Exciting things is going to happen. New born baby will say Hello for the first time in couple of months.
I and Mrs considering to bank baby's cord blood for future insurance.
Today, Mrs receive an email from Cyrosite with a subject of "Our End of Financial Year gift to you!!" (which make Mrs excited to use Cyrosite ).
Below is the content of the email:
Our EOFY gift to you!
Thank you for considering to bank your baby's cord blood with Cryosite.
As an End of Financial Year special we are giving you a 7 years free upgrade when you enrol for any of our 25 years storage plans*.
Simply enter code: UPGRADEBK when you enrol
Here is the Cyrosit plan that we are interested in ( which is stated in the email attachment ):
Cord Blood and Tissue 25 years Storage Prepaid Plan
$5600 for 25 years storage fee + $250 enrolment fee ( before discount ).
Note: There is no words in any of the attachment or "Our End of Financial Year gift to you!!" email mentioning there will be $330 collector fee.
The question I have is:
Is it a good idea to bank baby's cord blood and tissue for future insurance? (I read in somewhere that most hospital did not like to accept private banking cord blood or tissue. I also read in somewhere saying that Cyrosite will decide if they will release the tissue depending the situation. If they think it is not right, they will refuse to release the cord blood or tissue even though we request for it)
Thanks again for the time reading my dilemma as well as for all the comments.
Congrats :+)
Parents pay to store their babies' cord blood, but few ever use it
In Victoria?
Check out:
Becoming a Cord Blood Donor
"If you wish to donate Cord Blood
Your participation is completely voluntary. There is no
expense to you, nor will you be paid for participating."