Picked this up on the weekend for $19, activates on Battle.NET
Cheapest I could find a key online was approx $23-24AUD.
[EDIT] Entered price in title (oops, new to ozb)
Picked this up on the weekend for $19, activates on Battle.NET
Cheapest I could find a key online was approx $23-24AUD.
[EDIT] Entered price in title (oops, new to ozb)
Mine is still sealed, with the damn receipt cooked off like an old fax but you can just make out $28, 12/06/16. It was from HN.
Tice in Pritle m8
Do they send you a code via email?
Since it's EBGames, i assume they mail you a box?
Unless you go in-store?
is this worth getting when you consider sc1 remastered is due out soon? I've only played sc2 before the expansions were released.
if you've played sc2 then it's worth it for legacy of the void at this price. a lot of entertainment for $19 and if you have friends over it allows you to host a game with a guest if you have 2 PCs
na thats original sc. the remastered version is yet to come out.
Its been $19 at JB Hifi months ago buddy. You have much to learn padawan.
For anyone who hasn't played, the new Starcraft 2 battlechest (which includes all 3 parts) is selling for $30 at EB as well. an additional $11 for Void.