This was posted 7 years 8 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

SuperCheapAuto - 207ml Rain-X $9.99 (Was $18.99) + Minimum 20% off Storewide until Midnight


Just in time for the rain!

I was eying this last night at full price, today I see it's on sale!

Rain-X Repellent review (skip to 1m:36s for before/after comparison)

Problems with foggy windows? (today only)
103ml Rain-X Interior Glass Anti-Fog $8.79 today only (20% off)
103ml Invisible Glass Anti-Fog Treament $8.79 today only (20% off)

Alternatives to Rain-X are Invisible Glass and Aquapel (not sold at SCA). Each have different application methods so make sure you follow the directions correctly.

Like to wash your car in the rain?
SCA Wash & Wax normally $9.99 + free jumbo synthetic chamois normally $11.99 for $7.96 (thanks puffinfresh)

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Supercheap Auto

closed Comments

  • +1

    Not used the others, but have used Rain-X (not on car windows) and it worked fine. Was easy to apply and did a much better job than without it. Was using it inside a chicken incubator with a glass window where the glass would constantly develop condensation due to the humidity/temperature difference. Worked well, was cheap, can't complain!

    • I'm curious as to which of the two helps the wipers glide better as my older car's wiper motor sometimes struggles in that area and stutter (jump/skip/jerk) in light rain conditions. I've since realised that's probably because I'm using wipers quite a bit longer than factor spec since factory spec left a huge gap of glass untouched (so more weight to move now).

      Rain-X is a silicone application, so you apply it and buff it back after its hazed I believe, similar to polish. I think Invisible Glass is different and more likely to help the blades glide but I'm only guessing. I'm looking into this and will add any findings to the deal.

      • +1

        Honestly on my car I don't use my wipers with Rain-X because it's so damn good. But when I need to I find they definitely don't glide, they sort of jerk across the screen and get caught. This however was with a very small amount of rain/washer fluid. In normal/heavy rain you won't notice a thing.

      • I had a similar problem and was able to fix it by cleaning the windscreen with methylated spirits. Turns out it was a wax buildup from going through too many automated car washes with their spray wax.

      • "(jump/skip/jerk) in light rain conditions" is exactly what happens when your wiper blades are worn.

        When did you last replace them ?

        • +2

          Fair call, they're old, I won't say how old but old enough for the red silicone to become a faded pink! I just never changed them because they still do a perfect job (albeit in heavier rain) but I will go swap them out.

      • If your wiper blades are a couple of years old they may be due for replacement. You could try giving them a good clean first. They, and the window, get a build up of crud which is slightly grippy so you get deformation of the blade and thus skipping.

        • I also found this really expensive wax spray I must have bought >10yrs ago and forgot. The stuff was about $35. I checked it today and it's suitable for glass as well as paint so I might give that a go after a good cleaning of the glass. Worst case it's crap and I just have to get it off again.

          Also bought new blade refills today, gone back to regular rubber. Silicone refills never seem to lose shape (mine have been on the car for maybe 3 years) but I guess they harden or something. I do clean them usually every time I wash the car and they're still perfectly smooth. Anyway will see how a new pair goes, long overdue however you look at it.

    • I stopped using Rain-X on my car because it made the wipers squeak and bounce. Although the water repellent properties were quite good, I found them not good enough to stop using the wipers altogether. YOu can get away with not using your wipers, but I find that the water becomes a distraction. So no point really…

  • +4

    I'm torn between Rain-X and Invisible Glass

    I use silicone spray, cheap and effective and seems to last a while (also good on wipers).

    Pretty sure that's all these products are anyway, just silicone in a base liquid.

    • Yes that's true, silicone based. What spray do you use if you don't mind my asking.

      • Whatever is on sale, usually at SuperCheap.

        Spray on rag and then wipe on.

        • Ah gotcha, I thought you meant you had found an alternative that works for less $

        • -1


    • +2
    • I'm a little confused too. SCA also have Invisible Glass sprays in 643ml ($13.59) and 935ml ($15.19) sizes but I suspect its like radiator coolant (concentrated vs mixed) where these are diluted down? So I think the 207ml bottle is probably the bargain here. Anyone feel free to jump in if I've got it wrong.

      • Hi OP, the comparison for what frostee was pointing out is below, looks to be the same product, but I've picked up a $9.99 bottle anyway :P

    • yes, seems to be cheaper per mL than OP's current link to 207mL
      Rain-X Repellent Original Treatment - 207mL @ $9.99 = 20.7mL per $
      Repellant Rain-X Spray - 473mL @ $19.19 = 24.65mL per $

  • Is this the stuff that makes your windscreen like new again in the rain?

    • +3

      There is a youtube video in the deal, skip to 1m:36s for before/after comparison. Water beads off a lot faster so you can see even if your wipers decided to die in the middle of the monsoons. It's like a polish/wax but for the windscreen instead of the paintwork, has the exact same effect. I've never used it myself but have a bottle on its way now thanks to my courier, cough, wife.

    • +1

      I literally don't need to use my wipers at all with Rain-X.

      • Yeah me too. This stuff is that good!

      • Can't tell if joking. ;)

        • Not joking. It's that amazing. Water just glides off.

        • +4

          @potplanty: This reads just like infomercial testimonials.

        • +2

          @Munki: Thanks Rain-X!

  • +1

    Aquapel is an alternative to this stuff, which some people prefer. It's a different approach which uses a polymer that bonds to the glass, rather than being a silicone product like RainX. It lasts much longer (6 months or so).

    You do need to be careful applying it though, and buff it off before it hazes (the opposite of a RainX application). Otherwise you'll get visible residue which is nearly impossible to remove.

    • Thanks JMC. I went to add that to the deal but SCA don't seem to stock it. So it sounds better but requires you know what you're doing to get it right.

      • Yeah. It's not too bad (assuming the eBay seller gave me the real stuff). But you need to do it in cool weather in the shade, with paper towels ready. Apply fast and buff off.

    • Rain-X definitely lasts longer than 6 months. Not sure where you got that info from.

      • Really depends on your use, conditions, how you wash your car etc. My point is that it's physically stuck to the glass, but not chemically bonded. Aquapel polymerises onto the exposed OH groups on the surface of the glass.

        It's a more durable coating, but the effect isn't quite as strong as fresh RainX.

  • I want something to stop fog/condensation on the inside glass.

    • You need an Anti-fog product, good for bathroom mirrors apparently too. I've never tried these either but might get one too.

      • tried it before, not recommended on interior cars. became haze

        • Yeah basically this, needs repeat applications or window gets hazy. Rain X makes one pretty sure

    • -1

      I was told Rain x is meant to be external use but don't quote me on that.

      • +2

        It is (the repellent), the anti-fog products are for internal use.

  • The problem I face is some time ago I made the silly decision to use my wipers with a filthy windscreen and thus scratch rainbow shapes into the glass. This in turn makes condensation build up and be near impossible to get rid of on a freezing night until I've driven a bit and dried it out. Will this solve my woes?

    • +1

      Interesting, I'm only guessing here but I'd say it's certainly possible. I reckon you could get it back to near-new with an actual buffer tool if you had access to one but applying by hand could still be an improvement.

      I have a similar but different problem. My windscreen is 24 years old and its got speckles in the glass now (from age I guess), driving into the sun is horrible. I'm going to bite the bullet one day and just get a new windscreen installed. It's pretty cheap and might be the long term solution for you too. But in the meantime it's $10 to see if this helps your problem.

      • This is what I've often wondered (but never actually bothered looking into), is whether polishing windscreen glass is something that is done. If so that would solve all my woes! Even with new wipers, clearing rain is never a simple affair. All on a 6yo car :(

        • I'd say give it a go and see, just follow the directions correctly so you don't replace one problem with another (ie: streaky mess).

          My car being much older has a rainbow groove not from damage just from years of use. It doesn't create the problems you mentioned but for the other reasons mentioned I'm going to replace it soon I think.

      • Wow. You drive a pretty old car. Mine is 15 years old but still reliable. People change cars every five years now. It's crazy

        • Yeah one of the oldest on the roads these days. I found out the other day that once it hits 30 years it qualifies as a "classic" which has some nice perks attached. It hasn't always been my primary car either, although is currently.

  • -1

    Has anyone used this on shower glass? I'm sick of having to clean soap scum off it.

    • I'm wondering if the anti-fog (internal use) product may be better for shower screens since it works on bathroom mirrors.

    • +3

      Yes, once, never again, it achieved nothing.
      I use this on the cars all the time, brilliant stuff, but useless for shower glass.

      • +11

        Reminds me of something unrelated but funny. Years ago I worked in construction installing stainless steel facades. We used a specialist product called Nicote. It was about $180 per spray can (real expensive sh!t) but protected the stainless from corrosion especially salt and rust - we had lots of jobs on the rich end of Sydney Harbour including Kerry Stokes place. Anyway my colleague was wondering if it could be used on the inside of his toilet bowl to prevent skid marks… Sure enough it worked a dream! No more skiddies! :)

        • +4

          This is the reason I come to OzB.

    • Yes, it worked well while it lasted… but it only lasted about a week at most.

    • The best stuff is tbe dedicated product from Bunnings.
      We apied it to our shower screen when we renovated the bathroom, we have very hard water here and the water spots eat into tbe Glass. We applied this product and although tbe apcostion took a while, it definitely worked well, and lasted at least the 2 years were in the house after that.
      Its a 2 part product, a cleaner and then the actual repellent.
      Was a bit pricey, but well worth it.

      • +1

        Aldi has one on special on Saturday Enduroshield Glass treatment for $25.

        • That's it.
          Could t remember the name. Was sorting till I got to find the bottle, I still have some left. It was expensive for the big bottle pack.
          We also did the tile and the sink treatment. Neither of these were that great, but the glass treatment definitely worked. We had very hard water there.

  • -1

    I'm getting 207mm of rain completely free right now!

  • +4

    Invisible glass rain repellent user here. I find it works well if you can get up to a decent speed say 80km or over, but below that is meh. Guess it also depends on windscreen angle and shape.

    It does make it much easier to actually keep the windscreen clean and stuff like pollen dots and road grime doesn't stick hard. It also improves the wipers performance as long as they are in reasonable condition. I don't get chattering.

    However I also find that if any kind of water (even tested distilled water) dries out on the glass it leaves spots behind. If you have clean glass OCD like me this can be a problem!

    • I find it works well if you can get up to a decent speed say 80km or over, but below that is meh. Guess it also depends on windscreen angle and shape.

      100% correct about angle.
      I use Rain-X on everything, and it depends on the angle of the screen, speed, wind and heaviness of rain.

  • +6

    A cheat is to use this on your eyeballs then its like all glass is treated.

  • Does anyone know how quickly the club plus credit comes through for price drop differences?

  • +1

    Any wax will perform beading like rain x. I use wax on the exterior of my windscreen

    • I've thought about that too, obviously a cheaper option. How often do you find you need to reapply? Have you used Rain-X (or equivalent) for comparison? At $18.99 I'd never buy it but for $9.99 I'm happy to give it a shot, even though a decent wax is probably half that price again on a ml/$ ratio.

      • got this for $10 at a similar SCA sale couple years back. Still have some left. One application will last about a month. So if you do it every month maybe last you a year or two depending on how you apply it. I use a small tiny square piece of paper towel so not much wasted. I do mine every 3 months or so, unless its rainy for weeks in summer like the recent cyclone debbie time then I'd do it monthly.

        And yes it works well, water beads right off.

      • Re application depends on use, if you garage your car and don't drive through dirt roads and stick to mostly suburbia, about a month is pretty good going. To be honest my wax applications only last about 2.5 weeks in this current weather and the conditions I drive in.

    • I do the same. I've heard a few complaints about windscreen wipers 'chattering' with RainX application - although I had previously used RainX with good results - so I've just stuck to some el cheapo wax from Supercheap (leave the good stuff for the paintwork :))

      • the chattering is due to uneven application and more likely because the car window has too much dirt sticks inside. you need to apply twice for rain-x.

  • +1

    330ml for $8.99 here, can anyone comment on differences?…

  • +2

    I've used Rain-X and i had to say it never lasts long especially when it's raining and you're using your wipers.
    I applied it once when driving to Brisbane as i knew it was going to be rain on the way up and it didn't even last the trip up and it probably only rained for about 2-3hours out of the whole driving trip.
    I've since found claying + optiglass pro, lasts a lot longer than these products. Yes optiglass costs a lot more but i only do it few times a year and i can easily get 6 months out of one coat.

    • Some of the car forums recommend claying. I'll look into this too.

      Is this the stuff you use? Opti Coat Hyper Seal $59.

      • +3

        Cerium Oxide is good if you want to get rid of all the crap on the windshield. I used CarPro Ceri-Glass to prep my windshield. Needa buffing machine for that though, otherwise claying works wonders.

        • Cool OK thanks, I might look towards claying for the time being then (don't own a buffing machine).

    • it didn't even last the trip up and it probably only rained for about 2-3hours out of the whole driving trip.

      Did you apply to a dirty old pitted window and have razor blades for wipers???
      I apply once per month max, and that is not really required that often. Sometimes 3 -4 months is fine. I've been using rain-x for over 15 years and tried a few others including some crazy expensive French stuff. In the end rain-x seems to be the most reliable for the money.

      Using a clay bar occasionally will help every product, sometimes I apply detail spray to the screen post wash and this aids in extendeing the time needed for application of course due to the wax in the spray.

      Tonight I turned the wipers off in the crazy heavy rain because even at 50kmh the rain-x I applied a couple of months ago was clearing it better than the wipers. For the hour drive in the rain I probably had the wipers move less than 15 times after I stopped the initial flurry.

  • +2

    Try clay barring your windshield you'll be pleasantly happy.

  • Thought about applying this to my bike helmet visor and bikes screen.

    • I was wondering if it would be any good on my helmet visor too but the only 3 reviews for the plastics version were negative (though one was just because someone thought they were buying the glass version)

    • dont use on plastic.

      • Noted. Thanks. I've been too lazy to do it up till now and now I have a definitive reason.

    • Use Plexis on plastics, that's what it's designed for.

  • Has anyone ever tried these products on their hot-water solar collectors? Our collectors get dirty very quickly.

  • Has anyone used the invisible glass anti fog treatment?

    Is application simple, e.g apply to micro fiber cloth, wipe interior windshield and just allow to dry?

  • What do we recommend for the condensation outside the glass in early mornings? My car windshield and side mirrors always are fogged up which i need to wipe down before driving.

    • +1

      Car wax.

  • Thanks OP, was waiting for this.

  • What is the best to seriously and cheaply cleaning an old windscreen? I tried metho but it left streaks even after doing it 3 times.

    • +3

      use normal window cleaner that you get from supermarket, then wipe it off with newspaper.

    • 0000 steel wool.

  • $16.79 for 473ml… plus it's in a handy spray bottle

    • SCA also have Invisible Glass sprays in 643ml ($13.59) and 935ml ($15.19) which is probably near enough the same thing. That's a sale price that ends today though.

      • I think you'll find it's the exact same fluid as the one linked for $9.99

  • +1

    SCA Wash & Wax 1.25L (was $9.95) now $7.96 with a free SCA Jumbo Synthetic Chamois (was $11.99)…

    • +1

      Wow that's the good find especially with he chamois included (which I need). Will add this to the deal thanks. That pink stuff is what I currently use, seems pretty good. Smells like bubblegum, my daughter loves the smell.

  • Not sure if anyone will know but I bought something last week and as its 20% off storewide but online only, will I get the difference refunded back to my SCA account as credit? Not sure if this applies to online only offers..

    • ditto, but got nothing back in my account

  • Just in time for the rain!

    But winter is dry season in northern parts of Oz.

    • Sorry, lots of rain in parts of NSW currently I forget sometimes this is OzBargain not NswBargain.

  • Best anti fog product i have used is the basic Gilette shaving cream, it really does work.

    • Can you expand on that? I have the stoner anti fog on the interior and find it gets really hazy. Looking for a good alternative. Ive heard you can also use kitty litter crystals in a sock on the dash. Would look rather unappealing though.

  • Would the anti-fog ones have any deleterious effect on car tint? Thanks.

    • Would probably have to find out what the active ingredients are or google other peoples findings. Is this for your rear window? Demister not working? Or the side windows? I don't think I'd be comfortable using it on my tint but it could be fine.

      • Yeah, I don't think I should risk it. It's for the front and side windows. Sometimes I don't like turning on the heater and the windows fog up when it's cold outside unless I open them up but then it gets cold inside, LOL.

        Cheers for the reply.

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