Just picked up a pair, on sale for $48. Price on the box said $129. Very happy with the quality/sound/price.
Sony MDRZX110NC Noise Cancelling Headphones - $48 @ JB HI-FI

Last edited 11/06/2017 - 16:20 by 2 other users
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Shouldn't compare to $129. Kogan has them for $69 + delivery.
Just trying to be helpful… If you prefer to compare it to RRP, be my guest.
Grey import…for headphones…gimme a break, they're still covered by Kogan's warranty, which would be identical (1 year) to the manufacturer. This is not an iPhone or a Mavic drone we're talking about, where local vs import stock actually matters.
Boy that Escalated quickly
Are you actually special needs.
Could've done without the rudeness mate
This is an unnecessarily rude reply. Discussion is fine but let's keep comments respectful.
Username checked out
Username checks out lol
That code has expired.
cheaper price at good guys $39
Looks like they're $85 at the good guys
Wow I paid $60 at HN thinking I got the best deal ever.
This is a fantastic pair for the price. I've taken mine on many trips and no problems with them
Do they work well on planes?
they work.. are they up their with the big boy NC heaphones.. no.
better than not having NC on, but don't expect even 95% cancellation or superior sound .. i use these as a backup pair and have never had an issue with them .. again not the same as bose QC or sony h.ear quality but also not a hefty price tag.. for this price its worth giving them a shotHows the sony NC compared to the NC ones provided on planes? (have to be business class sometimes to get it)
They work quite well, I'd say they have about the same amount of noise cancellation as a well-fitting pair of in-ear closed earphones. They don't block noise entirely, but do quite good, without the discomfort of having in-ear earphones in for hours.
RRP means very little, especially for headphones. Same as for shoes, the markup in Australia is huge. I remember back when AUD got above parity you were sometimes looking at double the price.
This and JB-HIFI i think is notorious for this behavior. My friend, who doesn't do any online shopping, remarked that getting his new Samsung S5 a few months back for $399 on special from JB was a bargain. It's a little over $200 on ebay, new and in box. They can get away with this because they seem to be the only player in town now. Man am I sad about Dick Smith :(
Every store has this behaviour. JB still a more generous competitor than most others!
all they have done is gone off the sony website (who are actually selling it for that price)
Was just about to come in and post this, I see them all the time in-shop, not sure why this deal was posted. It's generally nice for someone to do a simple google search on pricing before posting.
Is it normal price at OW?
May be OW adjusted the price so that no one ask for price beat.They've even got it on the paper catalogs, so I doubt it.
If it isn't - they aren't advertising at as a special and its been at that price for quite some time.
Though to address gondolacheese's reply, it is possible they had this price-beat pricechange from some random other deal a year ago and never changed back...Either way, great headphones for cheap NC and definitely at a nice price range for sub $50.. this isn't a 'deal' but tbh, I couldn't see them go much lower anyway.
Hell, people still be paying $40 for some crappy in-ear headphones ^_^@dfaktz: So this deal is still equal cheapest available?
If so, your neg doesn't meet the voting guidelines.
If you don't think it's a good deal, but it's still the cheapest available, just don't vote…@NigelTufnel: Before I say what I say, know that I do agree in rules and a democracy and that i wasn't sober when writring the comment.. BUT..
I think the appropriate action here would have been for everyone to glaze over my neg (definitely what the mods did, right in doing so IMO)If we were going to allow every deal that's $1 cheaper, mayswell just re-theme the site as staticice.
There's an unspoken assumption that a deal found on OZB is atleast 5-10% off or other (out-of-stock) exclusives.
But do they actually work, I wouldn't expect them to for the price. Anyone own a pair?
hey mate.. rather than retyping lol .. have a look at my replies to mrdeal (2 and 3 posts below)
Saw this at Target for $69. Wanted to buy. Can someone advise.
What's is difference between this noise cancelling and a $300 noise cancelling headphones.
these ones work and do the job, alike the ones some airlines provide to pax.. however the more expensive ones REALLY do the job.. I have been a bose fan for a long time and would never have looked elsewhere from the quiet comforts .. and for the price tag they are worth it.. however the new(ish) sony h.ear wireless NC headphones blow anything bose has released out of the water, the quality of the noise cancellation along with the sound are (at this point) second to none.. a whole new experience when flying.
so the major difference is the sound quality and cancelling ability .. I have used these on flights and have been happy, but the plane noise is a lot less filtered and noticeable compared to the h.ear and quiet comfort releases.
For trains, home etc .. these are perfect and worth spending even the 100+ price tag.. for infrequent flyer's this is the way to go, for those who do more (or longer) trips or are audiophiles then the h.ear wireless nc is worth saving up for.for this price (or better with the COTD ebay), i would not think too hard about it, worth having even as a back up pair
Honestly I think its best shown in an experience about the much more expensive ones. If you walk into a LAN im attending late at night and I just have some background noise from a game going (so, far from loud music, more ambient).. you mayswell just start packing my stuff up then and there, hell, we've dismantled tables around someones LAN seat and they didn't notice till somebody knocked the chair.
There is quite a difference between Active Noise Cancelling, which most of the expensive ones, vs Passive Noise Cancelling which the cheap ones are.
Is it worth spending that much
this is really cheap for a decent pair of NC headphones.. if you fly or would like some noise cancelling assistance to block most of the outside world, then absolutely.. click away and buy a pair. If not then $50 would be a waste of money.
I would not buy these for their sound quality for every day use (they are not bad, just not up there when it comes to sound quality of other everyday headphones).. they are more suited for a cheap and effective NC solution (for those who don't want to spend hundreds on the really good ones)unless you're desperate for noise cancellation, these are not worth it. Sound quality is disappointing
Noise cancelling requires a battery which lasts approx 40 hrs apparently. Although headphones are quite subjective, reviews say the quality is subpar when used without noise cancelling.
yeah i do not use them for any other reason than for the NC feature, the sound is good but not even close to the best compared to what is out there in the headphone market.
Can confirmn. Sound without NC is flat and dull. Noise cancellation is limited but seems to operate okay in the 'plane engine noise' frequencies.
Are these rechargeable or do you need to replace the battery when it runs out?
*edit found this on Officeworks website: The active noise cancelling functionality is powered via a single AAA battery which provides up to 80 hours of playback.
seems you got it.. have to use battery for NC, and trust me.. buy good batteries, i have used cheap generic brands with this (and other NC headphones) and have not even lasted a flight to LA.. good batteries can get you there and back .. 80 hours though?, that is a big claim, but one i have not tested.
Cheap $hit not comfortable at all
Does Officeworks or JB Hifi provide change of mind refunds if I don't like it?
usually not unless they are defective and with their warranty.. you can call ahead and ask if they have any they can provide for demo purposes instore (or find a place that does) if you want to try them out to somewhat test the NC feature, sound quality and comfort (as said above, not the most comfortable, but i have used them on flights to the USA and have not looked at it as a major issue)
Quote from the Officeworks website: "Where possible please return the product in its original packaging" So it should be fine. I returned an opened calculator a few weeks ago and they were very willing to refund it.
Had it in the past. Ok with the price. But cord didnt last long.
These headphones cant be used in any situation where there is wind… your ears will bleed to death from the headphones trying to cancel the sound of wind. Pretty disappointing pair of headphones with bad sound…
They're pretty good for the price but hopeless in turboprop planes and I agree about wind, don't even try them outside on a windy day
I've only ever come across one set of headphones that actually cancel out the noise.
Great if your in Seat 0A
Just wanna shoutout to subboy for answering all the questions, top job mate!! :)
Is this over ear?
Nah, it's over there, at jb hifi.
Thanks OP. Bought 2 for my nephews visiting from Canada. Excellent gifts!
Garbage. even the aldi ones you can charge. its 2017 and we still have battery operated NCH..
Shame they are corded. Got the ALDI Bluetooth headphones and while not best, they do the job very well but would have been nice with NC.
I had a pair of these before upgrading to qc35s. Sound isn't to bad, the NC is what you expect for $50 headphones and probably only blocks 10% of plane noise if that.
I tend to agree, therefore not worth the price/effort if you have decent earphones. If you're looking for NC, just spend the extra $
Yeah. They don't form a tight grip or cover the ear fully either to provide an effective sound seal either.
To Subboy and other pros
How much can I expect to spend for decent pair? For example for Sony H.ear.
Doesnt have to be top end and cancel 95%. All I would go for is decent canceling and quality sound.
Sorry if this question is bit dump but I don't know anything about noise canceling headphones
At the moment h.ear are retailing for around $500 (even more for the 1000x which i have not tested yet).. some places overseas have them listed for cheaper online, but i avoid those due to warranty and the unknown factors) I can get them direct from sony (black or blue) for $300 at the moment through my account.
Sound quality is key for me too .. I was recently in Atlanta and tried over 10 high end NC headphones and most sounded awful (too much bass, no bass, screaming treble and so on) their nc features were good in the most part, but the prices they were selling these, you want the NC and good sound (not either or)
The bose range are good, i still take my 15's with me on some flights and enjoy using them.
As i mentioned in an earlier reply, I have been a bose fan when it comes to NC for a LONG time, i was not until i heard the h.ear wireless NC ones that i finally met their match.But the thing is .. the good ones are not cheap, and unless you really need them (eg if you fly once every 10 years) then something like the ones on offer work a treat for the NC. and are better than not having NC on flights IMO) but if you do not mind forking out the cash and are happy with whatever usage you will give them, then IMO spending more is a worthwhile investment.
It might also be worth calling electronic stores in your surrounding area that stock multiple NC headphones to see if they can provide you with a demo.. because although the h.ear NC (for example) rocks my world, it may not be your cup of tea.
and my friend.. no such thing as a dumb question :)
Thanks a lot for your time and information mate. You rock:)
I appreciate you willingness to share your experience and knowledgeWould this pair fall under category of good and decent ?
in my opinion they are the best you can get at the moment (taking into account until I had tried these out, i would have never have thought bose would be beaten, and that I have not tried the sony 1000x) the cancelling and sound are amazing with the h.ear NC headphones, and the wireless feature just adds to the goodness… so good and decent? no! fantastic and great.. yes!
How would this compare to the Sennheiser HD201?
I realise they're not NC. Is the Sony sound quality better than these? Would the Sony NC help in an office environment, to block out background talking, typing, etc?
1) The Sennheisers are of much higher quality in terms of sound.
2) No
3) Only a little
At Myer now, they're $129 and they won't price match (I thought they did) for anyone who had the same idea as me to get them to price match so you get their Myer one points
Price/Store in title :\