Claiming international Flights as Tax Writeoffs

Hi There,

Just wondering if anyone has experience claiming international flights on Tax?
I'm going to europe in August and will be going into my company office in the hague for a few meetings during what would normally be a euro holiday.

Does this make the airfares at the least tax deductible?

What does the ATO require me to show as proof the trip has a business purpose as well as leisure?

All help greatly appreciated.

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Australian Taxation Office
Australian Taxation Office


  • +2

    Keep a diary of the number of work days vs the number of holiday days. Keep receipts of the living expenses. Then apportion the flight / hotel / meal costs accordingly..

    • So if you visit the company office on two days of your 10 day trip, it is not unreasonable to claim 20% of the flights as a deduction, IMO.
      Keep suitable records to show the business nature of that part of the trip (I would print out the calendar appointment page in my Exchange calendar showing meeting agenda, location, duration and attendees as what I would consider appropriate evidence, but I am not a tax accountant).
      And your usual expenses records.

      If I was attending a number of meetings over several days, and I was travelling alone, I would be more expansive in my deductions, as in such a circumstance it becomes pretty clear I was travelling primarily for business, and any incidental pleasure travel would be minimal.
      But obviously, a confected meeting for 30 mins with a fake colleague at Paris McDonalds when you are a fry chef at Burwood Maccas isn't a real business expense!

      So be realistic if you don't want to face a grilling.

  • You can't claim the international flights at all in that scenario. But you can claim ancillary expenses incurred visiting the meetings

    • Have you got a reference for this? ATO is usually pretty open about expenses they will deny.

      • I'll try to find something for you.

        But essentially, if the primary purpose of the trip is a holiday and you're throwing on a few days work, the flight isn't deductible but the extra night hotel for work would be.

        During an audit or objection process if they were querying it, they'd ask for your flight dates and proof of work days eg conference ticket. If you try to claim (in full or in part) flights of a 3 week holiday with 2 days work attached,you're outta luck.

  • I'm going to europe in August and will be going into my company office in the hague for a few meetings during what would normally be a euro holiday.

    a ten day business trip to europe sounds reasonable. two or three weeks is pushing it.

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