Clearly Contacts is having a five day sale. Get $5 off contact lens purchases over $99 + Free priority shipping OR 1/2 off FedEx.
Clearly Contacts is having a five day sale. Get $5 off contact lens purchases over $99 + Free priority shipping OR 1/2 off FedEx.
omg the weirdest thing ever, prices are different when using firefox compared to IE6…
I just got Clearsight 1 Day 30 pack for $19.95 with IE but in firefox its showing $24.95?
I guess the lesson is, dont use firefox to purchase through www.clearlycontacts.com.au
Thanks, i thought it was a good deal too, got 6 boxes for $120 and will be paying them when the boxes arrive.
Made few purchases through clearlycontacts and no issues whatsoeva.
very nice freebies a while back, are there going to be anymore or just discounts from here on?