Converting Laptop into Desktop Work Station

Hi all,

I recently purchased a DELL XPS 13. i7, 7th gen. Love it - I think it's a great unit and it looks spectacular. The only thing is, because of its small form factor, it isn't the most comfortable laptop to use when it's on your lap.

So I want to start using it as a desktop. i.e. Buy a display, keyboard and mouse, and have the laptop connected via USB C to the new monitor.

Am I overlooking something or do I just need to buy a display, buy some sort of cable, and plug and go?



  • Laptop has hdmi port? Then get more monitor with hdmi port, and connect both with hdmi cable. Then, of course keyboard, mouse. If you want also can get speakers. That's all.
    Maybe also portable hard disk and portable blueray players.

    • Laptop has no HDMI. So in that case, one monitor and one USB C Cable?

      What type of USB C do I need?

  • Laptops weren't meant for laps in the first place. Just throw it on a table and you're all good. Unless you have two laptops, I couldn't suggest getting a monitor and keyboard and everything else just for the laptop.

    • Why not? It is much more comfortable to work with an external monitor, keyboard and mouse + comfy chair. Laptops are great for portability and working on the go/moving around the house. But when you want to really get down to business a larger, high res screen really helps with productivity. I use the laptop screen for Word documents and my monitor for web research.

      • OP has a 13 inch laptop…

        • so?? mine is 14" and use it about 50/50 as a laptop and connected to external monitor.

          I don't really see a need for a desktop computer anymore unless people are using demanding programs or are gamers. But so many people buy laptops and work off the little screen and touchpad. It just wouldn't be comfortable to me if you regularly use a computer.

        • @nubzy:
          Lol i read that as using a laptop with a larger screen. Too many peripherals to be plugging in and out all day though. I actually have a laptop thats permanently hooked up and used as a desktop with a second screen, but thats because I have a second laptop which is my portable device.

  • +1

    Dell Adapter - USB Type-C TM to HDMI/VGA/Ethernet/USB 3.0

    • Will that carry audio as well? Ah ignore me, no need audio for connecting to monitor

  • you can buy usb to vga convertors for cheap. they work fine for word and excel and browsing

  • I have a Dell USB-C dock. I am able to connect 1 x HDMI and 1 x VGA and 2 x USB 3.0. I am using Precision series laptop, I have heard it is similar to the XPS.

  • I have a similar Dell for work.
    I have the fancy dock with all the ports, video and ethernet

    Have a close look, my laptop also has mini-DP port ( that could do an external monitor without requiring the fancy dock.

  • I currently use a laptop as a desktop at home and detach it to use outside.
    I'd say you should make sure the laptop would have enough USB cable for your peripheral devices. e.g. Mouse, Keyboard, spare port open for flash drives. Try to get a bluetooth mouse/keyboard, it would free up the usb ports.

    If you are a heavy CPU/RAM resource user or if your laptop is known to high temperatures, I highly recommend using a laptop cooler.

    Also, note that if you are closing the lid of the laptop while it is on (using it as a desktop on monitor, keyboard, mouse) that it would heat up.

  • DELL has a lot of business customers, So I would say from a quick browse of their website you can just purchase a USB C docking type station. Looks like they have a similar monitor to the one Apple brought out. You'll need the HDMI adapter though.

    The other thing I'd buy is a power adapter for your desk so you can keep everything plugged in and then connect one cable when you arrive home from uni (just going by your username here).

    I'd say you should buy offical adapters rather than shit ones from eBay. USB C hasn't been around long enough (Imo) for cheap adapters that actually work to come out.

  • Get a USB C dock, they should do everything you want and more. While I am still a little mad at Grays after a transaction, you should be able to grab one not very expensive.

    2 x USB 2.0 ports, 3 x USB 3.0 ports, 1 x VGA Port, 1 x Mini DisplayPort, Speaker output (rear), Combo audio (front), Gigabit Ethernet

    They should also charge your laptop while you are plugging in (but do not quote me on that)

  • Are you actually planning on still using it as a laptop ever or are you basically bolting it to the desk, i'd be checking what pc you can build for the price you could get selling/returning the laptop if you're not

  • I have one of these:…

    With this you plug all the peripherals into the dock and just one USB between your laptop and the dock. It makes it easy to take your laptop and go when you need to, just unplug one USB cable.

    There is also a new version of this dock out now, but it's more expensive.

    If you plan on gaming on the non-laptop screen then I don't think this would be a good solution. The graphics in the dock will be too slow.

  • Laptop not meant to be used like this. Just get a used desktop.

  • You could always look at a Toshiba Dynadock.… - these are advertised at around ~$160 is some places.

    Just get a USB-C to USB-B 3.0 M/M converter cable..…

    This will allow you to hook up two monitors (1xHDMI and 1xDVI). My work laptop has a HDMI socket as well, so I can get my 3 monitors cranked when working from home.

    Just be aware that you won't be able to play any intensive 3d games on the attached screen(s).

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