Does anyone have a copy of's stick mixers report?…
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone have a copy of's stick mixers report?…
Thanks in advance!
Same, we got this (on sale of course) and seems good enough.
Just buy the Bamix and be done with it.
Thanks for the recommendation
Yes, I do, it's because I pay my annual subscription.
They would not be around to do the tests if no one paid, but leeched off an ever-diminishing pool of subscribers.
Flame suit on!
Good on you for paying. I'd buy if they charged $2 per report.
I can't justify paying $24 as the minimum for a two year old report for a <$200 item.
I understand that lets me access other reports but in this moment of time - they are irrelevant.
I'd guess they will get a lot more people to buy that way. Kind of like when AFL membership numbers exploded when clubs started selling limited memberships and lowered the bar for people to become a club member.
CHOICE are just as rotten as all the other shills who rely on advertising. You just don't see their payoffs behind the scenes. The muppets will be led where they deserve to be.
Do you have any evidence at all for this silly claim?
Yes. Nothing you will believe though, and frankly no interest in proving anything to you. If you think that any publication is impartial, down to the brands and models they choose for their round-ups, and down to the little details they conveniently omit…you are delusional. And yes, I have a real-world event that proved to me they are nothing but lying thieves (thieves which their loyal sheep never question, simply because there is no advertising. What a joke. As if that means anything).
Keep reading publications from charlatans. Don't let that subscription expire.
Yes, I love some non-believer sparring and regular sheeple, with their short insults…of which there is no shortage. Especially those who never question the motives of an organisation intent on keeping their subscriptions up, and who wouldn't tear apart any device to explain or discuss the inner workings on a component level (like the best independent reviewers do) if their silly useless lives depended on it.
I also love it when the holy grail of impartial reviews - CHOICE - doesn't even bother to test whether the basic claims on an energy sticker are actually valid in the hardware selling in retailers Australia-wide, all in an attempt to help move stock of a particular brand who they crowned "best" in a particular product category.
I also love the simpletons who equate no visible advertising with impartiality. As if there aren't a million different ways to influence results outside of visible ads.
Don't let that subscription expire, muppets.
You'd have to come over to read it on my tablet. 😉
in your bed..under the quilt ?
Well if you're hot, maybe a quilt isn't needed. ;)
You mean Hot as Daddy Pig ?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For all my Choice magazine requirements, I go to my local public library, they either have :
1) The physical subscription, go there look up the Choice index at the end of any issue, find the right issue and use your phone camera, take pics of the pages like James Bond.
2) The digital subscription on their public PCs, you will likely require a membership to the library to be able to log into their Public PCs. Go there, log in and go to their digital subscription of Choice. Do the search and use the filters to refine your search if required. At the PC fire up MS Word, Go to the Choice page and press Cntrl-A to select All, Control-C to copy and Control-V at MS Word to paste everything onto MS Word. Save the Word doc and email to yourself using webmail of your choice.
Option 2 was preferable as it was cleaner than taking photos of pages and with detailed review key items like fridges the reviews are MASSIVE with many many fridges listed so the Word doc option made much more sense.
Good luck.
This is a great idea. I will try this.
That review is over 2 years old. Just did a quick check and none of the top rated models are still available.
Thank You for the info. I will put the pieces of the research puzzle together the old fashioned way.
You can buy individual choice magazine issues using Google play via Telstra credit. It's what I do when I'm desperate for a review. They are like $10 each, but when you have heaps of credit you don't mind, certainly better than mooching off others.
I happen to be an iPhone user with Optus.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
How do you do that?
What about the free digital versions through Melbourne City Library?
A great service.
Wow I didn't realise they still had actual magazines.
The Breville is available in Australia and it's great.
We bought a no-name from Target or Myer years ago. It still works fine.
Used to use it for smoothies with ice cubes until we bought a $15 Kmart bullet smoothie maker thing - thats been great for years too.
The stick blender is only used for soup now.
Actually, I just looked at it. No idea if its a no-name as the name has been rubbed off, it may have been Breville/Sunbeam but definitely not expensive. Says 600watts if that helps comparing powers.
Was a bit like these as it came with similar extras……
I hear Bamix are supposed to be good. Their 200watt model costs $349
Having been in the retailing of electrical appliances in the mid 60s through to the mid 80s and than in the repair side of that industry I along with many colleagues found the only good use for choice magazine was emergency toilet paper.
The white and brown goods they recommended were in the main atrocious. As for their so called savings on how much per kilo it costs to wash your clothes. Lets get real. Does it matter if one washing machine costs 11.5678 cents per kilo and another 12.34564cents per kilo.
Thanks for the inner knowledge. But is it certain that their recommendations today are still no good? I find it interesting that both here and in Whirlpool (where there's a community of well informed people) Choice is always relied upon.
Time to hand in your OzB membership…
Go to your local library, they have access to Choice for free.
FYI none of them scored less than 70%
They seem to like the Brevilles. Here are the top 8.
88% Electrolux TurboPro Stick Mixer ESTM6400
86% Breville the Control Grip Mash BSB520
86% Breville the control grip BSB510
86% Breville the Control Grip BSB400
84% Sunbeam StickMaster Platinum SM9000
83% KitchenAid Deluxe Hand Blender KHB2569
83% Braun Multiquick 7 hand blender Patisserie MQ775
83% Braun MQ5037WH Sauce Plus
Thanks LoopyLou!
No but I can tell you this. I make myself a banana smoothie just about every weekday morning, have done it for around 10 years now.
I went through a lot of stick blenders until I came across this one:…
It is still going strong after about 3 years now. All previous ones I have owned, the blades broke or the motor burnt out.