This was posted 14 years 5 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS3 Games - FIFA 2010, Tekken 6, Borderlands, Final Fantasy XIII $29 with FREE POSTAGE

  • FIFA 2010: For ages 3 years and over.
  • FIFA 2010 Release Date: 1 Oct 2009
  • FINAL FANTASY XIII Release Date: 9 March 2010
  • Tekken 6 Release Date: 5 November 2009
  • Borderlands: For ages 15 years and over (Strong Violence).
  • Borderlands Release Date: 20 Oct 2009
  • Playstation 3
  • NTSC

Deal will go ahead

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closed Comments

  • hmm genuine or not? i wouldnt trust offerme after the counterfeit windows 7 debarcle!

      • thats the seller oops

        • This isn't windows 7, it's ps3 games…they have clearly stated that they are NTSC which explains why they are so cheap, paralell import :) Works perfectly fine on any PS3

        • Mikinoz,

          The thread on the Windows 7 Professional is for software sold from a different seller on OfferMe. While it's good to be cautious, there are no confirmed reports yet on the numerous software sold being fake. There are also mixed user reviews on the authenticity of the software. Until we can establish anything concrete, please avoid making any accusations. The mods are trying to work with OfferMe on this issue.

          I will also be revoking your vote as your reason for it is based on your assumptions.

  • Specification

    • FIFA 2010: For ages 3 years and over.
    • FIFA 2010 Release Date: 1 Oct 2009
    • FINAL FANTASY XIII Release Date: 9 March 2010
    • Tekken 6 Release Date: 5 November 2009
    • Borderlands: For ages 15 years and over (Strong Violence).
    • Borderlands Release Date: 20 Oct 2009
    • Playstation 3
    • NTSC

    Please note the NTSC, i thought we needed PAL to play here…

    This offer was up yesterday, I reckon it might be the reason why it hasnt been more popular…

  • Just missed out on being the first 10 to use my $30 of offerme credit =[
    Oh well, grabbed the last copy of Tekken.

  • -1

    PAL to list a bargain? we already list paralell imports such as chupa chups or mentos not to mention items from NQR. If it's for sale in Australia for Australians it's still a bargain…cmon now guys seriously

    • Agreed. But you have to consider the value of trading in to retailers which is lost.

      If you're not planning to trade in or sell the game, then I would consider it a bargain.

      • -1

        That I can understand wonga, the seller has fully disclosed that too. IMO you lose around $30 in trading it in anyway so it works out

  • Not a 'Bargain' imo, i can get all these from trusted sellers for no more than $32 delievered

    • Are these trusted sellers located overseas?

      • Of course they are for that price, but the ones on sale here are imports too

        • Offerme isn't selling it, is. It has its own reputation and feedback on offerme. What are you basing its "untrustworthiness" on mate

          • @bemybubble: …and the feedback isn't great on offerme…

            • -2

              @swimmingtoad: 1 negative in the past 6 months vs 112 positive, 8 negative over 12 months vs 244 positive. Better than some ive dealt with on ebay. Do us a favour and take your negativity somewhere else. Your are entitled to your opinion and people should respect that, but no respect if you have no foundation for it.

              • @bemybubble: Are you a rep for offerme? or

              • @bemybubble: Dont forget you've found a comparison that costs more and has a longer shipping time.

                Likewise, I dont find any foundations for your negative.

                • @wonga: If you look at the sellers last 12 months feedback, only 91% are positive, the last time this seller sold PS3 games, there were very long delays in shipping. Orders from the UK take 5 working days, not a long shipping time at all. A Saving of $2 is not a bargain imo

                  • -3

                    @swimmingtoad: Your focusing on historical information past 6 months, the more recent the more relevant. sigh I can't be bother trying to make your point useless…

  • at the end of the day it all comes down to the price (as long as all of it are unrestrictedly playable on any PS3), and I am a keeper of all my games.
    So Thanks for the deal, mate…

  • -3

    Probably fake company should be banned

    • -1

      "Probably fake company should be banned"

      Probably fake user should be banned.

    • -1

      theres an educated comment right there… :P

  • NTSC Games can not and should never be posted here as a bargin, we are in Australia that is correct AND we use PAL and PAL only, you might as well start post up all the cheap overseas online shops here as well.

    • +2

      Quite a few posts include overseas stores including zavvi and - all which I have bought from because of the information provided on OzBargain.

      If Sony had not made the PS3 region free, I would probably only have about half the games I do now. I am more than happy with purchasing NTSC games and buying from cheaper overseas stores.

      • +2

        at least zavvi is reputable and cheaper than these charletons
        Zavvi prices
        Borderlands - $26.50
        Tekken 6 $26.50
        FFXIII $29

        so no cheaper and Zavvi is better and reliable
        negative stands!

        • Plus they are PAL, less chance of having conflict with DLC, higher chance of actually being able to trade them in.

    • -1

      incase you haven't notice, alot of the negatives in this thread relate their aguements to "cheap overseas online shops"

  • +3

    Oh and offerme should be banned from this site altogether!

  • +1

    From what I can see.. the price is great. The only negative is the inability to trade it in here. But just purely price-wise, it seems very good. As for it being fake, I highly doubt it.

    I find it funny how people are saying "we should be using PAL only" when the PS3 is region-free for games. The only argument for this is trading in, but as wonga said, PS3 being region free allows you to buy from wherever the hell you want and that's that. Doesn't matter whether it's NTSC or PAL!

    • -1

      Spot on mate!

    • Yep! Exactly!

      Those complaining that ntsc game should not be posted here…just get over it. PS3 is region free…it doesn't matter!

    • i dont even think you know what you are trying to say here…

  • +1

    the ps3 is region free for games yes, but do stores let you trade them in? Will you have any issues on Psn when you want to download some download content? Caveat emptor…

  • +1

    my neg is for upmarking the prices to pal prices on the site (then marking them down ha)

  • Look, if this bargain isn't for you then leave it don't go posting in negatives because it IS still a bargain.

    Next thing you know people will start voting negatives on restaurant deals because they dont like indian food or chinese food or whatever it may be. Get a grip, your buying a game, IT WORKS!

  • +2

    how is this a bargain?, I know cheaper prices can be found and another user has shown cheaper prices can be found and from a more reputable seller, stop being pretencious and admit you posted an average at best bargain

  • My bandwidth worth (and please don't hurt me… :{), an average bargain=still a bargain. Dont try and burst his bubble, be his bubble, I cant I'm already taken and I popped my bubble a long time ago! :). P.S. "why can't we all… just get along!"

    • +1

      Well that fact that you can get it cheaper elsewhere suggests that it is not a bargain.

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