After needing to purchase a breast pump for the newborn, have had a good shop around at the range of breast pumps available.
Spectra pumps are widely reviewed and are quite well-priced for their hospital-grade pump offerings - especially S2, S1.
They are (subjectively - see reviews) considered comparable to the likes of Medela Symphony pumps which would easily cost $40 per week to hire + a personal equipment upfront cost ~$60. The S2 and S1 are identical, with the S1 having an inbuilt battery. The S2 would be $240 after discount shipped which would repay your investment if you needed to hire or use e.g. Medela Symphony hospital grade double pump for >4wks. Helpful especially for those struggling with breastmilk supply.
Aftermarket support is quite good too.
Spectra Baby 20% off Midyear Sale - Free Express Delivery for Orders over $100

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Yeah the pumping action itself is great. We have the battery version.
I agree with your list of faults, but would still highly recommend it.We don't store milk in their bottles, we just either bag it or put it in the feeding bottles.
I think it remembers the speed, either that or my wife is comfortable with the default.It starts up on the last mode it was used, which is a little silly since you need to always start on massage mode and then expression mode once your milk comes in.
They do have videos on their website/youtube and text description in the manual which actually looks ok. Should really do a link/QR code on the manual to the video though.
There are other adaptors as well which allow you to screw the flange onto various different bottles.
Yep, agree. Mechanically it's good. The errors are minor and can be lived with, it's just annoying when they are so obvious that they should have been fixed before release to market.
You're right, it does remember the setting but this is bad since you need to start slower & in a different mode.
(I'm the human whom is ill equipped to breastfeed in this relationship so excuse me for being wrong earlier)
I have the S2. I think the bottles are alright, also if you use Pigeon bottles, the Pigeon teat is actually compatible with the bottles.
Yes it uses wide neck bottles, if you have avent wide neck bottles, it fits the Spectra pump perfectly.
Though I also use the Pigeon bottles, doesn't fit on perfectly but I still screw it on and use with the pump.
My wife bought one earlier in the year and loves it. We tried the medela swing but she said the spectra was much better.
The avent bottles actually fits the pump. We use the avent bottles and avent storage cups (the that has the adapters/lid attachment for the avent pump) and it works great with it. So you don't need to get the specific spectra bottles. I do agree their bottles are inferior to avent ones.I don't think the sale started yet? It says starts on June 20th. I've been waiting for this. Yay!
I bought the Spectra S2 one year ago and have been happy with it. If i were going to buy again I would get the S1 with the battery.
Compared to my manual avent pump the Spectra was a lot better. I used mine for 6 months 6-8 times per week and never had to replace any parts (they suggest replacing some parts like the Silicon Valve Membrane every few months if you exclusively express which I didn't)If you have any questions at all before you buy just message them on facebook - I sent a few messages and they were very helpful with detailed replies
Thanks for the tip on getting a battery version. Can it be powered normally with the cable if the battery were to never not hold charge anymore since the battery can not be replaced?
Did anyone buy extra stuff from them at the same time to save ordering again from them in the near future (to save on postage)?
I've only bought mine last week so I can't comment on those things. I'm also interested to know which accessories wear out quickly from people who have used before. I think perhaps that silicon membrane will wear with use.
The other thing I asked support before purchase is how the local model compares with S1+ overseas. Turns out its the same model, they just have different naming in the US.
I had avent bottles and closer to nature bottles (my son wasnt fussy and drank from any type of bottle/teat) and I wish i had of got the spectra adaptor for the different bottles. Avent is compatible though. I used to pump with spectra and avent bottles then poor into closer to nature to freeze.
We didn't buy extras.
Definitely don't buy their bottles (they are the worst we've tried, they are the only ones that leak), since it is compatible with any "wide neck" bottle ("wide neck" seems to be an industry standard). But we just use the bottle it came with then immediately pour into a decent bottle.
Adaptors.. We were going to buy after we found out how bad the spectra bottles are but never did due to our method above. I don't know that there are many narrow bottles on the market anyway, possibly dr browns bottles??
At once a day for a few months there are no signs of wear yet. Silicon membrane and valve will go first, but not quickly.
You will need bottles for milk storage. We use regular feeding bottles. Trial and error to find what bottle/teats your child will take though (note also they lose their 'suck everything' reflex at 3 months, and may suddenly become picky if nearly all feeding has been from the breast. Makes it hard to get a babysitter until you've retrained them.. So consider giving them a bottle sometimes from the beginning to keep them used to it) (note 2: we also had issues with teats flowing too fast making her cough and splutter.. Again flow speed requirements change over time)
My wife uses it while plugged in sometimes so it should work even if the battery is flat.
I would only buy the adaptors really if needed. Also the new valves are terrible, the old duck bill ones are less fiddly. You can get duck bill ones from Amazon, or the Madela valves and membranes look like it should work perfectly and will be available everywhere.
The only accessory which is a MUST have is a hand free breastpump bra. If you don't, you need to basically hold them (and make sure it's tight or there is no suction!) for the entire session which is tiring.
Here's one that works quite well.…
Your wife will thank you for it.
p/s: We bought the breastpump bag thing but I don't think it's worth it as the stitching is quite poor. The separator inside tore after a few uses, having said that if you need to transport it (e.g. going to work) you will want to find something nice to carry it with.
I have the cooler kit and the wide neck narrow neck adapter.
Cooler kit I bought coz it was pretty and pink but I actually haven't even used it yet. I got 2 bottle cooler things from Closer to Nature starter kit and they are smaller and much more portable when I just need to bring single bottles on the go.
The neck adapters I never ended up using them…was a bit confused on how they worked and which bottle they worked with.Also try the hakaa.
It gets quite a lot of milk, requires no battery, it's more portable, easier to use, and it's only a single part item.
But it will not drain as fast as the spectra (which is what you want before going to bed)
Do you know how the haakaa compares to the mumasil? Shipping fees are pretty exxy with haakaa
No idea sorry
Sorry for the silly question, but I'm looking at buying an S2 that we'll be using in a few months' time. Do I need to buy anything else or does the S2 package include everything the wife needs?
It comes with the basic equipment needed to double pump. The part that goes directly on the breast that comes in the package is the standard size (24mm) so there's a chance you may need to consider the larger or smaller breast shields. And as mentioned above, other accessories such as bottles and equipment for milk storage can be sourced from third parties.
I ordered this too. Will see how it goes. Thanks.
We bought one last time. Works fine but has stupid design faults that I cant believe they haven't fixed (they are so obvious).
1. Get the one with the battery. So you can do it on the couch, table, at work, wherever suits, without being relegated to power point locations.
2. You can't use just any bottle with it. You need the wide neck type (I think thats it) or a narrow to wide adaptor (I think maymom sell them.. check amazon)
1. The bottles are CRAP. 50% of the time you turn them upside down and they leak significantly. There isn't any visual sign that they will leak prior, it's a game of luck. We're not fools, it's not operator error.
2. The unit doesnt remember what mode to start up on. It always starts up on an unwanted mode for us
3. I think it also doesnt remember speed setting
4. Instructions on how to trial and learn the best settings for you are non existant. Information on how to change those settings over time for the best result are non existant. Daunting for a new user and new mum.
I'm not saying don't buy it, I'm saying they need to fix it up a bit!