This was posted 14 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

40% off Xbox Live Gold 12 Months Subscription $47.97! Limited Time Only! + a Free Halo Avatar!


Found this on spotlight on the Xbox dashboard this morning, for a limited time only… + a free Halo Reach avatar item!
Cheapest i can find on eBay is around $60

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  • i was just about to post this haha

    • Why don't you vote positive then?????

  • hmmm… not sure if it's really a bargain considering what other online shops offer. but prices seem to be on the rise like petrol was a couple yrs back.

  • please include in your post that you also get a free Halo Avatar helmet too

  • Is it USD? I think you will also need to give them your credit card. If you don't cancel it next year they will auto renew it for you.

    • +1

      It's in AUD.

      US is $29.99 -…

      And given that our exchange rate is currently about 94c, we're getting ripped - should be closer to $32 for us!

      • Anyone know the implications of buying a US XBL account with a US based gamertag?

        • +1

          bargainhunter - I think you need a US credit card to buy a US XBL account - don't quote me though. You'd obviously have to make up a US address too which is probably against their terms of use.

          Also, it could perhaps affect matchmaking in games, ie you search for games in your region but you end up getting US games instead of Australian giving you a much higher latency.

          • @ShortyX: I could deal with everything except higher latency, I need all the help I can get.

            • @bargainhunter: It doesn't work like that, I have an AUS an US account (Got it for Rock Band DLC before it came out) and it doesn't do anything, it searches for matches based on your IP, not region your gamertag is set to.
              Your dashboard would look different as they have different offers, and yes you would need to get a US credit card to buy direct from Microsoft(and any codes from here will only work on a AUS account), but other than that it won't change a thing.

        • Probably best to get a US card and then use that here

        • I have a US Gold account and the downside is that if I try to buy DLC it doesn't let me - error about region. So the workaround is that I also have an Aussie Silver account which I use to buy DLC. Bit of a pain though.

      • +1

        Have to give them credit card, right? No paypal?

        • u purchase it on your xbox directly on the dashboard, only 2 ootions for payment, credit card or redeem code

          • +1

            @dustint: OK, in that case will have to remove the credit card from the system otherwise it will auto renew it for u next year.

      • Ow snap! now that's cheap

      • +1

        grumble about exchange rate ripoff

    • No, it's AUD it is only on the AUS dashboard

  • Does anyone know if the subscription starts immediately? My gold is about to expire and I don't want to renew until the Christmas holidays. there's no time to play!

    • I buy mine whenever they get free and I'm payed up till end of 2012… They will stockpile.

  • It starts from the day your current Gold account expires.

  • i would have liked to suspend mine as I have barely played last 6 months but you cant

  • anyone know how to redeem the avatar item?

  • cha-ching, i still haven't activated my 1st month's free live membership, i may do that tonight, then sign on for this (i was waiting until i'd at least finished one game first) …

  • Might renew with this offer ;)
    Pity there's no sub $50 offers from the places I got my code from last year.

    Just wondering if $47.97 is the final price?
    (and what an interesting price to come up with as well)

    I've been buying points from my console and even though it states $16.50 I always get charged $0.49 for a foreign transaction fee

  • I've heard you can get a new free
    month with a new gamertag, though I can't be sure of this

    • IT's true, but it's for that gamertag… So you need to create a new gamertag each month and begin leveling again… For anyone who likes playing as their own gamertag or hunting achievements it isn't really an option.

      • Apparently you can also only do this 3 times now? So the 4th gamertag won't have the one month free.

  • i usually get my xbl for $47 off ebay, i prefer it because i bought a few times from Microsoft and they charge you an extra 4 dollars for GST, i emailed them and asked why, they said cause GST.

    so really you gona end up paying like $53, but if you want the helmet i guess its worth it.

    like what was said above you gota give your credit details and they will renew it automatically.

    prefer to redeem my code.

    • +1

      Fsking Gates and Bulmer - and what a farce that Major ('Non-Event') Nelson dude is!!

    • +1

      i think retailers are forced to advertise with GST included by law, if it's an australian store

  • +2

    Be careful with the auto-renewal after you buy it with your credit card. Make sure it's turned off or else they will automatically debit your card again in 12 months time. If they can't then they'll suspend your account and claim you owe them them money, it happened to me. Also your credit card will be saved to the Xbox 360 so anyone will be able to use it as long as they have access to your Xbox 360. The only way to remove it is to call Microsoft and ask them to "black-list" it from their services.

    • its saved to your profile if your profile is deleted no one can use it unless they know your password

    • Thanks for the insightful info. That's pretty dodgy.

  • My last 12 months expired in May, the day before the Reach beta. So I bought from for heaps cheap… that'll be enough for me for a while ;

  • just a heads up on cheap gold subscriptions in usd which may be purchased on many internet sites
    they will NOT work for australian accounts/identities. you will get a illegal region error code when you try to use your subscription code
    you must have typically an american identity [windows live account in the US] and set up your gamertag with this identity

    so before you buy make sure it will work in OZ

    • i thought gold live subsciptions were regionless only points were restricted.

  • not in my experience, take the risk if you like, but US purchased gold subscription will not work on an oz xbox unless you use region work arounds- i know i had the hassle just recently

  • Is credit card the only option to pay for this?

  • Are they discounting in light of upcoming Family memberships?
    $99 (USD?) for four accounts

  • I signed up for another year, mine was due to expire March next year, so it's a nice cheap topup for me!

  • I don't know why anyone would try and use a US card with an Australian account….

  • I know on psn dlc is region coded, but online games/downloaded
    games should be fine with a US card/account

  • Good find! Just bought it and it works well :)

    Do note that the final price is $49.97, $2 extra for whatever reason. Still a damn good price though!

    +ve to OP.

    Btw, anyone knows how to get the helmet? Will it come at a later time?

  • It is does not come up for me?

    Is that cause I'm already in a gold membership?

  • I bet this means a big ban wave is coming

  • I can't find this deal any where =S
    It's not on Spotlight section or anything

    Can anyone direct me if I'm just lost?

    • I saw it on my Spotlight when I did not have XBL gold membership. As soon as I bought it, the deal on Spotlight went missing.

      So either:
      1) It only applies to people who doesn't have a current XBL Gold membership up; or
      2) The deal is over.

      • =S ok i'm a current gold member…

        and mine expires in a month… how nice of M$…

        • it IS available to existing gold members. i bought this last night from the spotlight section. if you cant see it, try turning off and on ur xbox, it doesnt show every time.

  • Yeah looks like it is a sweetner for ppl who dont have it yet.

    Good price though!

  • Do you have to activate this through the dashboard? Or can you access it on the net/phone? I don't have access to my Xbox at the moment :(

    • +1

      I tried looking for it on the net/phone, but they did not display the deal there. Most probably you can only buy it from your xbox :(

      • Yeah, thanks. On the net, I can only see the standard rate of $79.95 for 12 months.

  • I just logged on to take advantage of this and it is now only 20% off :S

    so $63.95? Lame

  • where can i get the 40% off Xbox Live Gold 12 Months Subscription $47.97 + a Free Halo Avatar! from.

  • what is the best Xbox Live Gold 12 Months Subscription at the moment.

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