Travelling to UK, France and Spain in July. Is there 1 SIM that would cover all 3 countries or best to get 3 separate sims? Arriving in UK first then France then Spain then back to UK.
Best SIM card for UK, France, Spain

All sims in all those countries work across them all at the same price. I've never heard of Geosim but I highly doubt they're any good compared to the normal networks.
There's not enormous differences between the main networks in the UK so it's not worth putting in loads of research but Three is normally one of the most competitive pay as you go providers.
EDIT: Just looked up Geosim, it looks dreadful for EU usage.
3 UK is good but for UK numbers only. If you can get away with just data usage in france and spain, for $50 you'll get 12gb for a month.
What do you mean it's only good for UK numbers? You can call and text in France and Spain for the same price as in the UK (as you can with any network).
It won't be great for calling Australia though, you'd probably need one of the "specialist" networks for that like Lebara or Lyca.
UK numbers are treated as "local" calls, everything else is international and isn't included.
You can add credit to dial other numbers but I didn't look into it.
Well it depends where you are. While the OP is in France and Spain, they can call anywhere within the EU using their inclusive minutes.
It's also much better for calling Australia than I realised, about 5 cents a minute.
I will only need to call/text UK numbers while I am over there so this seems like a good option for me
Iforgotmysocks - I arrive into heathrow, do you know if there is somewhere in the arrivals hall to get a 3 sim?
You can buy a sim next to the baggage claim when you get off the plane.
Agree with 3 UK.
Prices are here.
£25 for unlimited plan is usually what I do.
Otherwise TESCO mobile is meant to be good. Similar prices.
Awesome, thanks for the help :)
I bought mine before I left -
I didn't go to the UK, but I was only after data for 30 days and it seemed like the best option. Worked well :)
Depending on needs… and costs
Get a Vodafone Sim Only Month to Month
$50 for one month gives u unlimited calls, sms and 8GB Data
Then use it for $5 per day (dont use.. dont pay)the $5 a day gives u access to your plan
unlimited calls in the country u r in and to and from Aus
Unlimited SMS to anywhere in world
access to the data including $10 per GB overage charges
and.. and Australian number for people to call you from oz on and for banks to SMS you codes etcFrance will NOT sell prepaid sims to non residents btw… just thought i would share that also.
This seems like an expensive way to do it.
I'm there for 4 weeks so that is getting pretty pricey at $50 plus $5 a day. Plus I want to have a UK number so that my family and friends in the UK on their own uk numbers have a local number for them to call not an international numberSorry but that is a terrible deal. It's only any good if you are away for a week… Even then I'd rather a local sim with more data.
I'd recommend the 3 UK SIM with 12gb of data and 1 year expiry…
Valid for all those countries, data does not expire for 365 days. Can also use in Aus.
Can get it delivered here before your trip also.
It seems to indicate that you can't use the device as a hotspot. Has anyone used one of these and do we know if that is the case? If so then that might be a problem if your tablet doesn't have a SIM.
I just use Tether from ClockWordMod (on google play store)
Full version is about 5 bucks but works similar for iPhone?
There used to be something called MyWi
Seems they stopped supporting itThere is also something called TetherMe that seems to work but not as well.
Require Jailbreaking
I just received an email from them:
Birthday promotion: 14% off mymemory for 14 hours using code BDAY14
Good news, from 13th of June 2017 you can use your Lebara mobile in the European Union as if you were in the United Kingdom.
If you are using a pay as you go offer, outcoming and incoming communications are charged the same way they are in the UK, please see the table below and above.
If you are using a bundle, communications from a European country are deducted from your bundle as if you were in the UK. However, the use of Lebara bundles when roaming in the EU is subject to a Fair Use Policy, see section below for more details. (Lebara UK)
I'm sure other British telcos also offer free roaming.
Also forgot to add…
I have a Truphone SIM. Good for calls/SMS rather than data - great for just an emergency phone overseas:
You used to be able to buy an AU, UK or USA SIM giving you an AU, UK or USA number. They've stopped selling the AU SIM for the moment - they said something about updating the system. Anyway, you can buy a UK SIM with UK number for 19.99 GBP with 10 GBP credit. I think they'll deliver it to Australia too:
Was just about to post a topic and it suggested this was a duplicate. I wanted the same recomendations, but I'm going England, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain and Italy. Any suggestions welcome.
My research so far has GeoSim winning.