just purchase another card for $10 with $10 credit on it. Not sure if there’s a minimum you need on it, possibly $2-3 or enough to cover a minimum fare.
Card needs to have at least $3.46 on it.
Thought so. Minimum top up is $10 so to get the real bargain always have one at the ready with around $4 for airport runs!
@Bargearse: I lie. It's actually $2.42 (I was reading the comments and saw I was clarifying it earlier)
The minimum required is $2.42 off-peak and $3.46 peak.
@Thrawn: I don't think anyone's going to load more than $10 onto an Opal card purely to go to the airport. The airport fee is still going to be $13+. You still need the minimum amount to tap on regardless of whether you have half price trips or not.
If you get checked by an inspector, is this considered fare evasion?
Maybe the government should send the $1m+ negative revenue to fairfax.
But seriously how stupid is this government, in other countries a similar card costs money for the card which u then hold onto and dont toss.
Would this hack work FROM the airport?
No because you'd need the minimum plus the station access fee in order to tap on.
Any update if this still works?
Worked on 26/12/2017, have heard it may be closed as of 2018 though
I’d be interested to know if this has worked in 2018?
@pororo did you have any luck? I’m heading to the airport on Sunday….. also has anyone ever been ticket inspected at the airport?
this hack still work?
Confirmed it worked as of Sunday 11 Feb 18. My Opal balance was $3.1 at that time and doors were wide open.
Still works as of April 2018
anyone know if this is still going?
Worked as of May 2018
confirmed today that it does!
Does anyone know If still working nowadays?
I'll let you know on Monday
Still works as of August 13 2018
I don't lol much, but i lol every time you update…
Always good to know that it still works! ;)
Are people sure this still works? I've been told they've put a top up machine inside the gates so gate won't open in negative now?
On way to international terminal right now haha
It worked last month. Try it out and let us know.
Just read comments above, card currently has like 2.50 left on it as used bus so continued fare, does it only work with 3.50 plus?
As I said, try it out and let us know. I never catch the bus to the airport so I have no idea, plus it's peak hour. Until you tell us, no one knows the answer.
Still working at the international terminal!
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update how much is your balance on opal card when you arrive at international airport?
Just confirming this still works everyone, enjoy the good deal with Sydney train :)
They've been onto us for ages!
Thanks for the info, interesting :)
Still working at the international terminal!
not really, for those who planned ahead there's always the way to reduce opal balance to minimum level before taking the train to the airport.
It will be over in the future though going by that article.
I was planning on catching the train to the airport in April; wonder if it’ll work then …
There's a newsagent in T2 arrivals that sells Opal cards (handy if you're heading for the 400 bus and don't want to head down to the station).
Might be better to start getting your Opal from there if you want to avoid this $35 minimum
Does the new change mean that the gates won't open if your card is in negative balance when you tap ?
it sounds like if you already have an Opal card & you don't need to top up or don't top up at airport, or can get one from someone in Sydney, as long as it has $3.66 credit left, you can use it one way.
No you can’t; they stopped that on January 7.
I have a card with like a $4 balance im guessing it wont work at airport now?
I sure this will close soon (if not already done).
Alternative is catch train from Central to Mascot station (use to be a gate fee, which was small, but been told it was removed), walk around 50m to Coward street bus stop and get 400 bus . around 3-5 min to domestic and from memory 10-15 to International.
Just remember to leave enough time as the bus can get stuck in traffic and also has alot of special people on it with bags that don't speak English and the bus driver has to show them how to stow them in baggage area (which can hold up bus)…
Anyone tried the Opal hack lately ?? I think it still works.
They said it was stopped as of January 7. What makes you think it still works?
Word on the street.
Feel free to try it out and let us know
"Mods - shuffle this to the forums if you like…"
now way this one should be on the top page, forever!