Why People Upgrade Their Phone?

Hey OzBargainers

Why would you upgrade your phone?

It seems to me that speed, camera, battery, software and design are the main reasons. To some people, these are important features to have in their phone, which can be their most-used daily device. However, it also seems to me that some people upgrade their phone not out of genuine need for extra functionality, but because of peer/marketing pressure or mere momentary absence of will power to say "nope, I'm satisfied with my current device!".

What has been your experience? Have you upgraded your phone and regretted the decision? Are you happy with your current, two-year-old, or older, device?


  • Was gifted an iphone 5 for my 21st,its been 5 years now and its still working fine - Battery isn't the best - lasts half a day , but my all my mates have newer phones and need to charge just as often sooooo….

  • I buy last years flagship every 2 years. Better to pay $500 every 2 years rather than $1000 every 2 years.

    I am planning to stick with LG as i havent suffered bootloop yet and its flagships are pretty good and drop in price rapidly.

    My LG G4 bought for $370 1 year ago is going strong. I will probably buy LG G6 next year for less than $500.

  • In terms of smartphones, I upgraded from an iPhone 3G to an iPhone 4 and then an iPhone 5. I could justify the purchases at the time since the first one was revolutionary, the 2nd one had an amazing display and the 5 was just so much faster again and better in terms of camera features. I then held on to my 5 until the SE was released since I couldn't be bothered with devices any bigger than the 5. The only reason I bough the SE was because my 5 became too slow - had I left it on iOS7, I would probably still be using it today. I have not seen enough new improvements in smartphones since the introduction of Touch ID in the 5S that would make me purchase a new one.

  • I only upgrade when my current phone has gotten slow and the battery life sucks. I always carry around an extra battery pack as well so it has to be bad for me to replace. I will not replace for broken screens or marketing purposes at all. I don't buy into that crap.

  • Using iPhone 6plus from 2014. No real need as its as good as new but I may be tempted to buy if there is a decent camera upgrade on the next one.

  • I'm a lover of price to performance products and feel I could never justify $1000 on a flagship in 2017.

    Quite happy with spending more time researching budget bang for buck options.

    Ones that come to mind are Leoco Le Max 2, Zuk Z2, RN 4x, redmi 5s.
    All offer flagship grade processors at just over 1/4 of the price.
    ROM's can be flashed which enhances longevity and ccustomizability.

    Sure they dont have the best camera but for 90% of people out there it will be fine especially with the almost universal post processing that occurs these days (VSCO/Instagram)
    Whats great about them is if they break, you can just buy 3 more and you've gone one S8+ or Iphone 7 Plus.

    I'll take my spare $750 and use that towards things that are more worthy (Travel, camera gear, groceries, PC components, (insert whatever you deem worthy))

  • I've been upgrading every 12 months.

    N95 > Motoblur > N8 > Samsung S2 > Samsun S4 > Samsung Note 2 > Samsung S5 > Samsung Note 4> HTC 10

    Can appear a little mindless - however I write them off against tax each year. Helps that I was working in the industry, and I use them 5+ hrs per day.

  • Change is a good thing - Keeps me going

  • 6 months - went from xiaomi redmi note 3 pro to S8.

    Why? - got a kid and the camera sucks on the xiaomi.

    • -1

      So you got an S8 to take photos of your kid, or you got an S8 for your kid to smash? :D
      (or maybe a bit of both)

  • I'm extremely happy with my $180 Meizu m5 purchase.

  • ebay deals

    • iPhone 5S ($269. Dec 2016) is still performing quite well (although seems to slow down a bit in summer when it heats up - might have a faulty one, but can warranty any time really easily). Current-gen/apple phones seem to be lasting me far longer.
    • iPhone 5 ($240. Feb 2014) slowed down due to the tech lagging behind (32-bit processor) and battery not being happy with heaps of cycles.
    • Nexus 4 ($349. Feb 2013) same as the Galaxy Nexus.
    • Galaxy Nexus ($359. Aug 2012) great device, but not enough RAM for how I use a smartphone.
    • Motorola Atrix (~$380?. Oct 2011) liked the technology and the docking features, had an awful warranty process and flaws - won't buy Motorola again or for a while.
    • HTC Desire (Nexus One) ($310. Jan 2010) first smartphone.
  • Broken phone. Last phone was a iPhone 4 bought at launch.

  • Still rocking the Note 3, I usually upgrade every 3-4 years because:

    • Becomes too slow and laggy (thanks to whatever does this)
    • Camera deteriorates over time
    • Battery is about 70% worse off
    • New apps become slow or not compatible

    And to a lesser extent, update to new OS.

  • +4

    I upgraded because i had a windows phone :'(

  • Upgrade if it stops functioning

  • 4s -

    5S - upgraded from previous phone to get 4G - given to my eldest and still going strong - Lifeproof case.

    6s+ for my wife and I - upgraded from previous phone for size - in lifeproof cases, which ironically are not baby/toddler proof and now need to replace the cases.

    Our contracts expire soon and we will go prepaid on boost. No need to update phones.

  • I regularly spend 3 hours/day on my phone. So any upgrades e.g. better screen, camera, battery, even just better design would make some difference

  • +1

    I think people are underestimating the time cost and annoyance of using a phone that isn't almost instant. I almost always buy a second hand phone that is about two years old.

    • You can get a LG G4 new on eBay for $200 delivered, all its missing is a fingerprint reader.

      I just got a near new S7 for a bit over $400 on sale on eBay too & it has it all.

      Silly people contract for 2 years or more on a device thats last gen the day its announced! Thats just technology, only fools chase rainbows!

  • I actually updated my phone on the weekend..Reasons for doing so..

    Galaxy S4 w/only 16gig internal memory and I had hardly any extra stuff on there besides photos and a few apps (I managed to get rid of some of Samsungs stuff but over time everything keeps updating). I was running on only 2gigs on internal memory and it was giving me problems. I did have a micro card to transfer certain programs onto it or photos but for whatever reason I had problems transferring my photos over to extra memory.

    Stuff on the phone started to lag…Opening Viber or YT were giving me black screens and I'd actually have to wait about 5 to 10 seconds before the thing would fully open. I had IG constantly crashing on me after various reinstalls.

    I'd be constantly trasfering all my photos off my phone to my computer when I really wanted to keep them on my phone..So, this got a bit annoying. For whatever reason Google Photos stopped working in the sense everytime I'd upload a photo and delete it off my phone it would also delete it off Google Photos. I don't sync photos so I'm not sure why this stopped working as I have no problems with it on my PC.

    The screen was a little small…I mean..It's not tiny…But I do a lot of video watching on my phone so bigger screen is kinda better for this and less strain on the eyes.

    Lollypop is the last update it'll ever get and Android is way past that.

    So besides a few things I really liked my phone..But I did an update and got an Oppo R9s Plus and I really love it so far.

  • People will find hard to believe but my S7Edge has dramatically slowed down since S8 has been released.

  • I upgrade when the phone is too slow or faulty. Work gives me a new phone at this time.

  • I upgraded/Change from a Iphone 5s to a Samsung s7 edge. I'd say the main reason was my iphone only had 16gb of storage couldnt fit all my music photos etc.

    I decided to go the S7 edge because i got a cheap SD card on a Oz Bargain deal and now have more then enough storage. - I was looking into the Iphone 7 plus 128bg but it was like $1450 at the time and i got my s7 edge for $850 and my SD card for like $74.

    I'd say ever 3-4 years upgrades become more appealing opposed to the every 12-months some people seem to do because all deceived with 'rechargeable' batteries lose there battery life over time also they usually add a couple of nice features or upgrades as the years go by the longer you hold out the more worth while upgrading is.

    It is also tax deductible so i know people that buy hold for 8-12months sell get a new one and once you count the re-sale and and tax benefits it works out pretty cheap for regular upgrades.

  • There are many consumers who link their self-esteem to having the latest mobile phone. They feel that having the latest mobile phone shows status and conveys success. It's really genius marketing when you think about it; you have an item that is working perfectly and fulfilling all you need it to do but can still convince people to buy a new one!

    When people lack a feeling of self worth and self regard they will look to external sources for validation. Having the latest phone is a perfect fit for this as they seem essentially "free" to people who don't have the capability or inclination to understand the terms of the contract.

  • I recently upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy S8. Before that, I was using the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 since it was released back in January 2013. I used the phone for over 4 years and decided to upgrade. Its actually still working ok. As you can imagine it's quite sluggish and I can't install many apps. The phone required the flaps to be closed to be water resistant and I was missing all the flaps. The camera was very decent. I didn't want to upgrade till I saw a phone that was very revolutionary. The Galaxy S8 came out and I had a play with it at a JB store and I was completely blown away by the build quality, how fast it was and the screen looked gorgeous. Also it had an IP68 rating with no flaps! How awesome was that? Lol. Yes I'm new to this tech. The main reason I didn't upgrade for a long time was because the size of the new flagship phones have been ever so increasing. I didn't like it. The phones are just too big. The Galaxy S8 has a big 5.8 inch screen in a usually 5 inch size phone. Was amazed by the body to screen ratio. Also the charging speed was way fast than by previous xcover 2

    I do not regret this purchase. I enjoy it very much. I don't expect to be getting a new phone year after year. Maybe once every few years.

  • The latest phone is faster. I can't imagine having to use my old Samsung S2 now.

    If you keep an eye on deals here, you can upgrade every couple of years.

  • my Galaxy S2 died because the phone won't charge, costed too much to fix.
    bought a 2nd hand note 3 through work when they were upgrading company phones and IT were getting rid of them, still going strong.

    I will only upgrade when my phone dies.
    do not see the necessity of upgrading a "flahship phone" if it only lasts a year or two.

  • the price gap between your old phone and new phone grows quickly. The earlier you sell your old phone, the less money you pay for the new phone.
    unless you are fine with new phone but old model.

  • My main reason for upgrading my phone was for a better camera. My first smartphone was a cheap android ZTE which I still use today as an alarm clock (best thing is the alarm still functions if your turn the phone off.) I was pretty happy with it, but I wanted something with a nicer camera. I upgraded to the Nokia Lumia 1020. The Lumia has a nice camera, but the software (lack of a decent browser that could load up Google Maps; apps that were ported over weren't updated and missed features from the Android/iOS counterparts) and some functions of the camera (slow app, autofocus was horrible in movie mode) made me look for another device. I ended up selling the Lumia and buying a used Samsung S6. I have no plans to further upgrade unless my S6 dies.

    So the camera would be my main reason for upgrading my phone when it doesn't have a serious fault/defect. I am currently very happy with my S6 which is just about 2 years old at this point. It's fast, updated to the latest Android, and the camera is still top notch. Also the camera on my S6 is very comparable to the S7 and even the S8. There was a pretty big jump in camera quality from the S5 to S6, but I feel like that jump became smaller between the later generations (S6, S7, and S8.) Also all of the major flagships (Samsung, HTC, LG, etc.) have a really decent camera, so it's all about personal preference now, camera performance between the flagships seems to be comparable and not as large of an issue as it was a few years ago. All that means is that I'm very happy with my S6 and won't be upgrading unless it dies on me. The screen has a crack, and the battery is starting to deteriorate (thanks Ozbargain for the Xioami Power Bank) but with QC2 and a QC Power Bank that battery issue is becoming less of a big deal. The crack doesn't bother me as I don't watch any movies/TV shows on my phone, only some Youtube.

  • +1

    I jumped on the Sony band wagon as my Motorola razr with a carbon fibre back, twisted in my front pocket. So I bought a cheap Sony phone and thought I'd keep that for a while. The thickness was to much, but it was water proof. From here I started to upgrade more frequently. It was all about getting a slimmer phone and Sony's features impressed me. Jumped on the xperia Z, then Z2. Fell in love with the front as it has no physical buttons. Then waited for a waterproof Sony phone without the useless flaps for the micro usb port and for the 3.5mm audio Jack, so I jumped on the Z5. Like most, it's the features that get you. Like the fingerprint scanner on the side power button.

    I told myself not to bother upgrading anymore, well not for awhile. Though I've been quietly impressed by Sony's new phones. So might jump on the xperia xz premium. Though lack of an fm module is a bummer.

    Once Sony catchrs up to the rest in terms of getting rid of their awfully large bezels, then I think that will be the phone to keep for sometime. I can't see anything else that will make me jump. Don't play any game on my phone and don't overly care for a better camera.

    Oh and like many have mentioned. Battery life!! Just waiting for the day when the battery lasts one week with constant usage and the charge time is 1hr. I can dream can't I?

    • But don't you miss the magnetic dock from the Z2?
      This is why I haven't upgraded my Z3

  • New features (mostly software), better screen, camera, etc.

    I'm on S8. But I'd be more than happy to continue using my S6 if it had an SD card slot. It is otherwise a fine phone and still good.

  • for android phone, it usually is the battery not functioning anymore.
    For recent apple phone, screen cracks is the reason I have to upgrade.

  • I used an samsung S2 up until a yr or so ago when I gifted it to my Daughter. I now have a 4 yr old HTC which is perfectly fine.

    My post is prefaced is by the statement that I have worked in telcos for 20 plus yrs.

    I know why people buy/lease new phones. They think that they "need" a new phone.They don't know that telcos are continually looking for "killer apps" to hook in the consumer.

    Consumers/Users think its so they can have the latest version. It takes better photos, the apps work quicker, I can use a virtual wallet, I can dial up Menulog, uber eats, I can ask siri how to whatever, I can look at my instagram likes, I can get instant gratification and feel engaged. What they forget is that it uses data over a network.

    In short its a marketing con.

    Its in the best interests of the Telcos to get consumers to update their phones. This is as it allows them to make $$ off the data carriage, not off the value of the phone.

    Carriage is where the $$ are.

    Increase the data usage via increasing the usability of the device with amazing network speeds, makes usage an essentially a continuous micro transaction that ticks over every millisecond whilst the phone is in use.

    Throw in the increasing prevalence of content streaming apps and providers where users pay for content they can have immediately, without having to wait for the DVD, or for it to appear on FTA and you have created a wondrous money creation machine.

    Not to mention that it allows for the data created by the user to be "farmed" for buying preferences and also banking apps so that the user loses touch with the cost of these transactions. The data farmed and collated by all of these lovely apps users sign up for is of itself valuable and is sold on. The petabytes of data is incredibly valuable. I won't speak of any privacy concerns as that is whole different conversation.

    I use my phone for calls/texting, a bit of browsing and some photos. The only app I use is weather. And I turn off GPS.

    • -1

      Thanks Captain Obvious. It took you 20 years to figure that out? lol

  • -2

    Because I'm not poor.

    • Im not poor either funnily enough, I just don't waste $$ on superfluous items that are not needed. I know the difference between want and need. I'm also not in the business of providing smart A$%E responses to genuine efforts to inform users.

      • Its not wasting money if you enjoy using it or owning it. People enjoy different things. Not everyone has the same interests and priorities as you.

        • Thank goodness for that, otherwise I would be out of a job. We rely on people like yourself to keep the lights on.

        • -1

          @Chubbsmcfatflabs: says the guy who wrote a tl;dr explaining it 😂

        • @Orpheus:
          Heard the term troll ?

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