This was posted 7 years 8 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big W: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Exclusive for PlayStation 4 - $49

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An absolutely insane price on Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy for PS4. Almost 50% off the RRP.

We’ve gotten word that during launch week, Big W will have the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy for an absolutely ridiculous $39. This is almost half the RRP.

The Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy will include the first three Crash Bandicoot games with all new graphics as well as some brand new features.

It’s out exclusively (at this stage) to PlayStation 4 on June 30th.

Quoted from…

Mod: The BigW Catalogue price has now increased from $39 to $49

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closed Comments

    • +5

      The link is to Big W's homepage as it's not listed on their site yet.

  • +6

    This deal is N.Sane

    • +10

      A huge amount of people have pre-ordered at JB Hi Fi as a deal was posted here about a week ago about it being $49 (which was considered cheap) on launch day.

    • +2

      Use the reminder feature

      • Fair enough, but I figured the post would be more effective if published closer to the date, obviously a lot of people don't think so 😂😂

        • It'll pop back up if it's popular enough!

  • +1

    would jb match this with the pre-order? i pre-ordered like a week ago

    • +4

      Not sure but you can always cancel your preorder and take your business to big w instead.

      • +7

        Just called and they said they would

        • Just sent an email to them. Hope to get them to state that they will price match in writing.

        • @JLHC: Just go in store at release date and when you collect your pre-order perform the price match with a BigW catalog since the BigW sale doesn't even start until release date you will be fine :)

        • @Agret: I paid with PayPal + the $3.50 delivery fee so I am not going in store. What do I do in such a situation?

        • +1

          Just got a response from JB HiFi:-

          Thanks for your email.

          No we will not be price matching with Big W on this product.

          If you would prefer to cancel your order please reply to this email so we can arrange this for you.

        • @JLHC: I just got the same response.

        • @Green Man: did you pay in full online as well?

        • @zero23: Yep, with paypal

    • BigW is now $49 too. :(

    • jb's preorders technically don't have a price on them you simply pay "the cheapest price at launch" which they hope will just be whatever price they have but they will price match with all the usual rules, if for some reason you paid the full current listing price when you preordered and its more then a price come release day they will refund you the difference, you should pay in full upfront anyway.

      • When I pre-ordered Uncharted 4 (I think it was), they lowered the price by $15 and refunded that but that wasn't the cheapest price, so what I did was returned the game to the store and bought it again price matching the lower price. Pain in the bottom but taught me not to pre-order at JB Hifi.

  • -1

    Is a rumor really a deal? Not seeing a source.

    • +5

      The catalogue has been in circulation since Monday. Not a rumour.

      • +3

        don't see it in the catalogue. Link?

  • +6

    Wipeout for $39 (Target) last week. New Tekken game at the beginning of the month. Crash Bandicoot for $39 at the end of the month. Xbox is about to launch the most powerful console ever. Now I sit (very) patiently waiting for the FFVII remake, stroking my lifeless Dreamcast, before getting back into my time machine and returning to the year 2017.

    • I was looking forward to the FFVII remake too, until I found out they were ditching the Active Time Battle system of the original..

      • I'm actually a fan of FFXV's combat system (which they're using for VII), so I'm ok with the change.

      • apart from one of the main characters getting killed off. is it a completely remake story line?

    • can I has your dreamcast? I can show it the love it deserves.

  • +17

    100% Confirmed! Source here:

    OP feel free to use photo.

    • +1

      How binding is the printed price? Online catalogue has it back at $49 like JB.

      • its not binding at all, if you get lucky with the right employee at a jb or eb they might blindly price match it if you bring them the catalogue and they haven't been told its wrong (as its seems it is)

    • Is anything really ever 100% certain though…

      • The money you spend…… Gone!

  • Cot dang, and i was going to pre order at JB. Thanks OP.

  • I just want to say nice work on the credit to press start. Always good to give it where it's due

  • I never played the original so don't have the rose tinted glasses - are the games any good? Am I right in assuming they are 3d runner platformers? (I know little about them)

    • +2

      The originals were the shit! Created by Naughty Dog (Uncharted, The Last of us) its easy to play but can be quite challenging and rage inducing if you're up for perfect runs for the gems and crystals. I played them all growing up and have fond memories. Yes its a 3D plat former.

    • The best games I will ever play

      • Decent game for what it was back in the day but I think this is all hype. No need to get it today, tomorrow or next week. The same levels will be available in a years time when it drops to $20

  • Is it better than the cameo part from UC4? I did not enjoy that at all. You run towards the screen so you don't see where you're going, and you have to avoid traps and obstacles as a rock rolls your way. You don't see these traps and pits until you've fallen into them once so it is trial and error gameplay. I know games don't always age well but this is only a graphical update, so the gameplay is still the same.

    I want to know if the gameplay is entirely running towards the screen or not, because if it is then no thanks.

    • +2

      As far as I remember, the early levels are like that but it switches up later on. It's certainly from that era where remembering what's coming up is important though.

    • +2

      No there's only a couple levels like that. And you will learn to love them

  • The 'exclusive' in the title makes it sounds more like an ad than a bargain listing just fyi

    • just means its exclusive to the PS4

      • Saying 'for ps4' has the same effect and is more concise.

    • Been gaming much?
      The big 2 love one-up'ing each other and flaunting the 'exclusive' tag. Bit of a snub to the opposition.

      • Yeah I agree, but this post wasn't written by PS/Sony, so I don't know why it's written like it is

      • And to answer your question, yes I have been playing games much, I'm a game designer.

  • +1

    Never played Crash Bandicoot before (did not have much of a console childhood) but I keep seeing this game everywhere.

    Recommended to buy?

    • +5

      Without a doubt!!

  • +1

    so going by the picture this is part of the Yearly toy sale? 2017

  • +2

    I preordered online with JB, through PayPal, so I paid the whole thing off already.

    I asked them if they could just cancel the order and shoot me a gift card code to the value so I can just come in and price match on the day (figured it might be easier for them, and save me the time of waiting for an actual refund through PayPal) and they were cool with it.

    So anyone else in my boat, that's an option.

    • i dont know specifically about the situation of using paypal to pay but i can't see it being different to any other method, anyway, this is how jb preorders (and probably all preorders) work, if for some reason you pay the full listing price at the time of preorder and the release price is lower they will refund you the money, jb's preorders dont even have a product value on them its just a pay the lowest price at release deal, not trying to say you did wrong or anything i'm just saying you dont have to get a gift card if you dont want they will just refund you the difference

  • +5

    The yearly toy sale 2017 is online now.

    • +1

      Page 99, to save people having to wade through the rest of the catalogue.

    • I see it is $49 and not $39 hmmmm……

  • Wow that's cheap. Is it 60FPS though?

  • +1

    Can't wait for this, wipeout last week aswell. Spoilt atm two of my favorite franchises!

    Really hoping this sells enough for them to do crash team racing remake

  • awesome gonna go to JB tomorrow and see if they will price match the pre-order.
    gonna make good use of the 30 dollars coupons from the PS plus screw up.

  • +4

    Online Catalogue link (OP) is showing $49 for me. Price error/Update?

    • $49 for me too?

    • There will be thousands upon thousands of these catalogues showing $39 going out all around Australia. Its Big W's biggest toy sale of 2017 and might be become a big problem for them with people saying its $39 but then told no its $49! Printed version

      • +2

        word from a colleague (who is ex-BigW management) "This sort of thing has happened before, so by the time of the sale they would've already issued an apology, put up signs in-store and briefed the staff. They won't honour it"

        • Work for BW can confirm

  • the one time the no junk mail sign might be the bad choice, im sure if its a printing error, jb and the likes will tell their people to not price match the $39 but if you get the right person with the physical catalogue in hand you could get lucky

  • Just checked big w toy catalogue they have changed price to $49

  • Seemed to good to be true but $49 is still a good price

  • I have a catalogue that says $39, that would have to match the price on there, correct?

    • Yeah I got the catalogue too in the mail today at $39.

  • +2

    Retailers often have Catalogue errors and issue in store notice on their counters to apologize. This means they won't do the catalogue price. Yes there are ACC rights for customers… but also there are rights to protect retailers, too. $39 would've been nice but it looks like we will be paying $49. Still decent..

  • +2

    Went to the store today and they have a bunch of notices to customers printed out at the front.

    Crash is $49, pricing error.

    Silver/gold PS4 controllers are also delayed.

    There was something else gaming related but I didn't care too much for it.

  • -4

    Haha suckers.. I'll just continue to play my backlog of games, and consider this at the end of the year when its under $30. So many impulse buyers on this website.

    • Crash Bandipoop

      • Boo hoo. Got loads of games to play already in my pile of shame, and I would bet $49 that most commenting here do as well ;)

  • I intended to buy one of the playstation 4 Dualshock V2 controllers the other week when on sale for $59 ea which is also the latest model.
    Be warned! Even though it is advertised online and in their toy catalogue they will hand you a regular dualshock controller which is not the latest model.
    I took it back the following day explaining that this wasn't the correct one advertised in the pictures.
    I was told that none of the stores actually stock any of the new V2 controllers. Which I found quite weird?
    I have had to jump through a few hoops dealing with head office and other store managers just in order to receive something that I have already paid for.
    Be careful! As aesthetically the two controllers look almost identical in appearance.

  • Isn't the ebgames promo cheaper?

  • +9

    Trade in 2 games at EB and its $20. Buy 2 games in store (<10 each) and its cheaper then this deal.…

    • +4

      That's what I did - I bought two games for $7 each and traded them straight back in :) $34 overall.

      • +1

        True ozbargainer, I must learn from this..

    • That's the way! You guys can still do this today (on release date).

      Just be mindful that if you plan on buying 2x cheap preowned games to trade in at the same store on the same day, they will tell you to wait 24 hours. However if you can be bothered, simply take off the stickers and go to another EB store. Look out for preowned copies of Watchdogs, Destiny, NBA 2K14 etc.

      OR, just trade in two of your worst PS4/XB1 games in your collection.

      • +1

        I went to JB and picked up FIFA 14 on XBOX1 and NBAK 14 on PS4.. $6 and $8.
        Then walked 100M to EB and traded in. Didnt even remove the pricing stickers or the cellophane.

        The clerk didn't even unpack it to check either..

        • lol too easy

        • Cheers for posting this specific advice. 'd decided to buy for 49$ today because I thought that was a great day one price. Read your comment and headed to JB Final cost for me was also total 34

          So good!

  • Did anyone get the preorder bonuses with their preorders? Or do you only get it with the digital copy?

  • Bought a PS4 just for this game, and it's sold out everywhere. God dammit :(

  • I have a headache just from completing the first level Inc time trial and all boxes.
    That said, I am sitting about 8 ft from a 65" screen and I forgot that everything is so big on the screen as it was originally made for small CRT

  • Been checking my local Big W, Target and JB HiFi every day since release, still haven't managed to find a copy.

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