OzBargain Exclusive Deal: Get upto 3 months of FREE managed cloud hosting worth $33 by signing up for a free account on Cloudways platform. This means you can run $11/m Vultr (1core/1GB Ram/25GB Storage/1TB Bandwidth) instance free for 3 months.
Cloudways basically provides managed cloud hosting platform, whereas DigitalOcean, AWS, Vultr, Kyup (container) and Google Cloud provides an infrastructure. Our services include management of not just server but application as well. We are not competing with DigitalOcean and others, but providing our services on top of their servers. There are several other features as well and you can view key features over here: https://www.cloudways.com/en/features.php . In case you have any other questions you may also chat with our customer success team via 24/7 live chat.
Note: All prices are in USD.
Why do u need to click the to chat to finish registration and what's the normal free period?