- deals almost everyday

Not sure if its just me…but im beginning to get sick of seeing 'bargains' from almost everyday. I know ~ some say, its helpful as they post only the 'good' apps, but now i see them almost everyday. So why not just get people to check it everyday as they do with Ozbargain?

Whats your thoughts about it?


  • .

  • What ever you do don't neg them, or you will get the harsh word…
    Apparently I'm not even allowed to comment on it any more. Each to their own and all that, but this smacks of fanboi-ism. I'm probably gonna get banned for saying that…

    • Stumo - get a life - why would you be banned from doing what I have ordered (LOL) you to do.

      You were told to discuss this issue in the forums, you are now doing what you were "ordered" to do.

      As you are now a good boy, you wont get smacked.

      So rant on - just keep it clean and dont get too personal. Discuss the issues with these daily bargains, but remember if we set new rules - which personally I think maybe in order. It goes for all daily bargains like Scoopon, ouffer offer me and those pesky ps3 and xbox deals from the UK.

      Which doesnt mean I am picking on these in reaction to criticism of postings on apps. Its just that setting guidelines need to be consistent. Something you dont understand. You see me as picking on you. I do the same on other deals. I can deals you dont even see, or will ever see.

      All I ask is that before you react or take things personally. Take a breath or two reread what is said and sometimes you'll see its a message about policy rather than the product..

      Exactly on this specific product - free apps for iphone/ipad/ipod, if I want to know about these I can just look at the Freeappaday site myself. Likewise I can do the same with Scoopon etc

      Discuss away (BTW this freeappaday site has android free apps too)

      Oh and look at your bias too. Here was a point you made which was quite legitmate AND valid for a negative vote, but you didn't use it.

      and notice my agreement to you there - with negative vote

      and the OP was a mod!!

      The difference is that in this case the comment and reason is clear to everyone that the deal isnt much of a deal and WHY, rather than some little rant on too many posts.

      • +1

        At least that skype deal wasn't just regurgitation from those other sites. I agree that something needs to be done for all these sites.

        I've noticed stuff being copy paste from a certain similar site, maybe some users want to get their deal count up.

        But even you got wrongly challenged for your neg on the skype deal, you can see why using negs doesn't really work on freebies.

        We need a properly defined spam rule that includes regurgitation.

        • We need a properly defined spam rule that includes regurgitation

          I violently agree and we need opinions on this.

          May I suggest you raise this in the Announcements forum. Maybe Bob will raise the issues there as well. that way it gets to more of the mods and other community members, so they can understand your points of view and come up with ideas that might work.

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