So, the situation is this - I need an android phone to use for internet tethering only (won't be used for making calls or texts). Is has to be a phone, not a modem, as it is being used with the Optus 3G unlimited Sim, which technically can't be used for tethering. Iphones won't work for some reason.
It will be used by multiple connections at once, and we have found that cheaper phones don't cope well with this. For example, the Huawei Y550 doesn't handle it very well, but a Nexus 4 seems to go OK.
The Nexus 4 just broke, and so I am trying to find a cheap replacement.
I don't know how to tell if a phone is good at tethering multiple connections.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am not sure what is causing the phones to break, but it might be overheating. If that is the problem it might be very difficult to find a phone that can handle the heat load. I don't know much about overheating phones, but a bigger phone might help. An alternative would be to buy old cheap phones and recycle them when they die.
If you like to play with technology I guess you could get a waterproof phone and use a tub of water as a heat sink. It is probably more of an interesting project than a reliable solution, but you never know.