A Cheap (but Good Sounding) MP3 Player for Exercising at The Gym

Hey - thanks for checking out my post.

I want something cheap and hopefully small to play music at the gym.

I want drag and drop functionality, I cannot stand itunes/apple products.

Don't really want to use my phone, worried it will have a weight dropped on it.

I once purchased a cheapo telstra phone to try and do it… but it made the audio output quality terrible - plus a pain in the ass to change songs.

Pretty much something like this: Except I don't like the price of $89 bucks when you only get 4gb of space.


Appreciate all the help.


Thank you for the dozens of helpful people who had some great suggestions.

I ended up buying a Philips 8GB Mp3 Player

With the eBay Deals I got it for $55 bucks.

I had a few top contenders, but I picked this because I liked the design of the item more and the interface looks clean.

Thanks greatly to nismo for all his help - he went above and beyond.

Listen - to anyone who got upset / salty about this forum, come on mate… I'm just another moron on the internet, why get worked up over petty stuff? Go exercise, have a flogg, relieve some of that stress…

Thanks to all the ozbargain community - your all beautiful in your own way.


    • I've been given a few good suggestions - fingers crossed I make a good choice in the end.

      The whole situation makes me feel like I'm asking for a VHS player when everyone has DVD's… man I'm getting old…

      • +4

        you mean when everyone has netflix? :p

        • +1

          No Netflix around here mate - the copper cable is as old as vikings, be quicker to download stuff via courier pigeon.

  • +1

    You should just demand the gym to play whatever you want. The trick is to much more swoll than the guy/girl at the counter.

    • They kinda do with spotify selection, but thats only good when no one else touches it… and even then they hide all the 'naughty' ones or don't have a top selection.

  • +4

    Sandisk Sansa clip

    I am on my second one (broke the first by standing on it) and have been using them for years for running. 4GB one cost about $50 but you can add a 32G micro SD card. It's tiny, clips on the belt so you don't even notice it is there. Battery lasts forever.

    • thanks for the suggestion, punters here have been hit and miss about sandisk stuff… but hey its still a few pointing in its direction

      • I don't really understand the hate for it - for me it is brilliant Little device that will meet your needs perfectly

        • Yeah mate it's still in my list, just need to see if there's a good company I can buy one from if I decide on one.

          Thanks mate.

    • This was excellent for me too. Can install rockbox on it if you want better firmware.

      can vouch battery was crazy

      • Was disappointed to find that the latest one I bought (Jam) doesn't support rockbox, but the native interface works fine

  • +2

    Just don't go to gym! you will save more, both on mp3 and on gym membership.

    • +2

      I have concerns if I don't go to the gym I'll be like that creepy guy sitting in a booth at KFC drilling in 9 pieces for 9.95 wheezing with chicken grease all over my face… thanks all the same.

      • +6

        Stop body-shaming me.

        • +1

          Supermarket $8 chicken in a bag & kfc greasy deals - building warriors on a budget since 2016

      • Well you mean if you stop going to the gym you'll be that fat guy eating the 9 piece chicken deal because no way you are going to pass up cheap chicken!

  • +1

    Xduoo X2 from eBay. $58.74.
    32 GB SD card ~ $16.

    Then you will want Xduoo X3 and 128 GB cards and will start recoding your CDs to FLAC :)
    Have three :)

    Excellent sound.

    • I'll give it a look up and check it out - thanks for your suggestion.

  • I'm pretty sure this is a troll post

    Also, what about a 2nd hand Microsoft Zune? It was actually pretty decent but Apple crushed it

    • Um …. yours …. or mine!

      • -1

        Sorry yeah I meant the original forum post

        • OK. Yours :)

          Reckon OP has made a reasonable request.

          Not a gym guy anymore,however I love excellent portable sound.

          Those Xduoo FLAC players are great gear.
          Have 1xX2 and 3xX3,plus several pairs of IEMs,2 x K712,etc,etc.
          It's a disease I tell ya!

          An X2, AKG N2 or N20U IEM and a 32GB SD card (or two) comes in ~ $200 and really sounds excellent.

          OP just requires X2 and a 32GB card or two. Round his budget.

    • How is me asking for a cheap good quality mp3 player a troll?

      I had a zune back in the day, left it on a window sill on a hot summer day and it started smoking…

      Also not wanting 2nd hand ebay stuff, thanks all the same.

      • +11

        It's a troll post because you've come along asking for something and then poo pooed almost every idea from everyone but in a douchey manner

        iPod. No
        Zune. No
        Phone. No
        Armband. No
        eBay. No
        Sandoval. No
        Bluetooth headphones. No

        • +9

          Lol jesus… When is saying no thanks being a douche?

          I honestly should tell people to learn to bloody read.

          I'm lost for words on how much people get upset over a forum post like this.

        • -4


          "hated my friends set and far too expensive for what you get"
          "too wank and gets in the way"
          "don't have spotify/don't want spotify."
          "don't really want to muck around with secondhand gear and then play programmer."
          "don't like how much effort it is with apple products when it comes down to installing software which always wants to update, sync and just be annoying"
          "carrying in a bag next to me doing a set isn't my cup of tea"
          "something cheap / 2nd hand on ebay is probably something thats been in the washing machine"

          It might just be a sarcastic sense of humour

        • +2

          @jellykingdom: nah mate don't read too much into it, I'm just trying to reply to everyone.

          I've been given some great suggestions in here mate - not everything has been crossed off the list.

          I should have been more specific when I wrote the starter… But I didn't want to write war and peace either.

          Thanks all the same.

  • +1

    Can't you put your phone in a position so that you wouldn't have to worry about droping weights on it? i.e. underneath the bench, outside the squat rack.

    • +1

      Yeah, in my gym bag in the storage area.

      • Ah k, much more likely to get stolen than broken there then

        • Nah mate, my gym isn't in the Bronx lol, all proper storage ports and you can view it around the gym.

  • +2

    Get one of these for $1. It uses a MiniSD card & a AAA battery. Lasts forever and sound is decent enough.

    • +1

      $1 is for the yellow bag tho :)

    • For that price you could buy a dozen lol - how decent is the sound tho?

      • They aren't bad. You're not going to get full bass notes on it but it's going to be sufficient for most places

        • I'll give it a gander - thanks for your suggestion and a link.

          Have a good weekend champ.

  • +1

    I just use my phone and place it near me, with bluetooth headphones. Have taken my phone into the gym for years and never dropped a weight on my phone.

    You could always just listen to your gym's stereo like lots of others do.

    • I watched a fat gorilla get his phone stepped on by another gym patron 3 weeks ago.

      I've tried to be nice to people responding, but sorry - I want an mp3 player, not Bluetooth headphones.

  • +1

    Think i paid $15 for my Bluetooth headphones and i have music on my smart watch. Watch comes off when i bench and sits on my bag. works a treat but more than you wanna spend.

    Aren't there like sub $20 phones with mp3 playback available from supermarkets… you know those dumb phones

    • I've tried to be nice to people responding, but sorry - I want an mp3 player, not Bluetooth headphones.

      Also in my description I tired a Telstra phone and the sound was really muffled up and kinda like low bitrate sounding? I don't know how to explain it - voices sounded more robotic.

  • +3

    OP, do you already have a pair of good sounding headphones? The $89 Sony from JB includes a nasty set so you would still need to buy a good pair.
    Sony also make a walkman MP3 player embedded in a headset, which may be ideal for you meaning you'd only have a compact set on yourself while exercising. You may be able to find an old model on clearance somewhere, as these weren't hugely popular.


    • Thanks for the suggestion, had another friendly person suggest those also.

      I've got a few earphones - but not sure which will be good after a litre of sweat is over them.

  • +2

    A few comments about liking Apple devices but just not wanting to use iTunes. You can copy music to an iPod without iTunes…. Lots of different ways…. Quick google is your friend eg https://youtu.be/Ho0jmUqQK-A

    So, cheap nano may be an option. Otherwise could consider a Samsung gear fit - can store music etc on and will track heart rate etc when exercising….. Outside your budget, but it does other things that may make it worth considering…..

    • I wanted a more simple option, if it ain't drag and drop then it's too much effort.

      Thanks all the same.

      • Yep, had seen your previous comment "I like the style and how compact apple products are - I just hate itunes and the software required to install simple tracks", and thought you may not be aware that you can in fact just drag & drop music onto an ipod without iTunes or any other special software (which is what the youtube link pointed to). Just need to enable 'view hidden files' so you can see the ipod_control\music folder. You could even setup a link on your desktop to make it even easier to click and drag music when you plug the thing in…. just saying.

        Your call of course, but $49 gets you a brand new iPod shuffle - granted only 2Gb, but that can hold a fair amount of stuff. A new Nano is 16GB and does bluetooth plus has a screen, but is also three times the price.

        • Ended up getting a philips 8gb thingy for $55 on an ebay deal - thanks for the input tho… I was tempted with the video, but hopefully this is just as easy

  • +2

    I went through this for about a year. What I discovered. The market is polarized. You can either get cheap useless crap that you either need to replace too often or it doesn't work. Then there's the expensive options. The thought of spending $200+ to avoid Apply didn't make sense to me, but JB has some if you want to go down that route.

    In the end I found the tiny iPod shuffle combined with a program called CopyTrans Manager was as good and cheap as I was going to get. No need to use iTunes. While it takes a little longer than I'd like to copy the files over, it's simple drag and drop, a few mins later you're ready to go.

    If you find a better and cheaper option, I'm all ears.

    • Downloading another program just to use it is just as much of a pain.

      There's been a few good suggestions in the thread if you avoid all the hate posts - the market is dry, only old 2014era stock or asia brands remain for the cheap stuff…

      Wish me luck.

  • +1

    Benjie s5. Awesome player.

    • I'll give it a look, thanks champ.

      • EBay or AliExpress

  • iPod nano shuffle

    • +1


      • -4

        Seriously if iTunes is too hard for you to figure out then maybe you should stick with an FM radio. You're not going to be able to work out some Chinese junk that plays the same song starting with A every time you turn it on and crashes whenever it encounters a format it doesn't like. Anyway, whatever, A+ trolling pal.

        • I have more than one computer, don't want to install itunes on everything I use.

          You should upset over a forum post - maybe go outside mate and get some fresh air.

  • +1

    leave your phone in your bag and use Bluetooth headphones.

    • +1

      Yeah mate already replied to a dozen other people saying this, no thanks.

  • +1

    Buy a cheap/used ipod and put ROckobox onto it.

    • +1

      Yeah mate already replied to a dozen other people saying this, no thanks.

  • +2

    I totally understand your frustration.
    I use a Phillips go gear mp3 player and a sony walkman mp3 player myself. I find the sony player more practical as it has the plug in usb style which comes very handy to charge and store/change songs.
    With the Phillips you need a charging micro usb cable which i find is a hassle.
    But there are not many choices and I am also not a fan of using the phone with bluetooth headphones.

    • Yeah mate — someone who gets my pain - this new ebay promo might open up my options, but lets see how we go.

      how do you find the interface on both of them?

      Thanks mate.

  • +1

    Buy a small cheap Android phone (with Bluetooth if you want to go wireless) and microSD card expansion. Without a SIM card, it can be used as an MP3 player only. Buy a music player app that has graphic equaliser settings to tune your desired sound.

    • yeah sorry, already tried that option first with a telstra phone, the quality was horrible, bitrate? made voices sound like robots… maybe I was just unlucky at the time.

      • Yeah might be a bit difficult to find a cheap phone with decent sound output. Look for a phone/app that supports HQ MP3 files. There should be some around. You will also need decent headphones to get the best of sound to your ears.

        • But the phone still POWERS the earphones; if it's a cheap-ass phone, it'll use cheap-ass components.

        • @KLoNe: Yep that's why I said "find a cheap phone with decent sound output".

  • +2

    Was in the same situation. Got a Fiio M3 from Addicted to Audio (Aussie based).

    It's a bit small but has microSD support and great audio quality.

    • +1

      Excellent FLAC player.

    • It was going to be my second choice, only draw back was the interface.

      I got myself a philips 8gb thingy for $55.

      Thanks for the input all the same

  • +1

    Any of the Fiio options are likely your best bet since you seem to care about sound quality,

    Personally I use Plantronics Backbeat Fit, or Jabra Move headphones with my phone. I really don't know how you would manage to drop weights on your phone but I'm imagining your doing a lot more circuits or intensity things and moving around a lot. I use an Iphone SE at the moment with one of the prime advantages being that it's easy to keep on/around me during physical activity. I used to use an arm strap before I had BT headphones.

    A phone is a great distraction and timer for those 3-5min set breaks during heavy/powerlifting sets too, are you using a watch or such for a set timer?

    • Fiio M3 was going to be my second choice - got myself a 20% deal on a philips 8gb thing for $55.

      I got a Huawei Mate 9 — its a great phone, a big bloody screen. I'm not wearing stripper shorts but the thing sticks out like budge in budgie smugglers — even a pair of adidas tracksuit pants with short pockets… I've had it drop out a few times - its a gamble you don't want to play.

      But phones are too much of a distraction, I'm not a confrontational person… but I could slap the sweat off an ape if he's sitting there on a bench watching a youtube video for 6 minutes.

      But your right, I'm more for intensity, lift, short breaks, get in, get out.

      Thanks for the input tho.

  • +1

    Thank you for the dozens of helpful people who had some great suggestions.

    I ended up buying a Philips 8GB Mp3 Player

    With the eBay Deals I got it for $55 bucks.

    I had a few top contenders, but I picked this because I liked the design of the item more and the interface looks clean.

    Thanks greatly to nismo for all his help - he went above and beyond.

    Listen - to anyone who got upset / salty about this forum, come on mate… I'm just another moron on the internet, why get worked up over petty stuff? Go exercise, have a flogg, relieve some of that stress…

    Thanks to all the ozbargain community - your all beautiful in your own way.

    • +1

      Give us a review when it comes in!

    • I have the same player except the 4GB version. I picked it up sometime back at Dicksmith. Its pretty hassle free except you need a cable to charge/upload data.
      The sound quality is definitely very good with a good pair of headphones. I personally use Xiaomi in ear headphones in the gym but recently also picked up a pair of in ear headphones from woolworths (random off the shelf for $12) which pleasantly surprised me with their sound quality.

  • I use these and love em! (Walkman, waterproof, battery life is good, super convenient)


  • These are great: https://www.sandisk.com/home/mp3-players

    Very lightweight and tiny. Won't even notice you have it on you.

  • I must look like a right prick with my Iphone 7 Plus in my jock strap at the waist,(my gym shorts often dont have pockets) listening to Spotify. THats the main reason I wouldnt get a MP3 playe rnow though, cause I just listen to spotify..

  • I've just been skimming through this thread and think it's an interesting problem you've stumbled upon Dazza102.

    This is a bit of a hole in the market and a potential opportunity for a good product to fill it.

    Ideally when working out you want to listen to your favourite playlist with decent quality audio and comfortable headphones/player combination - as you've said in your criteria that rules out bulky phones, bulky headsets and clunky iTunes.

    I'm surprised there seems to be such a hole in this market. I think this where the iPod took off many years ago and made Steve Jobs god-like but there is a huge catch with the Apple ecosystem.

    • +1

      Not many people buy an additional device for music though.

      The kind of people who would buy an additional device for music tend to be audiophiles and they prioritise performance. They are the ones who will shell out more for the DAP than a new phone. So DAP (digital audio player) market tend to have either big devices that perform really well or small devices that performs relatively well, both will cost a fortune. Plus higher price leads to higher demand in the audiophile market.

      Other than older models that were released before, I can't think of cheap MP3 players that are just MP3 players. The Philips one that Dazza102 bought is from 2013. The one that I was recommending, Fiio M3, supports hi res stuff, so it's not just an MP3 player in my opinion. I guess, though, DAP is a fancy way of calling an MP3 player, almost.

      Anyways, not many companies produce a cheap "MP3 Player". The market has become what digital camera market is like, high end devices are the only ones that are different enough from smartphones to warrant a market. At least in my opinion.

  • The best "cheap" mp3 player is the Sansa Clip+, if you can find it. :)

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