This was posted 14 years 6 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Only $20 for an ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Brazilian BBQ! - Melbourne


This is awesome! I'm sick of all the 'body treatment and massage' Scoopons.

Bisq is located on Flinders Lane. The Buffet is normally $49 and some of the food includes skewers of meat, steak and chorizo sausages.

The Fine Print

Valid from 14 September 2010 to 12 March 2011
Bookings essential on (03) 9654 3616
Bookings can be made from 14 September 2010
Subject to availability
1 Scoopon required per person
Maximum of 1 Scoopon redeemable per person

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closed Comments

  • +2

    All you can eat meat for $20, what's not to like?

  • +1

    Reviews haven't been that great for the place, but with a scoupon, its a good time to try.
    too bad I am on a diet.

    • Lol, me too. Tempted to do it anyway though :D Will have to check out the reviews if they aren't that good…

      EDIT: Nope, I'll pass.

      • Don't see many reviews, and those that are on there are about bad service. Still seems worth it.

        • I've been there, it wasn't too bad at all…heaps of food..
          at the end of the night when we where full, they gave my mate the last of a massive chunk of meat, must have been around 1KG surprised we got though it!

  • bad reviews so I think i'll pass..! the Zoupon looks more promising

  • That's Brazillian bbq meat marinated like?

  • +1

    Its South American BBQ. If you have never tried this style of bbq you are missing out :) . Cato: Zoupon LOL

  • +7

    I prefer my wifes Brazlillian!! yummmmmmm

    • +6

      Yeh… Me too.

      • +8

        So how do you know his wife?

        Are you & bonky broad-minded or something?

    • [Insert risque sausage joke here] ;-)

    • +2

      Me and all the boys in the team give his wifes Brazilian a huge thumbs up

    • Real question is… is it all-you-can-eat?

  • +1

    Bad deal for vegetarians !!!

  • Good deal for Non-Vegetarians ! We'll try feature a vegetarian place in the near future :)

    • $20 buys a lot of Tofu…

  • How does this work, can I buy a couple of coupons and we can all eat for the same price? Or can only one person use a coupon per table/group?

    "1 Scoopon required per person
    Maximum of 1 Scoopon redeemable per person"

    All this 'per person' confuses me. :)

    • it seems pretty clear to me…

      "Maximum of 1 Scoopon redeemable per person"

      which part don't you understand ???

      • 5 people at a table, 5 Scoopons required. If 5 people at a table, and only 4 Scoopons, then 1 person has to pay full price. So 1 Scoopon can't cover the whole table.

        infaliible can confirm.

      • OK…

        If I buy 5, can I show up with 5 other people and we all get all you can eat for $20 each? Or, will only one of us get a meal for $20, the rest pay full price?

        I know there was a pizza deal recently that sounded great, until I managed to find specifically that it was for 1 pizza per person per day, so I've been a bit suss on any others.

        That's all.

        Edit: And that's officially weird that we both used 5 people….

        Edit 2: I think the main point of contention that I'm stuck on is the '1 scoopon per person'. Do they count 1 person as in the amount of people eating, or the amount of people paying? Can I hand over 5 scoopons for 5 said people when paying on my own?

        • LOL, yeah not sure why I picked 5.

          If you buy 5, then your table will need 5 people total to maximize this deal. In your example it's you plus 5 making 6. If it were per table, it would say 1 Scoopon per table rather than per person.

          • @neil: Hmm. Fair point. I just saw on another page the following;

            'Maximum of 2 diners per Scoopon
            Maximum of 4 diners per table'

            So clearly they would state if my scenario above was not allowed.

            Thanks for some clarity.

            • @ryang: DAMNIT didnt see that… where does it say that?

              • @wisc: Just for clarity, he (or she) is saying that this IS NOT the case with this deal.

              • @wisc: No no no. Not for this deal. It was for another deal, some Indian restaurant.

                Sorry for the confusion!

                • +1

                  @ryang: whew… after buying 7 guess i'm a bit jumpy!

          • @neil: its not really a coupon its a voucher, so you buy the voucher for each person…

            cant see how they would stop you comming in another day with a voucher if you purchased more than one for yourself. i bought 7 :D… for the family and partners.

        • No, if you buy 5, you can show up with 4 other people and eat for $20 each…

  • Ok guys to clear it up, its just one scoopon per person per visit. max 10 scoopons per member. I myself also bought five. :)

    • But what if I buy 5?

    • +1

      So if 4 members buy 10 scoopons each and bring along 9 guests each making a total of 40 customers with 40 vouchers this would be OK? If so this would be perfect for my staff XMAS break up.

      • My friend called them up as we wanted to see if they could accommodate a big table of 30-40 and they said they could, no problem.

        • +1

          i wonder how many cows will be sacrificed for your mob… :P

  • +3

    I just called them and asked if they had a Vegetarian menu, and they just hung up… :O

    • Good show sir! Good show!

  • +3

    This is a crazy thread with lots of jibberish. Not that complicated.

    1 scoupon costs $20 and gets you 1 pass to the buffet, which covers 1 person.
    2 scoupons cost $40 and gets you 2 passes to the buffet, which covers 2 people.
    3 scoupons co…….. etc

    It's $20 per person for the buffet. When you go to the restaurant, you pay nothing. You each hand over your scoupon, (which you have bought for $20 from scoupon).

  • +3

    J.V: I have just called and spoken with the owner, he apologised and said his phone is going into meltdown because of all the interest this offer has received. He advised me that although they have some meals which cater to vegetarians - Rice dishes , Salads, Chips, they mainly specialise in meat bbq which is also known as Churasco , or similar to Asado if any of you have tried South American BBQ cuisine.

    Just for clarification One Scoopon = One Person all you can eat at this venue,

    If you Purchase ten, then up to ten people can eat all you can eat at this establishment.

    You can purchase up to ten Scoopons per member, and if you wanted to you could visit the establishment up to ten times in single visits as per the terms and conditions.

    • Great to see you followed up on jv's statement.

    • thanks… on behalf of all ozbargain vegeterians…

      I might have to stop eating meat now… I'll give you a "+" for effort though…

  • -2

    ok, so just to clarify… is the food included in this $20?

    • +5

      Don't think so. The $20 is only for entry to the restaurant and one time use of their toilets.

  • Sounds like a good deal, but there doesn't seem to be very good reviews for it, particularly the service :(

    • seemed fine when i went there, cant see anyone else on here with a comment in regards to service, when i was there, i thought id defiantly be back.

  • Wow, 978 ($20K in sales) sold so far, infalliable, is there a set amount before this sells out?

    • might be hard to get a table there now in the next few months…

      • +3

        Yeah, by my calculations, there are 179 days to use this coupon:
        1,021 sales and counting, roughly 6 scoopons per day.
        Realistically, people would use this on Fri/Sat, so that's 48 (if I've calculated this right)
        21 people per Fri or Sat night. Hmmmm..

    • +4

      300 cows will now die :(

  • the reviews ive read are all talk and no substance, its easy to say someone is borderline rude or that service is bad from a keyboard, i wonder how many raised such issues face to face.

  • +2

    Hi Neil,

    This offer is unlimited and will not sell out unless it exceeds 3500 sales based on my calculations.

    3500 / 179 = 19.55 scoopon's per day

    If 50% of these people visit on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday then

    68.42 Scoopons / 3 = 21.47 Customers Per day during busy peak

    The Restaurant is equipped with 110 Seats.

    So it should be fine, I will personally monitor this offer, and if it exceeds 3500, we will look to either Sell it out or Extend the Validity period to cater for all customers.

    • +3

      my god, that's getting close to 1,000 cows !!!

    • OK, thanks infallible. Good to know.

    • +1

      I'd hate to be the .47 customer for the day lol

    • EDIT (to reflect final tally): infalliable, looks it's at 4318.
      4300/48=89.95 per Fri/Sat (worst case scenario)

      Can you extend the deal's expiry (March 12) to fully accommodate people?

  • There's also another Brazilian BBQ at Docklands.…

    Super Tuesdays - Split your bill in half. Went there a few months ago, basically the catch is you require to order a dessert with the all-you-can eat. Works out to $24.50 + $7.50 (Dessert) = $32 pp.

  • -1

    you can use my referral

    • Oh can we now? I don't believe Scoopon gives referral credit.

  • After googling the place, I don't think I'll be going for this to get abused by staff and shafted by the business… .

  • +1

    umm now that well over 1500+ ppl have got this deal i wonder what trying to make a booking would be like for the next 6 months.

  • Well they have 110 seats as mentioned. And they open six days a week. I dont see you having too many issues, I will often goto these places on a wednesday for example to avoid the rush. But this is unavoidable with all good eateries. So nothing new if you goto popular places :)

    • One review says you charge $5 for a can of softdrink - is this right? Your web site is down so I cant look at the menu there

      • +2

        I think infallible is a rep of Scoopon, not the restaurant itself, correct me if I'm wrong :)

        $5 for a can of softdrink is expensive, but I'm sure we can just have water - soft drink makes you a bit more full anyways, and we wouldn't want that in an all-you-can-eat do we? Lol.

  • -2

    I think you would find the cheapest a can of soft drink at most restaurants is about $3.00 to $3.50 . So $5.00 although slightly unreasonable is adequate considering the average cost of meat and consumption for $20.00 dollars. Meats are often slow cooked on coals which is quite a time consuming process. You can always drink water too which is what I might do. Also the sites probably not able to deal with the load its been receiving SydGuy. And I do work for scoopon, not the other way around :) Looks like this one might end at 4000! That is alot of cows!

  • Do Scoopon have a referral program? I can see that you can refer friends, but do you get anything for doing so?

  • Currently we don't have a referral program.

  • For those who bought this voucher, there is an interesting read that Bensoin has posted in the forum,

  • I'll give this deal a negative now, and stress they go to the link above

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