This was posted 14 years 6 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Just bought Starcraft 2 $44 at HN 50% off PC games sale


Saw the ad for 50% off PC games sale for Harvey Norman and assumed it was only limited to certain games. Was in their Moss Vale, NSW branch store and was surprised that the store rep confirmed it was for all their PC games including the Starcraft 2 (labelled $88), so bought it for $44, along with Battlefield 2 for $10. Uploaded receipt.

Not sure if it's the same for all HN stores - the site has SC2 for $79 -…

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closed Comments

  • +2

    cheapest i have seen

  • Thats an an amazing price! Thanks

  • +2

    Your social life is digitised now…

  • Wow thats a great price. Is this for all harvey norman stores and how long is the promotion for? Does harvey norman stock the collectors edition?

  • +11

    sorry i want to neg this

    i just called my harvey norman auburn superstore and they said "it's probably a scam" LOL!

    I told him to call the Moss Vale store and the guy goes we can't match it!

    Fk i hate harvey norman and their "NO WE DON'T MATCH OUR OWN STORE"

    • +5

      Harvey has to suck his franchise fees so he can compete with Kogan! ;-)

    • +13

      I'm feeling bittersweet atm. I'm sour about the fact that Auburn doesn't price match but happy that I saved 25c on my phone bill because you called Auburn on my behalf and posted it up.

      • +6

        Thats the great tightass spirit!
        Keep it up.
        Your rank here on the tightass scale has just jumped to top 10.

        • +10

          I only flush my toilet every 3rd pee.

          • +3

            @lsdbeta: ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            U people just made my day hahahah!

            • @neosin: what happened to if its brown flush it down, if its yellow let it mellow?

  • ends this weekend (today) in 5 minutes. goodluck getting in

  • I've just confirmed with Harvey norman citywest WA, they're selling at $79 and not doing anything cheaper. They has 25% off on selected games only.

  • lol @ neosin

    So did OP get lucky or…?

  • The ad says "up to 50% off games"

    I'm assuming $79 is the final price for Starcraft 2 from like the RRP of $99.

    OP probably mindtricked the salesperson into making it 50% off

    • +1

      Well played, OP. You win ur2dads's fictious OzBargain's Bargainer of the Week award :)

      • +1


        I'm so pissed atm!

      • +3

        lol ur2dads. funniest name ive ever seen

  • I think I got lucky. I am closer to the Auburn store normally but just happened to be at Moss Vale this weekend… Thought I'd post in case anyone who lives near there wants a copy and hasn't got it yet.

  • +4

    Got the deal matched at Nunawading VIC!! Thanks OP

    Purchased 2 copies

    Got rejected by 1 person, then when he went on a break ( I assume ciggy break), spoke to another sales dude who who put the order through for me at the counter

    • +4

      thats some ** up franchise. same shop different sales person? what, they don't talk between their own anymore?

      LANGUAGE removed

  • +7

    Auburn HN is usually the one to refuse their own store's discounts.
    Their usual reasons are:
    1/ Larger overhead so therefore can not compete.
    2/ Franchised store and will not follow others.
    3/ Out of stock (if you want a price match price.)

    I think they are getting better with lying. For example, salesperson can stand in front of their "We'll beat it" poster and still refuse their own HN's prices.
    So thumbs up for improving staffs dodgey tactics.

  • +9

    I was like give it to me for $44 he said "don't push me because I'm close to the edge and I'm trying not to lose my head"

    • +4

      Step 1) Push him
      Step 2) He loses his head
      Step 3) He loses his job
      Step 4) LOL

      • +3

        hahahahaahahahha GENIUS!!!!

    • +2

      Did he just say it; or did he beatbox it, Grandmaster Flash style? ;)

      • +1

        Don't know why you got negged, maybe because out here it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under

    • Did you remember the nappies?

  • -5

    as if play star craft…….. =.=' lol

    • -8

      WC3, come on is this guy some imbecile.
      WC3 is RPG not even a RTS.

      • +3

        Warcraft 3 is RTS, now who is the imbecile? lol

        • Oops sorry was thinking and meant WoW instead of WC3.
          SC2 is an awesome game but there are always haters.

      • +1

        It's a… RPRTS?

        • Do you even know what RPG and RTS is?

          • +8

            @cwongtech: I was always under the impression those acronyms meant Rocket Propelled Grenade & Return To Sender respectively! :p

            • @StewBalls: Hahaha
              For the ones that don't know [I'm sure you know what they mean StewBalls ;)]
              RPG - Role Playing Game
              RTS - Real Time Strategy
              RPRTS - ……….?

              • +5

                @cwongtech: Rocket propelled return to sender. Take THAT!

      • +3

        WC3 is RTS

      • +1

        Fail "fail" is fail.

      • totally agree with you here!
        WC3 got stupid with the whole hero lvling system and all the skills and shops..
        Yes, obviously an RTS game, but they took on aspects from RPGs.

        +1 for RPG & RTS acronyms :P

    • replicated

    • lol maybe you just suck at the game?

    • +1

      Don't know what game you're playing, but it's well worth the $79 I paid, if not more.
      Best single-player campaign in an RTS that I've ever played (and still yet to finish!)

      And that's not even getting started on the multiplayer, which I'll admit isn't perfect in every aspect, but will keep you entertained for months to come.

      So yeah I'm going to take a stab and just say you don't like it because you don't know how to play ;)

    • +1

      Just cause you're bad.

    • Perhaps you should first learn how to spell 'anonymous'?

      And SC2, imo, is one of the best multiplayer games out there. I blame my sleep deprivation for the last few weeks on it.

      Will be even better once we get access to US servers (if not already).

  • +6

    Thats what pisses me off in this place, not one neg and 51 positives for a bargain that doesnt exist :|

    Me no understand :\

    • The op and jiakz got the deal.

    • +1

      I'm +ing it because I think it's funny, not because it's a bargain.

    • +1

      It comes down to … a Jedi Mind trick and your capability with the 'Force'!

  • +1

    Well the cheapest way I could figure to buy this atm is to price match at HN from BigW's $74.96.
    I called up my local HN store and asked them about the "Best Price Guarantee". I was offered $73.

    Saves me $2… better than nothing?

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