Did anyone win?
Win 1 of 50 VIP Double Passes to Spider-Man: Homecoming (Ade/Bris/Melb/Per/Syd) Worth $100 from Supanova
30 entrants, 1 win (1 unique winner)
Last edited 02/06/2017 - 17:08
Entry Requirements
Complete the entry form, including the answer in 25 WOL to: "Why are you excited for Spider-Man: Homecoming?"
There will be 50 winners (10 from each State), each winning a double pass to a VIP screening of Spider-Man: Homecoming valued at $100, as follows:
1. Sydney on 2 July.
2. Perth on 2 July.
3. Melbourne on 3 July.
4. Brisbane on 3 July.
5. Adelaide on 3 July.If winner is unable to attend the VIP screening on the day, an in-season double pass will be issued instead.
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closed Comments
I got an email from [email protected] that I won a DP to the Preview Screening, not sure if this is from the Supanova competition though as I have entered other competitions for the Homecoming movie.
Confirmed that it's from Supanova and I won :)
congrats Maki :)