This was posted 7 years 8 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

20% off Plex Lifetime Pass AUD $159.99, Normally $149.99 USD (Appox. $200 AUD) - Limited Time Offer


Plex is having it's usual 20% off Lifetime Pass sale it tends to do every 3 to 4 months.

No mention of end date and no code needed.

Last sale was at the end of Feb -

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closed Comments

  • +4

    what is the benefit over the free version? i use the free version and don't find any issues with it to the point i'd want to pay for it

    • +2

      Two I am aware of - PVR functions, offline mode on mobile devices

      • Are you able to elaborate on the PVR function with respect to Australia?

    •… —> Not sure it's worth it to be honest but those are the differences

    • Main advantages are:
      *Online access to your files. I can stream my movies when at a friend's house or overseas etc. (Obviously uses your uploads to send, & your current connection or wifi to receive).
      *No restrictions on mobile platforms' apps (eg. streaming time limits) (Note: you can also purchase apps individually for a fee per platform/account, but this makes all apps free to use.)
      *Can sync for offline use.
      *Now has DVR ability for paid members.…

      I use online access (/away from home) & offline saving all the time. Especially great for travelling!!

      • +3

        *Online access to your files. I can stream my movies when at a friend's house or overseas etc. (Obviously uses your uploads to send, & your current connection or wifi to receive).

        Can do that in the free version already.

        • Yep and mine syncs fine. And iOS app is unlimited. It cost $6.45


        • +1

          Ah, you're right. With some digging, it must've been app restrictions that stopped me when I tested it ages ago not the Pass itself.

    • +7

      To support the developers for the best software out there.

    • you also get access to trailers and bonus features,

  • What does the DVR record from?
    I mean, my personal one records the FTA channels. What does Plex's DVR actually record?

    • +3

      You would have to get one of their supported DVR devices, like a HDHomeRun Connect

  • I have this app on my phone to stream movies from my HTPC and cast it to the big screen BUT it keeps crashing! On a good day, it'll work for maybe 30-40 minutes. On a bad day, 5-10 minutes. I'll then have to log in to my HTPC, kill and restart the plex server. Anyone else having this issue?

  • +2

    I pay because it is the most useful and regularly used software I have

  • +2

    Best functions are sync to mobile devices so you can use when out of wifi coverage and also managed home groups. I can assign users to the kids so that they can track where they are up to.

    This also supports the developers which is a big thumbs up!

    • Do you know if this works if I only buy the phone app rather than the full subscription?

      Mobile Sync is something I'd like, but I don't know that I need it enough to warrant spending the money…

      • No, it has to be plex pass. The app purely opens up streaming to the device

        • Okay. Thanks. Thats a shame, as you can already stream on the device with the webpage from the phone…

        • -1


          If you have android you can get stream with the app for free with… methods.

  • Does anyone know when this deal started? I checked a few days ago and it was already available at $119 USD

    • Seems to be semi-permanent. I clicked on a link from an article late last year to buy it - the article was 2-3mths old, but promo was still valid (same price too, $A$160).

  • Maybe if they properly supported hardware decoding.

  • +1

    It's completely random but if you have a free account they may occasionally offer you a 50% discount. It's account tied though so there's no codes to share.

    Got my membership late last year after receiving such an offer.

    • +1

      Nice one, I've been hanging out for that offer for a long time… maybe one day!

  • -1

    I've had this "discount" for a long time, since last year I think.

  • +2

    i remember when it was like 75aud before they introduced the atv app.

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