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$20 Gift Card Voucher to Use Storewide@ Zumi - Inc Free Shipping

$20 Voucher Storewide ZUMI
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Most products not as cheap as other big large retailers, but they offer zipPay so you can pay later with no interest ever. Also free shipping on all products Australia wide and cool

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Firstly, no need to shout. Secondly, list some deals. Though i can see you had fun with the formatting.

  • +2

    I only checked the laptops but every one you sell is more expensive (and in some cases considerably so) than JB and others.

    What's the actual bargain?

  • +1

    We like to see prices. Bargains have prices.

  • +4

    Ah yes, the queen. That 'innocent' old lady that pays no taxes, had her daughter killed and profits from wars and destruction, and is also the biggest land-owner on the planet. We love our oppressors. Especially when they give out awards to prominent people (which we again all pay for), which naturally benefits her image tremendously. Every ruthless villain must have good PR.

    In that spirit, we should be having a public holiday for our friends at the Vatican too. And our Jewish bankers. With coupon codes at stores to match.

  • Ah yes, the queen. That 'innocent' old lady that pays no taxes, had her daughter killed

    She has paid income tax since 1993 and Princess Anne is alive and well and living in London.

    • +3

      Oh yes, I'd love a secret tax agreement. In other words, she pays no tax. She is above the law because she IS THE LAW.

      The finances of the royal family are cloaked in mystery, but we do know one thing: she can kill anyone, anything and take down anyone she wants, anytime she wants…and profits tremendously from wars and destruction. Much like our friends at the Vatican. Much like our lovely bankers that run the world. She is one of The Few who profit on the wars and State-Sponsored terror subjected on the tax-paying slaves. State employees bow to her throne. Policeman, judges…you name it. She is on our money, for chrissakes. The biggest land-owner on the planet.

      Diana was killed under suspicious circumstances. Anyone with a brain knows who was behind that. Diana herself knew it was coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmsfh_FQWG0 Even if we ignore all the anti-Muslim media hatred and endless wars planned for our generation (which she profits from), we can go back in time and see the history: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/uncle-who-encourage…

      And here we have an ignorant shop celebrating her birthday.

      None of your so-called leaders are worthy of one breath of your devotion. They all have blood on their hands. The most vile creatures reach the top because they have no morals.

      • -3

        Well noted. And thanks for an entertaining read!!
        Will check videos and links later when have time. Not familiar with the forum, and unsure if it was a response to the post. I'll definitely inform them. But appreciate the comical education anyways:) if you had a blog I'd be a subscriber. Have great weekend.

        • Thanks for the 'comical' insult. Typical of anyone who has more interest in commerce and PR than education.

        • @cheepwun: (profanity) slaaaaaay, cheepwun.

        • Next time, you might try posting your first real bargain.

      • I thought Kings and Queens don't exist in our modern society and they're just only now a figure head and have absolutely no power in any form or shape. So they're equivalent to all of those on centrelink, living off taxpayer's dollrs in our country, except without the added need to look for jobs, be pindowned by other issues and complaints, etc…..

        We're currently ruled by who ever's got the most money. In this case it would be those billionaires or even trillionaires (or even quadrillionaires, are there even any??) if they so wish to embark on this mission.

        ….or so I am told…

        • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_Allegiance_(Australia)

          Yes, the little ol' queen is just here for 'traditional' ceremonial reasons, with no actual power. Which is why everyone of any power in this country and countless others worldwide must kiss her butt, legally. She's mentioned everywhere. And the powerless tax slave must pay for all her trips. All her security. Oh, and she just happens to be on our money for some 'traditional' reason too. We like tradition. We like that little ol' lady. She's nice.

        • @cheepwun: ….right…

          OK, so we do still need to kiss her butt…….until her entire family line is gone or the law is re-written somehow so that you're not legally forced to bend over and have it, right?

        • @Zachary:
          Power doesn't give power away easily. If anything like that happens, it will be a re-marketing operation while everything stays the same.

        • @cheepwun:

          Power doesn't give power away easily

          Yeah, because you need to go through the law first before you can receive anything of power….and enough money to buy your way out of it too would help as well….

          Of course most are either too lazy to do it, not enough money or and don't really care…

          I wonder who would represent Earth if there was ever extraterrestrial forces that arrive to have a civil discussion…or perhaps it's not one person and one from each country? Hnmmmm….anyways, I'm going off topic.

  • +1

    Merchants & Store Representative
    Merchants should note that small reductions, excessive conditions, and other costs related to the deal will NOT be well received.

  • +1

    Negging because much lower price elsewhere:-

    $2,748.00 - $20.00 code TAKETHEYOUKNOWWHAT = $2,728.00 Free Shipping
    $1,924.00 - 10% CLAP10 = $1,731.60 Free Standard Postage or C&C Woolworths from Sydney … saving almost $1,000!

    • +2

      Thanks so much for the incredible work! Will neg unless the OP can find a product they can offer cheaper.

      • +1

        OP knowingly seeks mug punters who accept anything posted here as a bargain.

        • -1

          Fortunately we have Batman to swoop in, and self-righteously save us all from the clutches of the evil spammers!

  • +2

    Literally everything on the site I looked at, phones, game consoles, wearables, all of them, are substantially cheaper elsewhere.

    429 for a slim PS4, supposedly 499 normally. You mean that thing that's like 300 everywhere and was on sale just the other day at JB for $279 (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/311315) yeah, okay. PS4 Pro is equally bad, it was 650 odd, the RRP for shit's sake is 559.

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