Cheapest they have ever been, finally under $250!
If you want these, buy right now because I can't see them being this price for a while, get in before midnight!
QC25 White Available Here
Soundlink Mini II Here
Enjoy :)
Cheapest they have ever been, finally under $250!
If you want these, buy right now because I can't see them being this price for a while, get in before midnight!
QC25 White Available Here
Soundlink Mini II Here
Enjoy :)
Their pre-discount price is lower than most of the prices of everyone else after discount, crazy.
<$270 for QC25. Over a year ago when MOVE was closing down. Got some in their Adelaide CBD store.
But this deal price now is great value.
Just checking the UPC and these are for Samsung / Android devices.
Does anyone know if theses are for apple or android devices?
Android according to the UPC
Sorry didnt see ur comment, so to clarify both black and white are for android?
Amazing price
Only about 9 remaining according to ebay, get in quick if you want one.
Thanks OP, at that price cant resist the Mini II!
BTW Bose QC25 Black appear to be back in stock just clicking the link.
Awesome, thanks. Been wanting these for ages. Have QC20s already and they're great, so looking forward to trying these out.
Just got a mini…the price drop is hard to resist :) Thanks Op!
Someone scored the qc25 at 23:59:41, that's gold. :)
EDIT: someone got mini at 23:59:59… :/
I got a mini just seconds past midnight. That would've been me probably. :)
I had it locked and paypal decided to say something wrong with my account. Such a pleb service
Daaaaammmnn missed this!
They are back!!
Missed :(~~
Would have pulled the trigger at $239.. but even at $279 is tempting..
(Already spent on wife's ipad.. argh!)
Doesn't work - CRAZIEST code says expired
You are 10 hours late to the party :p
ha ha ha
Was sold out at 34 units last night, then after lunch today, extra 2 units are sold. No wonder I was stuck at payment screen as it wouldn't let me pay for it.
Bring it back, Bill Gates!
Took a plunge & bought one using C5OZ voucher. Not bad but not under $250. :(
At least it's time for me to sell that Logitech UE4000 (free from DSE) that I can't use. :D
Got my QC25 today. Loving it.
Bring it back!!!!
Amazing price, great find. I've never seen QC25 deal below $270 and cheapest Soundlink Mini II deal seen as well.