Where Do You Buy Your Honey?

I'm looking for people who have their own hives, for about $10 a bucket of honey. There was a guy in East Melb-ish area though my notes are missing. In the past some others said they get pretty good and cheap honey from the markets or small suppliers, though no one is willing to share, and gumtree no longer has honey listings.


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    Try searching on facebook for am local Buy and sell page and post on there to see if anyone sells honey.
    my local one has people selling various foods they make might be worth a look if you have a facebook group with enough people in it.

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    Guy around the corner has a flowhive. :)

  • Local market near me has an apiarist selling his goods .

  • +3

    Where do you buy your Honey?

    My wife would not be impressed if I tell you how I bought her.

  • Around $10 a bucket? I want that too now

  • Maybe not helpful for you in Melbs OP (or maybe it is… read on!), but I just saw a whole bunch of sizes of honey for sale in Bowral Salvos in NSW, made by Harden's House of Honey (check FB). Thought the prices were decent - $10 for 1kg, 3kg for $27 or 15kg for $120. I reckon they'd post it to you if you asked nicely

    Other than that, try farmers markets or country markets on weekends - you're bound to find a local selling the good stuff. And damn you dasher86, nearly clicked on that link at work…

  • +1

    Aldi, though we only occasionally use it for glazes and cough remedies.

    • that is pure honey

  • I buy my honey from bulk grocery stores, my local is Eka wholefoods (Inner West Melbourne). They also have black molasses and agave on tap as well.

  • This brand might be worth staying away from:
    Capilano Honey: Poisonous and toxic honey investigation

    • +1

      This is very concerning. I always trusted the 100% australian honey claim on the Capilano label. I know there are other honey brands that have the label "made in Australia from local and imported ingredients" and I stay clear of them.
      Other concerning fact buying honey at the markets is that there are very unscrupulous operators that buy cheap imported honey in bulk, repackage it in smaller jars and sell it as local produce posing as the beekepers/producers.

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    Yep highly recommend getting bee hives, we have three and they require no maintenance. We bought our bees from a guy selling honey at a local farmers market.

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      I looked into backyard honey but it would have cost 1k-ish!

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        Perhaps you can find some old hives? The next thing is to make sure you feed them in the winter otherwise they will die. This happened to us and we lost $200 worth of bees.

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    I just steal it from the bee's.

  • Probably the best bet would be the farmers markets. There are honey sellers at Daylesford. My boss has a couple of hives his missus tends to and I sometimes get honey from them.

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