This was posted 7 years 8 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free & Unlimited Wi-Fi Data (Telstra Air Hotspots) for Everyone on Wi-Fi Day (20/6/17) from Telstra


To celebrate, we’re giving everyone access to free and unlimited data at over 4,000 Telstra Air hotspots on Tuesday 20 June – World Wi-Fi Day. All you need is a Wi-Fi enabled device, then find a participating public hotspot, like a Telstra Air pink payphone, and get connected.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    so many people will gather near pink spots? hmm remind me of old times pokemon go hype

    • +20

      Almost 12 full months ago, truly the oldest of the old times.

      • The blurst of times

    • +2

      Most of the public phone hotspots aren't much quicker than an ADSL2 connection (guess why!) - it's the Telstra stores you want to hit up. :)

    • Will they let me torrent for free?

      • +1

        Let you…. no.
        Can they stop you … no.

        Hit em hard.

    • +47

      Thanks for letting us know, I was only just wondering if you liked them or not.

    • they are still the biggest and hold licences to operate mobile networks in australia. sooooo

    • +5

      I second this!

      I have NBN and speak to Telstra Customer service more than my family per month on the phone fixing issues.
      Furthermore, they are getting rid of 1400 employees to improve service LOL.
      I wonder if they still would charge exorbitant fees as they do

      I had to remove my Telstra air due to Networking issues with online gaming.
      Another waste

      Will give them the boot when contract finishes

      Yes … please neg … negitty neggity neg ….. too many neggies here

      +1 Vote for 8200


      • If they're getting rid of their incompetent overseas based call centre workers/backend monkeys that can only be a good thing.

        • +11

          Unfortunately, it is LOCAL employees that are getting redundant. No overseas call centre workers.

          Soon, you will listening and talking longer to that Automated annoying lady .. and good luck sorting issues out!

          The only thing that works well is the billing system timing! You always get that on time, whether it is accurate or not that is another topic.

    • +2

      Haha, I loved this comment :) up vote for you ;)

  • +3

    So definitely not off the fonwifi / telstra air ssids off peoples home internet?

    • +4

      I doubt it. Only mentions the Telstra 'Pink Payphone hotspots' and a new SSID will be broadcasted called 'Telstra Free WiFi', pretty sure they did this last year and when you connect to one of the hotspots it says 'Happy World WiFi Day!'

    • +1

      From the Telstra free wifi page linked above…

      How to get online for free on Tuesday 20 June

      • If you’re already a Telstra Air customer – continue to use the Telstra Air app and access Wi-Fi for free.
      • If you’re at a Telstra Air public hotspot (pink payphone and some Telstra stores)
  • -3

    Every day is wi-fi day.
    Schools. Infested.
    Shopping centres. Infested.
    Neighbourhoods. Infested.

    • +4

      Damn, better just stay indoors to avoid the largest source of EM radiation there is: SOL.

      • Maybe you should watch the video with understanding before opening with comments about the sun. Then you'd undertstand how irrelevant your comment is.

        • +8

          You expect Ozbargainers to watch a 1hr video? They might miss an eBay sale.

          I watched 10mins and I can already poke holes in her jibberish. National 4g signals are not where near microwave frequency. The 700/850Mhz are in the old Analogue TV spectrum. This spectrum when used by TV has transmission power greatly exceeding that of mobile phone towers. When is why say in Melb the transmission towers at Mt Dandenong covered Melbourne. But mobile phone towers are every few kilometers (or every few hundred metre in the CBD). They need more towers to cover the area.

          Then there's there's the cosmic atmospheric & earth radiation which are a hell of a lot more pervasive then wifi.

          The lady is just scare moungering & chasing research dollars. She even tried to tie it to tobacco at the start. She admitted to owning two mobiles. Next thing she'll be doing ads for Swisse for some amti radiation pills.

        • +4


          when I get some time I will have a watch.

          My response was to

          Every day is wi-fi day.
          Schools. Infested.
          Shopping centres. Infested.
          Neighbourhoods. Infested.

          Is that alarmist claim reflected in the video?

          In a speach about the dangeous of wifi/mobile phones, she started talking about banning smoking on planes due to health issues. Why did she mention that if she wasn't trying to relate it in the viewer's mind?

          Did she tie any claims about the effects of wifi/mobile phones to actual proven, repeatable, large sample size studies? Or was she using the old Coleration = Causation trap?

          But note, Radio sprectrum 3Hz - 3Thz (3000Ghz), includes your voice, all the way up to experimental medical imaging stuff.

          Fact we've been exposed to man made radiation over a century and these been no proven link it causes issues at the amounts used by mobiles/wifi. Natural radiation is even more pervasive.

          Here's a short response from Stamford Uni,

        • Why we arguing this shit on a deal?

        • @supabrudda: Mate agree entirely and thank you for taking the time to bring some science to this - but just to be clear, voice is not EM waveforms, it's sonic (ie pressure waves through a medium)

        • +1

          comment once you've watched it

        • +1


          I watched 10mins and I can already poke holes in her jibberish. National 4g signals are not where near microwave frequency.

          Nowhere in the video did she claim this. Please list the exact time where she said this.

          Then there's there's the cosmic atmospheric & earth radiation which are a hell of a lot more pervasive then wifi.

          You clearly haven't watched the video in its entirety. If you did, you wouldn't make this statement.

          The lady is just scare moungering & chasing research dollars.

          And selling books. As is everyone on both sides - each have vested interests. The question is: who do you believe? You are conveniently ignoring the meat of the presentation, but I'll let you get to that in your own time. We make our own decisions. I think it's a travesty that schools and neighbourhoods (and shopping centres) are bathed in wi-fi and that people are putting their phones in their pockets. Many may not. I would never, ever, ever take my kid to a school bathed in wi-fi. And I sure aren't going to put my phone in my pocket.

        • +1


          Is that alarmist claim reflected in the video?

          Is your labelling my statement alarmist reflected in the video? Hardly alarmist: more my opinion of reality.

          In a speach about the dangeous of wifi/mobile phones, she started talking about banning smoking on planes due to health issues. Why did she mention that if she wasn't trying to relate it in the viewer's mind?

          Because she sees similarities between laws that were once OK to laws that are now OK with mobile phones. She basically answered your question in the video, so it's a mystery why you would ask this, unless you were pretending to not know.

          Did she tie any claims about the effects of wifi/mobile phones to actual proven, repeatable, large sample size studies? Or was she using the old Coleration = Causation trap?

          Have you bothered to watch the video? If you have, why ask?

          Natural radiation is even more pervasive.

          Sigh…watch the video.

    • wow, thanks for that link.

  • Even my school has better wifi

    • +17

      Is your school free to enroll in? Post the bargain!

  • +1

    Oh no it's gonna get ozbaragined.

    • +2

      Ozbargain causes Telstra crash - everyone gets free wifi another day as compensation, and so the cycle continues.

      • -1

        Woohoo ive got one up the road next to a free car park. Might have to park the car there and torrent err linux distros all day.

  • +1

    Free wi-fi - from "Things that used to be cool"

    Someone from Telstra needs to read up on public wifi in Finland.

  • Telstra back to the future, is it 2004 in Telstra HQ? That mad ass CEO Penn needs to be fired. Telstra will gradually become def uh ncr under NBN as they lose their exchanges and cables

  • +2

    Ah good timing to download a Debian Stretch DVD image. 😉

    Actually it's free from my ISP's server anyway.

  • +3

    This never worked when nobody was using it. Nevermind everyone when it was free

    • +4

      This never worked when nobody was using it.

      If nobody was using it, how do you know it never worked?

      • Hilarious.

      • +1

        Their friend, Nobody told tbem.
        Sheesh, do you need images to understand? ;)

  • +13

    I don't know many people this actually helps. You need to be within range, it has to be better than your existing internet connection, and you need to be running out of data (which no one I know has a problem with these days). It's just a gimmick along with free days for network outages, I would rather have a working network. As it is its like someone posting free air.

    • I agree. Seriously, you need to be very close to the hotpots to receive decent connection. And the speeds are terrible too.

      • It all depends on if they have fibre running to them or just ADSL. The slow ones go quite slow, but some payphone hotspots plus most of the stores have fibre and get over 100 mbit.

    • Errr. What about people who are on long life Telstra PrePaid. $30 gets you 6 months. And if you don't make calls (ie only to receive calls) these Air Hotspots are awesome. BTW all Telstra PrePaid customers get access to hotspots. I've seen about 8-12 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up (probably just ADSL type connections to the phone box infrastructure they already have in place).

      So not a gimmick, but less useful if you already have a larger data quota.

    • I love it.

      Have a tablet with a long-expiry Telstra SIM and a smallish fixed amount of data, but it lasts a long time because many places I go regularly (cafes, restaurants etc) are within range of a hotspot.

      Connects 100% automatically whenever I wander in range, so no opening an app, or looking for open networks or typing in my email, or accepting terms and conditions etc for other types of free wifi.

      Basically turns a pay-as-you go ultra light use SIM into a viable alternative to a monthly plan.

      And it works overseas.

    • I'm not sure how to get unlimited data, and I get close to running out frequently, so I'm not sure what that argument is about.

  • -1

    My local hotspot doesn't seem to work after I took a sledgehammer to it

  • -1

    no thanks

  • The one near me is actually really good. I was getting 4.5mb a second while downloading (not all the time but frequently)
    Was in the city today and getting 450kb a second. Decent speeds I thought for free

    • +1

      the one near me is good, i can get 1410Kbs from it if im in my "special spot" but most of the time i settle for 250Kbs.

  • When the day for this to be active we gonna see many, Many Ozbaragin Hobo"s leeching wifi data right next to the street phones, prob torrenting.

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