I am trying to get my head around what is our options. We may get broadband NBN soon (box is in house just need to pay the $75/month?).
We have iPhone 6 each with approx 8gb per month at the moment but are considering getting a TV that allows us to watch downloaded movies, YouTube etc.
There seems to be so many ways to do this from reading posts… but what all the abbreviations are is a mystery !
What should would be looking at? We r not games, we only want a small TV … say about 28"?
TV Options for Dummies (Smart/Chromecast/.)
Thanks scrimshaw
Apple box
So do I need chromecast to link from my iPhone to TV (we no longer have an apple ccomputer)?Android box
Will I have hassles going thru iPhone? Or can I do it direct thru TV from NBN?
TaBoth Apple TV and Android boxes operate as a stand alone unit. It is not neccesary to have a phone to use Apple TV or Android box.
They are essentially computers by themselves. They also come with remotes, so no phone is required to control them
Android box with kodi (Y)
I'd start off with a smart tv with all the Oz catch up tv, youtube, netflix, stan, movie purchases from google and and (soon) amazon. My 2015 samsung will play anything downloaded as well in one box. Smart tv options usually start at size 32 inch upwards however.
Unless you are going to be prepared to mess around a lot and read up the boxes are a bit of a pain, Android tv is basic in Australia unless you configure apps. However if you are all in with apple then that could be the best box option for you for casting from phones.
I would opt for a chrome cast over Apple TV any day, purely because of the cost. Chromecast has casted every app from my iPhone that I've ever needed, except one (channel 9 maybe?) where I've casted from safari on my laptop instead.
I have a dumb tv and chromecast. Works a treat.
My old man bought a smart tv and the picture quality streaming from STAN was awful. Went home and tried it via chromecast and it's pristine.
Might have been his dodgy NBN internet though.
Thanks all.
Went for cromecast and fetch box
All controlled from iphone6
Added bonus is no need for premium Spotify as just use $80 unlimited NBN to get YouTube
Buy any TV… doesn't need to be a smart TV. Probably try to avoid the cheap-arse brands like Soniq or Kogan, unless you don't care about how long the TV lasts, warranty length or picture quality. I'm not a TV connoiseur though so it's probably best to check online reviews and Choice.com.au for buying guides.
since you're an iphone user you will probably want to get Apple TV which runs IOS apps natively and allows you to access your iTunes media and watch video on demand (Netflix and YT)
If the price of Apple TV scares you, then perhaps go for Xiaomi's MiBox, which runs Android TV. Only around $100 AUD.