Save 20% on all fidget spinners storewide from 7.45pm. Only great quality spinners, Australian stock, fast and free shipping aus wide.
PS - This is an ozbargain only deal that you can't find anywhere else.
Save 20% on all fidget spinners storewide from 7.45pm. Only great quality spinners, Australian stock, fast and free shipping aus wide.
PS - This is an ozbargain only deal that you can't find anywhere else.
Hopefully in the future we can look back at 2017 and say "Fidget Spiners and Donald Trump - what were we thinking?"
Hopefully in the future we can look back at 2017 and say "Fidget Spiners and Donald Trump - what were we thinking?"
The puppet politicians don't run the country - the banks do. The military-industrial-complex does. So the figurehead doesn't matter. And they are selected before the Muppets have had their fraudulent 'elections'. If voting actually made a difference, you'd never be allowed to do it. It doesn't. Obama is a war criminal and drug profiteer (and drug abuser), as were all who came before him. Responsible for millions of deaths that his sponsors and he profits from. Nobody says a word. But yet it's popular to bash Trump (another load of filth in a long line of filth). Oh I can go on and on and on. The real powers you never see.
Yes, these fidget spinners…one does wonder.
Let the ignorant downvote.
was this the workings of the elite globalist george soros?
Hilarious how a man responsible of millions of deaths gets a free pass. Not only gets a free pass, but gets a Nobel Peace Prize (I think that tells you all you need to know about the credibility of the prize). And is free to fake his birth certificate and change his name from Barry Soetoro with the gullible masses believing they have a new messiah just because he is black, all the while the same establishment runs the show, and continues to, regardless of puppet figurehead president.
All the wars. No change. All the drug profiteering. No change. All the rampant resource theft while millions die. No change. And no change again with Trump. But boy oh boy he's a popular puppet to bash. Where were all the people who are bashing Trump for the past 8 years while the atrocities have gone on? And beyond that time…with Bush. Clinton…
Atrocities that will only continue with the latest filthy president Trump.
But yes, these fidget spinners.
Have you actually examined the birth certificate? No? Because if you did you'd know it was faked. Straight from the whitehouse gov website. I did.
You can also look at the thoughts of one Mia Marie Pope, who knew him in school. Coke-head extraordinaire. Compulsive liar, he was. perfect for politics. Gay man too…which he hides from the public. Some prominent deaths leave a nice trail of Barry Soetoro's real story. You may wish to look up Gay Ray…
Yes, all conspiracy nonsense, I'm sure. Zero research on your part. Not here to convince you of anything but the fact he is responsible for millions of deaths that his sponsors put him there to enact. Just another puppet politician in a long line of puppet politicians that gets a free pass for enabling the murder of millions of innocents while the USA and its allies continue their 'imperialism' unrestricted. False flags, State-Sponsored Terror…all unrestricted.
So a handful of corporations can profit in the trillions on our tax dollar…and continue to well into the future.
No, we can only buy ignorance in bulk, therefore no price breaks of tin foil. Besides, we moved on to aluminium decades ago (in more ways than one, apparently).…
I hope you are gifting me? I do prefer hand-made hats but I know you how hard it is for you to DIY after that 'accident', so I will gladly accept your gift from the CIA's favourite retailer.
My gifts to you:………
And just one springboard to start your research for our lovely (well missed) millions-mudering Nobel Peace Prize President, who we miss dearly (thank you Kissinger, for bringing him to us).
@shmahoo: I love the reviews on the tin foil hats…
2 stars: Very disappointed, came unassembled photo of sheet of aluminium foil
When i know for a fact they cost 80C each stop. just stop
Who the hell is paying ~$20 for these?
not a bargain, still cant neg posts :(
Aww poor thing
i cry each day
You would anyway…
It's ok tuzii, I'll neg it for you…
@Orpheus: because that isn't my neg vote comment. Scroll down the page and look at my main thread comment. There you will find why I neg voted the deal…
I think the market for these is spinning out of control. I think I saw them I gearbest for 49 cents? (To clarify, generic spinners, presumably not these specific spinners….)
I see what you did there.
People will come around. Another short lived fad that has no bearing on the future.
lol, who's the bargain for us or you.
Omg, these things are becoming the cancer of OzB… it's basically becoming spam. Buy cheap domain, set up store, drop ship from Aliexpress, post to OzB…
The sooner this fad is over, the better.
Note to mods: reason for neg is: cheaper elsewhere. A quick search of eBay, Ali, GB, BG and not to mention local cigarette shops and junk stalls have these things at $3.
"Oz stock"? So I don't have to send them back overseas if they're faulty? Lol.
As others have mentioned, way cheaper elsewhere. OP should be ashamed.
Not a bargain. I was at Hurstville Westfield today and saw the same or similar models to your site for half your prices. You need to offer a 50% discount to be competitive. More than that to be a bargain.
Are those fidget spinner things still going around?
Ahhh… I see what you did there… :D
My kid's one is - barely. They wear out very quickly.
please just stop posting these deals. i can walk 5 minutes down my local foodlands and get one for a far cheaper price, and i am so very sick of seeing them everwhere i go…
they work at helping with people's anxiety too (hint hint!)
Lol 1st post had shill voters yet you're still persisting?
Cmon, no one spends $10+ on these things
I hope you're ready for the neg votes…