This is simply a whinge. Cannot find the only key I have for my '02 AU Ford.
The trail of evidence has an eyewitness confirmed sighting on the kitchen bench late Saturday afternoon. The car is locked and was last used Saturday morning. The kitchen bench was a mess. On Sunday morning I cleaned up (in a masculine manner - meaning it is now less messy) the bench and do not recall seeing the keys.
Three children also inhabit the residence. A friend of my son's was present Saturday afternoon for at least an hour after the last confirmed sighting. The elder two children unlocked the back door Sunday evening to retrieve ice cream from the downstairs fridge. Both recall using the non-Ford set of keys.
Last night we went through the effing rubbish.
RACQ reckon they can unlock it for us but that's all. My local mechanic says if we have the owner's manual and some code is still on the door he can probably code another key. The expense of the alternative does not bear consideration. #^%#&& Bryan Byrt Ford and their single key (and my cheapness over the years for not making a copy).
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